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my alky roomie drinks liver to near death


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i didn't come here for help or advice, more to both vent (yeah, you guys do it too, so stfu) and try to share with some of you that people should do shit in moderation. i couldn't even get him to talk to a doctor on the phone, and i tried my hardest. he doesn't have any health insurance, and i made clear to him that i wouldn't let that be an issue, but he keeps throwing that up like it matters. i did just get him to tell his mom (who lives all the way in missouri) that he's sick, but i don't know how he described it to her. but i even pulled out the big guns: i got his ex (who still talks to him every day) to try and get him to go, and that just led to a shouting match.

the ex has more clout than anyone else, but fought to no avail. the other two best friends had no success. it does sound harsh, but everyone agrees that it'll just take something else to break him down. some symptoms are disappearing (he told me today that his pee has returned to the right color) and i don't know if that's good enough, but even he will get tired of being sick for too long a time.

and for those who said i should've done something years ago, you obviously don't understand how addiction works. one can't make someone quit his/her addiction unless s/he wants to quit. you can send someone to rehab, but s/he'll only get clean due to lack of access to drugs. as soon as s/he gets out, it'll be back to the drug. there has to be a will there. a 34-year-old is not going to quit drinking (though he did this time, cold turkey, which brought this on) after drinking heavily for a decade just because a friend suggests it.

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calling an ambulance isn't gonna do anything... they'll get there and he'll promptly tell them to fuck off.. and they will have to because this is america and he has rights.. just because you need help doesnt mean anybody can force you into getting help.. (unless he is suicidal, homicidal or so out of it that he is unable to provide food, clothing or shelter for himself)

in ny i worked for a mobile crisis unit for psychiatric emergencies and stuff like this.. we basically went to people like your roommates house and told him to get his ass into gear or he's gonna die.. we would pretty much scare the shit out of him enough to make him go to a hospital.. you can call up the local police precicnt and see if they have any of those services... also you can visit alanon.. (aa)

if you are THAT seriously concerned maybe you should attend an alanon meeting yourself, ask a bunch of people there what they think, what really works and take it from there..

chances are he's probably fully detoxed right now since it's been a few days so there is probably nothing to worry about until he starts up again, which he probably will unless something changes...

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i didn't come here for help or advice, more to both vent (yeah, you guys do it too, so stfu) and try to share with some of you that people should do shit in moderation. i couldn't even get him to talk to a doctor on the phone, and i tried my hardest. he doesn't have any health insurance, and i made clear to him that i wouldn't let that be an issue, but he keeps throwing that up like it matters. i did just get him to tell his mom (who lives all the way in missouri) that he's sick, but i don't know how he described it to her. but i even pulled out the big guns: i got his ex (who still talks to him every day) to try and get him to go, and that just led to a shouting match.

the ex has more clout than anyone else, but fought to no avail. the other two best friends had no success. it does sound harsh, but everyone agrees that it'll just take something else to break him down. some symptoms are disappearing (he told me today that his pee has returned to the right color) and i don't know if that's good enough, but even he will get tired of being sick for too long a time.

and for those who said i should've done something years ago, you obviously don't understand how addiction works. one can't make someone quit his/her addiction unless s/he wants to quit. you can send someone to rehab, but s/he'll only get clean due to lack of access to drugs. as soon as s/he gets out, it'll be back to the drug. there has to be a will there. a 34-year-old is not going to quit drinking (though he did this time, cold turkey, which brought this on) after drinking heavily for a decade just because a friend suggests it.

fuck what they think....best of luck....could you tell him he's out of the apt if he doesn't go to docter, an ultimatum, by chance?

he's seemingly better but REALLY needs to get a checkup if he can afford it.

let him read this thread maybe it'll help ???

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My grandfather died of cirrhosis. It's certainly not to be taken lightly. However, you can only do so much. I dont remember much about my grandfather, but I do know my mother and grandmother tried everything they could to save him. Bottom line, if he doesnt want the help...there's not much you can do..and I dont think calling 911 would help unless he is dying at that point and needs emergency care..

Good luck to you and your roomie...

