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all who go to twilo from this board, read this..

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most of you people f$cking disgust me. first, the comment in an snd post below about someone not liking the music because they weren't f&cked up on something. YOU are the exact crowd that is ruining twilo on the big nights (read: snd, pvd). if you need to get f@cked up to enjoy yourself, do it somewhere else(factory, limelight, exit, etc..), not at twilo. most of the people on this board are the most immature, musically uneducated group of people i've ever seen (except for a VERY small few of you; nolimit, etc..) who i know have A) class, B) knowledge/taste of music. (and taste here is VERY subjective. all you ny cheese loving peters-worshipping j@cka$$es can kiss my a$$). All i can hope and pray for is that you all stay away from twilo on the other nights when there isn't an "in" dj to go see. thank god most of the dj's i love and that twilo is bringing in are above all of your collective radar.

and to those who do go out and enjoy (truly enjoy) what twilo has to offer due to the music and djs, then i apologize for this rant. it is the ever increasing drugged-out crowd who are there for no other reason than twilo is the new hot spot that i am directing my post towards. it is in all of our best interests to keep this crowd away.

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Right on!

much appreciation to you for the effort.

TWILO was a great club until the new jacks showed up, with there weekend abuse issues.

the place went to sh.t because of them and their low tolerances.

Drugs were never an issue like they are now, because people knew how to use them.

Realistically though, theres no way you can stop the element from infesting a club.

none of these problems would arise if people just had some self control and a better knowledge of what they're abusing themselves with.

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Although I can appreciate your subjective comments on the scene at Twilo and do agree with much of what has been said, all your post is really doing is adding fuel to the existing fire.

When thought and reason fail, it's very easy to turn to big words and harsh criticism. Try taking a pro-active stance next time and lend a little bit of positive energy and insight into what you feel is lacking. Inspire people, don't bash em. Let's build this church of ours back up to where it needs to be again.

P.S. For all the people who stuck it out till 9:30 during the last PVD, thank you for making my morning truely inspiring. The unity, love and vibe was amazing. You are all beautiful smile.gif

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i have to say i definitely agree with you. the whole drugged-out zombie population is really killing twilo.

i've gone to see pvd every single time he's played during his residency, but the last night was simply intolerable. My girl (who, along with me, always goes totally sober) was miserable..she had been shoved, groped, and grabbed so many times she was losing count.

we left at about 5, and both swore we would never go back until twilo adopts a door policy. I'm sick and tired of the sweat-laden fire hazard that twilo has become.

the only thing i disagree about in your post is taste. if someone likes a particular dj / kind of music, that's their life! am i a peters fan? not quite, but i never have, nor will i ever, criticize someone who worships a dj that i loathe. on the other hand, anyone that goes out just to get sloppy f!cked up...stay the f!ck home and do your shit, dude!

i wish twilo fridays could pick up the vibe and the crowd of centro-fly and twilo weekdays.

sinthetik: i do agree with you, but it's nice to vent sometimes. especially when we know that so many other people feel the same way. it's mostly a commiseration thing, i think. i mean, we're paying $30 a night to essentially have a miserable time, but convince ourselves we had fun just because we like the music that was playing? i just can't justify that to myself anymore.

As i said before, i'm going to have a very difficult time going back to twilo on a friday.


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this is the first intelligent thread i have seen on this board for some time.

i agree with all of you..

i can't go to twilo anymore . its more annoying then enjoyable. i was a huge s&d fan but with their nights falling to the commercial masses..i don't attend anymore.

not to say that im the best clubgoer in new york..but i don't walk around harrasing,shoving,robbing,scheming on my fellow clubbers.the way i learned it...we are all suppose to be a family. taking care of each other in order to achieve a night that should always be a positive experience.

its gonna take time to purify the people in the scene. its has been like crap for way too long.

