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Was 9/11 A Conspiracy By Our Government?

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I _did_ check the video you put on your main topic. Now the question is did you read what serious scientists using rigorous thinking say in the link I posted?

I was nowhere near convinced by the arguments used in the conspiracy video, most of them are debunked using science and logic on the site I posted. The rest was little out-of-context circumstantial facts told with a very deep and serious voice over cliche music, and very bad physics.

The link I provided should help you read through the conspiracy-junk, unless you're one of those folks who just won't change their mind whatever we put in front of them. In which case you need to read what Karl Popper has to say about unfalsifiable theories.


i've already seen that but ur just gonna believe this channel when there are plenty of other sources and factual channels?(discovery,history channel, all the news channels..etc)but obviously you don't know what your talkin about because my best friends dad who lives in the city was told by a cop or cab driver (cant remember who) before the attacks happened that he should stay out of that area and so were a couple of others....don't you find that a bit fuckin weird!? so trust me im not followin any bullshyt im just out there researchin and lookin for the truth

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i've already seen that but ur just gonna believe this channel when there are plenty of other sources and factual channels?(discovery,history channel, all the news channels..etc)but obviously you don't know what your talkin about because my best friends dad who lives in the city was told by a cop or cab driver (cant remember who) before the attacks happened that he should stay out of that area and so were a couple of others....don't you find that a bit fuckin weird!? so trust me im not followin any bullshyt im just out there researchin and lookin for the truth

Well, I'm not going to spend too much time on this, but you don't seem to understand that the Physics in your little documentary is just wrong, but the one in the PBS doc is correct (and yes I have a College degree in Physics). You are talking about "believing that channel", well, the fun thing you see is that you don't have to *believe* science, you have to *learn* and *understand* it. I just don't think you do. Also, a class in Probabilities would help.

Looking for the truth is good, but you have to use the correct tool: substitute credulity with intelligence.

And your little comment about that taxi driver has been around and around and debunked as many times ... you're either trolling or you're just ... oh well.

Good luck with everything, I'm done with this pointless thread.

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i've already seen that but ur just gonna believe this channel when there are plenty of other sources and factual channels?(discovery,history channel, all the news channels..etc)but obviously you don't know what your talkin about because my best friends dad who lives in the city was told by a cop or cab driver (cant remember who) before the attacks happened that he should stay out of that area and so were a couple of others....don't you find that a bit fuckin weird!? so trust me im not followin any bullshyt im just out there researchin and lookin for the truth

LMAO, my bestfriends cousins uncle who roomates with darthvader told me that his aunt knows someone who said they read nostradamus' book and told them to tell me that something was going to happen in the future...

so youre telling me that, that person had knowledge that something extremely awful was going to happen that was going to endanger many lives and have extreme fatalities and they did nothing about it??? wow, thats just crazy...

i love how all these conspiracy theorists love to play monday morning quarterback, if youre so good at piecing things together why not do it before they happen???

again, ive always been interested in conspiracy theories and things of that nature, just do a search under my sn and the word "conspiracy" and youll find several threads about this and many other topics... i just havent seen anything thats really swayed me to believe this is absolutely true... a lot of the facts are taken out of context, and are piece together to try and sway you... in any event, the beauty of this country is that you can believe and saw whatever you want, and more importantly research whatever you like... so my question to you is.... how much research have you done on your own in regards to this??? (not taking other ppls research and reports and making them your but you yourself how much time and energy have you put into this??? have you done any research? if so please let me know what you found, and cite the sources that you used... i am definately interested...)

but nobody has addressed my conspiracy theory on the black out... what are your thoughts on that???

