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my alky roomie drinks liver to near death


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my roomie has just gotten cirrhosis or worse from his many years of heavy drinking, but it's when he quit cold turkey about a month ago that things went sour.

he decided to quit till he got a job. when one goes from 1.75 liters a day to nothing, i guess one's body doesn't know what to do. so he got a fever, pain in his upper right abdomen, bloating, dark urine, swollen legs and feet, is tired all the time, barely eats, and is incredibly jaundiced. he refuses to go to the doctor. his fever is gone and he says his pain has lessened, and he thinks he'll get better by just eating salads, for some reason (go fig on that one :confused: ).

he's an adult. i can't make him go to the doctor. all of our friends and i have tried to convince him to, but he's stubborn and stupid. it's so hard for me, though, to see someone i love so much be so sick. the whites of his eyes are the color of yellow crayola markers, and his skin is only a little less yellow. i don't know what he sees in the mirror, but i'm getting scared. what if his liver just fails? and what will it take to make him see the doctor?

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my roomie has just gotten cirrhosis or worse from his many years of heavy drinking, but it's when he quit cold turkey about a month ago that things went sour.

he decided to quit till he got a job. when one goes from 1.75 liters a day to nothing, i guess one's body doesn't know what to do. so he got a fever, pain in his upper right abdomen, bloating, dark urine, swollen legs and feet, is tired all the time, barely eats, and is incredibly jaundiced. he refuses to go to the doctor. his fever is gone and he says his pain has lessened, and he thinks he'll get better by just eating salads, for some reason (go fig on that one :confused: ).

he's an adult. i can't make him go to the doctor. all of our friends and i have tried to convince him to, but he's stubborn and stupid. it's so hard for me, though, to see someone i love so much be so sick. the whites of his eyes are the color of yellow crayola markers, and his skin is only a little less yellow. i don't know what he sees in the mirror, but i'm getting scared. what if his liver just fails? and what will it take to make him see the doctor?

after prolonged drinking (years and years and years) it would be devestating to the body to just quit... call 911.

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Guest onisakura

Sounds like he needs dialysis quick fast. And thats pretty harsh and a dick move to say that just cause he's an adult to let him possibly die. People go into denial and sometimes can't see the obvious things in front of their noses.

Weyes, your friend needs medical attention VERY soon. I know I couldn't live with myself if my friend died on me and i didn't do everything i could to help.

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Sounds like he needs dialysis quick fast. And thats pretty harsh and a dick move to say that just cause he's an adult to let him possibly die. People go into denial and sometimes can't see the obvious things in front of their noses.

Weyes, your friend needs medical attention VERY soon. I know I couldn't live with myself if my friend died on me and i didn't do everything i could to help.

how good of a friend do you think she is??? this is obviously a long ongoing problem...if she didnt step in months ago, or even years ago, when the problem started than why be a friend and step in when the person is near death??? a true friend wouldnt let the problem happen and go on for so long to begin with...

give em a shot of jack ...that'l put the bounce back in his step


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Guest onisakura
how good of a friend do you think she is??? this is obviously a long ongoing problem...if she didnt step in months ago, or even years ago, when the problem started than why be a friend and step in when the person is near death??? a true friend wouldnt let the problem happen and go on for so long to begin with...


Regardless, she's concerned about it enough to post on here asking for advice. Maybe it didn't seem as grave as it does now. You dont want to be a nag to your friends sometimes and leave them to their own mistakes but when it gets down to it and its REALLY a problem, its time for some real action.

Whether or not she was a "good enough" friend before, there is still a chance that she can help. Thats what matters.

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Regardless, she's concerned about it enough to post on here asking for advice. Maybe it didn't seem as grave as it does now. You dont want to be a nag to your friends sometimes and leave them to their own mistakes but when it gets down to it and its REALLY a problem, its time for some real action.

Whether or not she was a "good enough" friend before, there is still a chance that she can help. Thats what matters.

you usually seem like an intelligent person...but i cant understand your stance on this subject...

first of all...posting a question about a topic of this magnitude on this website is definately not a reach for help (of shouldnt be taken so)...if your dying do you want your friends asking for help on a messageboard about what to do??? come on now...this is the dumbest thing i ever heard of...if your concerned then just call for help...do the job of a friend...but posting it and waiting minutes/hours/days for answers before you act is insane...

as you said "its time for some real action"...what kind of action is asking the group of misfits that post on a clubbing website????

an as for being a nag...when i was a cokehead and sold things i owned for drugs...my friends not only came to me about it but they went to my parents as soon as they found out...that is true friendship right there...fuck that nagging bullshit...if you care then u do what it takes...not wait till the bitter end just to make sure you dont have bad karma or whatever you feel...

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Guest onisakura
you usually seem like an intelligent person...but i cant understand your stance on this subject...

first of all...posting a question about a topic of this magnitude on this website is definately not a reach for help (of shouldnt be taken so)...if your dying do you want your friends asking for help on a messageboard about what to do??? come on now...this is the dumbest thing i ever heard of...if your concerned then just call for help...do the job of a friend...but posting it and waiting minutes/hours/days for answers before you act is insane...

as you said "its time for some real action"...what kind of action is asking the group of misfits that post on a clubbing website????

an as for being a nag...when i was a cokehead and sold things i owned for drugs...my friends not only came to me about it but they went to my parents as soon as they found out...that is true friendship right there...fuck that nagging bullshit...if you care then u do what it takes...not wait till the bitter end just to make sure you dont have bad karma or whatever you feel...

Yes, i understand and i would certainly do that if i were faced with this kind of situation. The point im trying to make is that no matter the medium, she's asking for help and advice. Personally, i wouldn't need to ask advice, i'd just do what i felt was necessary knowing full well that this kind of request would be met with sarcasm on a club related messageboard.

It doesn't take away from the seriousness of the situation. Hopefully something has been done by now. Obviously this guy doesn't think he's dying otherwise he'd have checked himself into the hospital. Symptoms of liver failure are pretty damn hard to ignore, he's definitely gotta be in denial. And one doesn't turn into an alcoholic with cirrhosis at such a young age without some kind of mental condition at the root of it. Thats just my lame ass analysis of the situation. Its never too late to do what's right.

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