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Originally posted by cloax:

most of you people f$cking disgust me. first, the comment in an snd post below about someone not liking the music because they weren't f&cked up on something. YOU are the exact crowd that is ruining twilo on the big nights (read: snd, pvd). if you need to get f@cked up to enjoy yourself, do it somewhere else(factory, limelight, exit, etc..), not at twilo. most of the people on this board are the most immature, musically uneducated group of people i've ever seen (except for a VERY small few of you; nolimit, etc..) who i know have A) class, B) knowledge/taste of music. (and taste here is VERY subjective. all you ny cheese loving peters-worshipping j@cka$$es can kiss my a$$). All i can hope and pray for is that you all stay away from twilo on the other nights when there isn't an "in" dj to go see. thank god most of the dj's i love and that twilo is bringing in are above all of your collective radar.

and to those who do go out and enjoy (truly enjoy) what twilo has to offer due to the music and djs, then i apologize for this rant. it is the ever increasing drugged-out crowd who are there for no other reason than twilo is the new hot spot that i am directing my post towards. it is in all of our best interests to keep this crowd away.

So what your trying to say is that people who enjoy other djs besides the cast of djs at Twilo know nothing about music?? Come on bro, get with it.. Just because your not into Peters or any other dj that most people enjoy, that doesnt give you the right to trash them and say they dont know music.. A lot of people arent into the euro sound, does that make them bad?? Not at all..

I use to hit Twilo at least 3 times a month, but now you probably wont cath me in there ever again.. The club is disgusting now.. Way too over crowded, with trashy people.. Not saying everyone in there is trashy, but a majority of them are.. I have never smelled anything as horrid as Twilo's dance floor at 4am.. Gross..

So what I'm trying to say is that comment about non Twilo patrons not knowing music was uncalled for.. A lot of people are into Peters just as much as your into PVD,S&D ect.. That doesnt make them cheesy.. When was the last time you were at Sound Factory?? Before you call his music cheesy, you should go hear him again..


Hit My Damn Music...

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Originally posted by sinthetik:

P.S. For all the people who stuck it out till 9:30 during the last PVD, thank you for making my morning truely inspiring. The unity, love and vibe was amazing. You are all beautiful smile.gif

You're very welcome dude. That time of the night atTwilo was awesome. I will be there next time when PVD is spinning spreading good vibes. cool.gif


Are you feeling it???


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Originally posted by tranza:

So what your trying to say is that people who enjoy other djs besides the cast of djs at Twilo know nothing about music?? Come on bro, get with it.. Just because your not into Peters or any other dj that most people enjoy, that doesnt give you the right to trash them and say they dont know music.. A lot of people arent into the euro sound, does that make them bad?? Not at all..

I use to hit Twilo at least 3 times a month, but now you probably wont cath me in there ever again.. The club is disgusting now.. Way too over crowded, with trashy people.. Not saying everyone in there is trashy, but a majority of them are.. I have never smelled anything as horrid as Twilo's dance floor at 4am.. Gross..

So what I'm trying to say is that comment about non Twilo patrons not knowing music was uncalled for.. A lot of people are into Peters just as much as your into PVD,S&D ect.. That doesnt make them cheesy.. When was the last time you were at Sound Factory?? Before you call his music cheesy, you should go hear him again..

didnt jonathan peters just remix a brittany spears track??

for the new people into clubs..with the un-matures ears..peters is perfect.

but for the people who have been clubbing for some time..other options need to be explored such as the talent at twilo.

and jp plays the euro tracks too.

zombie nation has been out for over a year and a half..don't know if he still plays it. but from what i heard it has come out a lot in the recent 6 months. the track was a hit in europe last summer...a commercial hit.

that to me is cheesy.

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Originally posted by sleepiswaste:

didnt jonathan peters just remix a brittany spears track??

for the new people into clubs..with the un-matures ears..peters is perfect.

but for the people who have been clubbing for some time..other options need to be explored such as the talent at twilo.

and jp plays the euro tracks too.

zombie nation has been out for over a year and a half..don't know if he still plays it. but from what i heard it has come out a lot in the recent 6 months. the track was a hit in europe last summer...a commercial hit.

that to me is cheesy.

