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Top 10 Clubs in the World (DJ Mag)

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My top ten clubs in the U.S.

I was chillin' at Crobar last week with the usual peeps and a discussion about the hottest clubs in the U.S. came up. Here is (after some heated discussion) the top ten list (feel free to agree or disagree):

1. Circa, Rochelle Park, NJ-what else would be #1? It has the best food, the strongest drinks, the best crowd, vibe, and bartenders (thanks George and Marco!) of anywhere in the United States.

2. Crobar, NYC-beautiful club, good DJ's, friendly atmosphere

3. Space, Miami- unreal if you haven't been there.

4. Merge, Seaside Heights, NJ- Richie Rydell and the Merge/Metro/Circa family-DOWN THE SHORE!!!!

5. Temptations, Seaside Heights, NJ- Denny Tsettos and vibe, enough said!!!

6. Avalon, Boston-nice club, great DJ's

7. Arc, NYC-Danny T on Friday's, superstar DJ's on Saturdays. So sad to see it go.

8. Joey's in Clifton-If you've been there on a Sunday (or Friday for that matter), you'd understand.

9. Roxy, Boston- sick looking club, good vibe.

10. Spirit, NYC-DJ Boris ripping it up in the main room, so much potential!!!!

lol, I actually thought you were serious for a second...I need to get more sleep

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crobar in chicago

space terrace miami (the actual club is smaller than most think, but the terrace is great)

crobar NY ( if they had places for us peasants to sit)

pacha ibiza

nikki beach-because of the vibe

space ibiza

bora bora ibiza- does this count, if it does its my #1

Note: im going to check out guvernment toronto in july

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it's true european nightlife has surpassed nyc ........i wonder y

We have more diversity in the US, well my opinion anyway. Most clubs now are hip hop lounges. Thats the trendy place to go.

Why will NYC never make that list. Go down by Space and Nocturnal in Miami. The whole street is blocked off and you hear music pumpin out in the streets. No one really bothers you or the clubs. How often do you hear clubs being raided in Miami or anywhere else really.

Basically the gov't of NY/NJ has a stick up its ass and it tight on everything. Anything fun is deemed illegal. It must be part of the mayor's oath to shut down as many clubs as possible. So if you owned a club how far would you go to make it some incredible sapce when first you have to worry about getting shut down and losing your multimillion dollar investment and second you have to worry about just surviving. A spot is great one week, the next its a UPS warehouse again.

As far as the UK being ahead of us in music. That they are and always will be. The reason things come out last in the NYC area is just how it was said in an interview i heard i think it was Jon Bon Jovi. "the reason music is released last in NYC is because once you make it big in NY there is nowhere else to go but down its the biggest market in the world"

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