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i've already seen that but ur just gonna believe this channel when there are plenty of other sources and factual channels?(discovery,history channel, all the news channels..etc)but obviously you don't know what your talkin about because my best friends dad who lives in the city was told by a cop or cab driver (cant remember who) before the attacks happened that he should stay out of that area and so were a couple of others....don't you find that a bit fuckin weird!? so trust me im not followin any bullshyt im just out there researchin and lookin for the truth


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LMAO, my bestfriends cousins uncle who roomates with darthvader told me that his aunt knows someone who said they read nostradamus' book and told them to tell me that something was going to happen in the future...

to backupqueen u really remind me of my geeky science professor who think's he's always right and never wrong (who says scientists don't make mistakes?). goin back to this post well lemme ask you somethin..... have u urself done any research on this subject? ok so i'll admit that i have not researched this subject completely but i have my beliefs, they have mentioned on cnn's anderson cooper 360 that 90% of the people believed that this was done by the govn't( i know you'll probably say those arn't facts since your such a skeptic) but look around you, this has been featured internationally on BBC news and other places in the world, of course the news never really mentioned it because they didnt want people to know. By the way u don't need to throw this shyt right back in my face like im some idiot. With that said, your telling me that u believe Bush the guy who doesnt know what he's talkin about half of the fuckin time (Karl rove apparently is Bush's brain) and the gov't is that what ur sayin?? did u even know that George W Bush, Kerry, Hugh Heffner were cousins? and that they were all in skull and bones aka the place where politicians held satanic rituals and sacrifices. Look on that dollar bill for chris sakes! its written right in front of your nose the illuminati and New World Order (written in latin)......

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to backupqueen u really remind me of my geeky science professor who think's he's always right and never wrong (who says scientists don't make mistakes?). goin back to this post well lemme ask you somethin..... have u urself done any research on this subject? ok so i'll admit that i have not researched this subject completely but i have my beliefs, they have mentioned on cnn's anderson cooper 360 that 90% of the people believed that this was done by the govn't( i know you'll probably say those arn't facts since your such a skeptic) but look around you, this has been featured internationally on BBC news and other places in the world, of course the news never really mentioned it because they didnt want people to know. By the way u don't need to throw this shyt right back in my face like im some idiot. With that said, your telling me that u believe Bush the guy who doesnt know what he's talkin about half of the fuckin time (Karl rove apparently is Bush's brain) and the gov't is that what ur sayin?? did u even know that George W Bush, Kerry, Hugh Heffner were cousins? and that they were all in skull and bones aka the place where politicians held satanic rituals and sacrifices. Look on that dollar bill for chris sakes! its written right in front of your nose the illuminati and New World Order (written in latin)......

again reread what i wrote, im not a skeptic, and i didnt say i believe bush...

lastly; now youre getting all your conspiracy theories mixed together... lets focus on one at a time. more importantly you commented earlier on me being a "geeky science proffessor" so i take it your read all my posts, hung out with me, and spoken to most of the ppl i know in order to get that impression or did you just take 5 posts taken from one thread to pass judgement???

but on a final note, after youve done your own research and are able to present the facts in an unbiased fashion... please share your findings...

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Any government being able to kill it's own people so it has a reason to go to war with another country to kill more people so we can fill up our SUV's with their oil is something I would NOT put past Bush.

and this is why we're paying 3.50 a gallon right now, right?

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again reread what i wrote, im not a skeptic, and i didnt say i believe bush...

lastly; now youre getting all your conspiracy theories mixed together... lets focus on one at a time. more importantly you commented earlier on me being a "geeky science proffessor" so i take it your read all my posts, hung out with me, and spoken to most of the ppl i know in order to get that impression or did you just take 5 posts taken from one thread to pass judgement???

but on a final note, after youve done your own research and are able to present the facts in an unbiased fashion... please share your findings...

do u know how to read?the science joke wasnt directed to u lol but ok i might be a bit all over the place but the truth is that it all connects if u put one and one together. Your telling me that the major newspapers or articles that were shown in the video wernt' facts? whatever though i was just trying to make a point that why should we have to trust this government when they could be fuckin with us?making us pay for every little shyt out there so that in the end u dont truly know where that money goes, well right now its goin for the war and thats not lookin too great but honestly the government and president have always been shady using excuses for doing things that we shouldn't have gotten ourselves involved in in the first place. And im not being biased im lookin at everything that has been mentioned with democrats and republicans im not tryin to side with anyone like they do.