Actually he never remixed a Brittney Spears track.. So I guess if you were a remixer and some company offered you $20,000 to remix a pop song you wouldnt do it?? Your crazy if you wouldnt..

I myself enjoy Jonathan Peters.. I would consider myself a mature clubber.. I have been clubbing for almost 5 years.. I have heard almost every dj that was worth hearing here in New York.. Peters can be one of the best when he wants to be.. I have heard him play sets that made me think no other dj can touch him.. I also heard him play sets where I just ended up leaving.. Same with Van Dyk and S&D.. And I guess when Van DYk dropped Amber that wasnt cheesy?? Come on bro.. Different strokes for different folks..

None of us here will agree on one dj, one club, or one style of music.. This is just gonna end up in a week long arguement..


Hit My Damn Music...

[This message has been edited by tranza (edited 07-30-2000).]

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Tranza, doesn't danny tenaglia turn down offers?

Anyhow, It doesn't matter how much is involved, selling out is selling out. Unless JP really lieks the mix, compromising his artistic values for money...........

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Originally posted by tranza:

Actually he never remixed a Brittney Spears track.. So I guess if you were a remixer and some company offered you $20,000 to remix a pop song you wouldnt do it?? Your crazy if you wouldnt..

I myself enjoy Jonathan Peters.. I would consider myself a mature clubber.. I have been clubbing for almost 5 years.. I have heard almost every dj that was worth hearing here in New York.. Peters can be one of the best when he wants to be.. I have heard him play sets that made me think no other dj can touch him.. I also heard him play sets where I just ended up leaving.. Same with Van Dyk and S&D.. And I guess when Van DYk dropped Amber that wasnt cheesy?? Come on bro.. Different strokes for different folks..

None of us here will agree on one dj, one club, or one style of music.. This is just gonna end up in a week long arguement..

brittany spears remix for 20,000...

would never do it. i have to much pride.

and if some dj does do it...he just got hiself involved in a huge corporate mastermind scheme to make money.

thats cheesy.

paul van dyk playing amber....how can you possibly bring that up...im sure you can still go to sound factory or any nyc club and still hear one of her tracks.i guess deep dish is cheesy too for remixing it.

if you want to argue about dj's...you'll lose every time. i been around as far as experiencing clubs in areas other then new york. there's a lot worse going around then jonathan peters as far as local dj's are concerned. but he is a local dj..and for now thats all he will be. remix after remix..selling himself to people the likes of you. the ones who go out and get anything he touches. he caters to a commercial crowd..and uses that to his advantage. no refinements..no originality.

now back to the original argument...

here's a simple way of putting it...

people go to sound factory..because its sound factory..

people don't go to twilo...cause its twilo..

they go because sven vath is there..or paul van dyk is there..or carl cox

catch my drift???

now its turning into people going cause its twilo. this is where everything starts to turn to shit.

im not trying to piss on you..i just think you need to learn some more.

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Originally posted by sleepiswaste:

brittany spears remix for 20,000...

would never do it. i have to much pride.

and if some dj does do it...he just got hiself involved in a huge corporate mastermind scheme to make money.

thats cheesy.

paul van dyk playing amber....how can you possibly bring that up...im sure you can still go to sound factory or any nyc club and still hear one of her tracks.i guess deep dish is cheesy too for remixing it.

if you want to argue about dj's...you'll lose every time. i been around as far as experiencing clubs in areas other then new york. there's a lot worse going around then jonathan peters as far as local dj's are concerned. but he is a local dj..and for now thats all he will be. remix after remix..selling himself to people the likes of you. the ones who go out and get anything he touches. he caters to a commercial crowd..and uses that to his advantage. no refinements..no originality.

now back to the original argument...

here's a simple way of putting it...

people go to sound factory..because its sound factory..

people don't go to twilo...cause its twilo..

they go because sven vath is there..or paul van dyk is there..or carl cox

catch my drift???

now its turning into people going cause its twilo. this is where everything starts to turn to shit.

im not trying to piss on you..i just think you need to learn some more.