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i didn't come here for help or advice, more to both vent (yeah, you guys do it too, so stfu) and try to share with some of you that people should do shit in moderation. i couldn't even get him to talk to a doctor on the phone, and i tried my hardest. he doesn't have any health insurance, and i made clear to him that i wouldn't let that be an issue, but he keeps throwing that up like it matters. i did just get him to tell his mom (who lives all the way in missouri) that he's sick, but i don't know how he described it to her. but i even pulled out the big guns: i got his ex (who still talks to him every day) to try and get him to go, and that just led to a shouting match.

the ex has more clout than anyone else, but fought to no avail. the other two best friends had no success. it does sound harsh, but everyone agrees that it'll just take something else to break him down. some symptoms are disappearing (he told me today that his pee has returned to the right color) and i don't know if that's good enough, but even he will get tired of being sick for too long a time.

and for those who said i should've done something years ago, you obviously don't understand how addiction works. one can't make someone quit his/her addiction unless s/he wants to quit. you can send someone to rehab, but s/he'll only get clean due to lack of access to drugs. as soon as s/he gets out, it'll be back to the drug. there has to be a will there. a 34-year-old is not going to quit drinking (though he did this time, cold turkey, which brought this on) after drinking heavily for a decade just because a friend suggests it.

:laugh: still all very weak attempts...

and as for addiction....i am a drug addict...but i beat my addiction cause i had friends who were willing to do what it took to get me to stop before i got to where your friend is now...

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i didn't come here for help or advice, more to both vent (yeah, you guys do it too, so stfu) and try to share with some of you that people should do shit in moderation. i couldn't even get him to talk to a doctor on the phone, and i tried my hardest. he doesn't have any health insurance, and i made clear to him that i wouldn't let that be an issue, but he keeps throwing that up like it matters. i did just get him to tell his mom (who lives all the way in missouri) that he's sick, but i don't know how he described it to her. but i even pulled out the big guns: i got his ex (who still talks to him every day) to try and get him to go, and that just led to a shouting match.

the ex has more clout than anyone else, but fought to no avail. the other two best friends had no success. it does sound harsh, but everyone agrees that it'll just take something else to break him down. some symptoms are disappearing (he told me today that his pee has returned to the right color) and i don't know if that's good enough, but even he will get tired of being sick for too long a time.

and for those who said i should've done something years ago, you obviously don't understand how addiction works. one can't make someone quit his/her addiction unless s/he wants to quit. you can send someone to rehab, but s/he'll only get clean due to lack of access to drugs. as soon as s/he gets out, it'll be back to the drug. there has to be a will there. a 34-year-old is not going to quit drinking (though he did this time, cold turkey, which brought this on) after drinking heavily for a decade just because a friend suggests it.

Guy sounds like a trainwreck to me. I'd start looking for a new roomie.

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i would seriously call the local hospital psych unit and ask for thier advice. are you paying rent? you can call the cops and say you want him "out" but have him escorted to the ER... honestly i would rather loose a friend by them not talking to me ever again, then to loose him out of death... i would seriously do some soul searching on your part and try to do the right thing.... don't think with your heart, think with your head!!!

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I had a friend who passed away almost 2 years ago. Was an alcoholic, he drank atleast 15 - 20 beers a day, with hard liquor mixed in, and on the weekends it was worse. no one could get him to stop, he just didn't care.

I get what a lot of people are saying about oh you have to force him, you didn't try to stop him earlier, but it's hard if people are seriously stubborn, or if they grew up in that environment, watching others in their family doing it, and not seeing anything wrong with doing it...

hope everything works out...

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Fuck all that other useless advice. Here's what you do, find out if he has any life insurance policies, talk him into making you the benificiary on all of them and then leave him in a dark room with a copy of "Leaving Las Vegas" & "Chocolat" and a shitload of cheap booze. Problem solved and everyone comes out a winner.

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Fuck all that other useless advice. Here's what you do, find out if he has any life insurance policies, talk him into making you the benificiary on all of them and then leave him in a dark room with a copy of "Leaving Las Vegas" & "Chocolat" and a shitload of cheap booze. Problem solved and everyone comes out a winner.

sooo wrong :laugh:

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Fuck all that other useless advice. Here's what you do, find out if he has any life insurance policies, talk him into making you the benificiary on all of them and then leave him in a dark room with a copy of "Leaving Las Vegas" & "Chocolat" and a shitload of cheap booze. Problem solved and everyone comes out a winner.


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Fuck all that other useless advice. Here's what you do, find out if he has any life insurance policies, talk him into making you the benificiary on all of them and then leave him in a dark room with a copy of "Leaving Las Vegas" & "Chocolat" and a shitload of cheap booze. Problem solved and everyone comes out a winner.

Makes up for all that back rent... :funny:

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Fuck all that other useless advice. Here's what you do, find out if he has any life insurance policies, talk him into making you the benificiary on all of them and then leave him in a dark room with a copy of "Leaving Las Vegas" & "Chocolat" and a shitload of cheap booze. Problem solved and everyone comes out a winner.


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