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you started off this thread by saying you wanted to have a discussion, however anytime someone tries to bring up points or reply you shoot them down, and or dismiss their posts... you havent even addressed half of the things i asked earlier in the thread...

in the end, ppl will believe what they want to believe...

like queen said earlier, youre either trolling around or really have nothing to offer... theres no point in continuing this "discussion" with you...

good luck to you.

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you started off this thread by saying you wanted to have a discussion, however anytime someone tries to bring up points or reply you shoot them down, and or dismiss their posts... you havent even addressed half of the things i asked earlier in the thread...

in the end, ppl will believe what they want to believe...

like queen said earlier, youre either trolling around or really have nothing to offer... theres no point in continuing this "discussion" with you...

good luck to you.

well obviously theres no point in continuing this discussion because either you or queen are responding to me so that doesnt make it a fair discussion to begin with when its only one sided, so yea if most of the people here are with you, and i got no one backing me up on certain things then there's no point. i havent shot anyones points down, i would say thats wat u did with me,and like i said the reason i didn't answer what u mentioned is because yes i havent researched this whole thing, and if you don't want to believe anything then i could care less i'm just putting this out there as for it to maybe be a valid evidence,not that you've watched the video anyway because your probably too much of a skeptic to believe the "theories".

here's a link that does have facts http://www.wanttoknow.info/9-11 if u look at the homepage on there this is what it says

"We encourage you to be skeptical in exploring this information. Some of what you read may at first seem quite unbelievable. Yet we also encourage you to do a little research using the reliable sources provided and determine for yourself whether there is truth to the information provided. As some of the material can be difficult to digest, we invite you to explore this website at a pace that is appropriate for you. If you find yourself having a difficult reaction, consider taking a break and possibly enjoying some of the excellent inspirational articles and resources provided in the left column of every page to keep things in perspective."

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have to go with backupqueen on this. it HAS been proven by science. A picture on some myspace page or geocities website does not carry enough weight to deny the hard scientific evidence.

Why was the collapse contained in such a relatively small area?

because the towers did not "collapse" all at once, they collapsed one floor at a time which has been proven over and over.

Why did tower 7 collapse in the afternoon when it was never hit?

All of the steam, gas, and electricity for the WTC was based in the pit, tower 7 was destroyed due to massive explosions in the basement area AND damage from Debris.

The marriott was destroyed as well and was not hit

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my best friends dad who lives in the city was told by a cop or cab driver (cant remember who) before the attacks happened that he should stay out of that area and so were a couple of others....don't you find that a bit fuckin weird!?

hahahahahahahahahaha....your best friend's dad must have hooked that cabbie up with some huge ass tip to get that type of information....wtf :laugh:

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What a piece of shit ... science at the rescue: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/wtc

This "documentary" is really lacking intellectual rigor and integrity.

he hit it right on the head here

NOVA: You've pointed out that structural steel loses about half its strength at 1,200°F, yet even a 50 percent loss of strength is insufficient, by itself, to explain the collapse.

Eagar: Well, normally the biggest load on this building was the wind load, trying to push it sideways and make it vibrate like a flag in the breeze. The World Trade Center building was designed to withstand a hurricane of about 140 miles an hour, but September 11th wasn't a windy day, so the major loads it was designed for were not on it at the time.

"You can't explain the collapse just in terms of temperature."

As a result, the World Trade Center, at the time each airplane hit it, was only loaded to about 20 percent of its capacity. That means it had to lose five times its capacity either due to temperature or buckling—the temperature weakening the steel, the buckling changing the strength of a member because it's bent rather than straight. You can't explain the collapse just in terms of temperature, and you can't explain it just in terms of buckling. It was a combination.

IT was a combination of both.

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