I understand what your saying, and I really dont need to learn anymore.. Your right, most people go to SF because it's SF.. Not everyone does, but a majority does.. Weather you like it or not, Peters has a big following.. I mean, when did he get his big break?? 97?? The djs your talking about have been spinning round the world for a lot longer than that.. Your quick to shit on him, but you will see eventually.. He will infact blow up sky high around the world.. Of course it's gonna take a while, but you watch.. Obviosuly you dont like him.. Just leave it at that.. You dont see me bashing your favorite djs do you?? I know it would make you mad if I did.. I dont take anything your saying personally, cause I could really care less what you think about me or Jonathan Peters..

Again, Twilo was infact the #1 club in NYC at one time, but now it's diminishing(sp?).. Everyone goes to Twilo, cause it's Twilo.. Maybe I would go back, but never again for a PVD or S&D night.. It's just too hard to have a good time now..

So enjoy your style of djs and music, and I will enjoy mine.. And dont think I dont know any other music besides Jonathan's.. Jonathan will always be # 2 to me..

P.S Randy, you made a good point.. I dunno, if I was offered 20K to do a Back Street Boys track, I would definately do it.. You might call it selling out, but when that much $$ is flashed infront of your face to do a project that will take 1 week tops, I think maybe you might consider it too..


Hit My Damn Music...

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I was the guy that posted the comment about not liking the music..

It's strange, because most of the people were digging the music, the deep trance they were playin that night, but I simply couldn't get into it. Then I look around and see all these glassy eyed people that are drinking lots of water and I'm wondering.. What are they on that makes the music sound so good?

I'm what you call a straight edge, and I don't drink/smoke/do drugs, etc.. And normally I've listened to S&D music and enjoyed it, but Friday night @ twilo was really not that good at all.

I guess I was hoping for some more is all.

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Originally posted by sleepiswaste:

didnt jonathan peters just remix a brittany spears track??

for the new people into clubs..with the un-matures ears..peters is perfect.

but for the people who have been clubbing for some time..other options need to be explored such as the talent at twilo.

and jp plays the euro tracks too.

zombie nation has been out for over a year and a half..don't know if he still plays it. but from what i heard it has come out a lot in the recent 6 months. the track was a hit in europe last summer...a commercial hit.

that to me is cheesy.

Are you actually thinking when you write this. " jp plays the euro tracks". What do you think S&D, PVD, and whoever else does Twilo play. It's kinda hard for a dj these days to play a set that isn't a large part Euro. But that doesn't matter. Saying that Twilo clubbers are more informed about the music and all that is the most ignorant thing I ever heard. Thats what sets the dj's apart. Just as a night with S&D will differ from one with PVD, the same will be with Peter's. Maybe we should get all you great Twilo clubbers to teach the rest of us immature clubbers the proper music to listen to so that we can all be better informed.

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Something I forgot to mention in my post before this. I agree with the point that some of you made before that Twilo and some other clubs could really do with all those on drugs. Getting past the door is one problem but I know and see that Twilo has a larger security presence on the dancefloor when compared to other clubs in the city. It easy for clubbers to tell who is on drugs and who isnt. Why cant security see these people and throw them out.

But the biggest problem on this board is all the dj bashing. And that has to stop. Each dj has their own particular taste of music. This is the difference between all the vibes that the dj's create. Twilo Friday night dj's may get more hype than those at Exit or SF but that doesnt mean they're any better. Ask yourself how many other clubs run a Friday party that is as international as Twilo's. Junior gets as much hype on Saturday as Peter's or Tsettos because they're all dj's from the city. Maybe you can bash a dj when youre up there djing in front of thousands of people week after week. But I doubt that's gonna happen any time soon.

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Originally posted by BigRedAfro:

I agree with the point that some of you made before that Twilo and some other clubs could really do with all those on drugs. Getting past the door is one problem but I know and see that Twilo has a larger security presence on the dancefloor when compared to other clubs in the city. It easy for clubbers to tell who is on drugs and who isnt. Why cant security see these people and throw them out.

But the biggest problem on this board is all the dj bashing. And that has to stop. Each dj has their own particular taste of music. This is the difference between all the vibes that the dj's create. Twilo Friday night dj's may get more hype than those at Exit or SF but that doesnt mean they're any better. Ask yourself how many other clubs run a Friday party that is as international as Twilo's. Junior gets as much hype on Saturday as Peter's or Tsettos because they're all dj's from the city. Maybe you can bash a dj when youre up there djing in front of thousands of people week after week. But I doubt that's gonna happen any time soon.

If somebody on this board wants to bash a DJ, then that is their perogative...but if they bash them for their choice of music, it's wrong. How can you bash a DJ based on his choice of music, when the majority of people won't like it? Danny Tenaglia plays deep soulful house grooves, and Johnny Muscles from Bensonhurst is not gonna like that much at all. Denny Tsettos plays good ol' american cheese house, and the Tenaglia followers will turn their noses up at them. Junior plays.....what Junior wants to play smile.gif And BTW, I wouldn't lump Junior in with Peters or Tsettos just yet....let them be around ...say... 10 more years before we elevate them. I have to say though, Twilo has changed so much, even on Saturday nights...but most of the new crowd leaves after 6 am. It's still back to basics with Junior in the morning.

Forget Friday's at Twilo....it has become mainstream. I think they should change the age to at least 21 and over. The main problem is that it has become a meat market, with all those young girls and the monsters that stalk them smile.gif I know all the under 21 people on this board will freak over this, but it should be an older crowd, this way you avoid the younger, newer crowd that are mostly out to hook up. My 2 cents....

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exactly- that's why the 2k parties on wednesday are now the best nights out in the city ( along with centro-fly and some other obscure parties that the mainstream know nothing about)...

the door is 21, and the crowd comes out in the middle of the week to see amazing djs solely for the MUSIC.. with the majority of the crowd on no drugs whatsoever. the real crowd comes out even with work at 9 am the next day. perhaps this is the inevitable future for some of us, being banished to a wed night where the drugged-population is reluctant to go out and fry their brains in the middle of the week.

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I feel like crying cause it's so sad but true that Twilo is going more and more mainstream. I don't even know when it happened cause it happened so fast. I realized it so much at the last PVD. I was use to seeing that crowd (first time clubbers and druggers, juice heads, heavy drug users etc. etc.) during a S&D night but never a PVD night. Usually at a PVD night around 6 a.m. you had so much room to dance you just didn't know what to do with yourself!! But this last night, I was tripping all over people on the dance floor and couldn't dance at all. I was thinking okay, maybe it's still early then my bf told me that it was 8 a.m.!! 8 A.M???? And it's still THAT crowded?? I climbed the steps and looked around and saw so many people who were STILL so high all over the steps and the floor.

I had an amazing time that night because I got to see and hear my favorite DJ, but I walked away from that place with a different vibe. A little sad cause when I saw the Twilo water bottles all over the place and the Twilo glowsticks and t-shirts and then that Ice Cone room upstairs . . . we'll maybe it's coming to a end for me and bf . . . Twilo that is NOT the music!!

One last thing . . . I do agree with most of you. For the people who don't know how to control their substance no matter what it is (i.e. alcohol) you can do that shit at home, babes.



"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,

but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."

By Alvin Toffler.

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Blue, don't put it all on twilo. Trance is the current big thing and the masses are into the big trance names. if you come to twilo on any otehr night other than S&D or PVD the floor has much more room. How packed was it for tilt/lawler? Seamen/Deep Dish? Sven Vath? You think it will be crowded this fri? I doubt it. Twilo is becomign a victim of its own success, but the rumored euro superclubs will evetnually come to pick off the slack.

The city is jsut going through growing pains.

If twilo was all about hte money, they could be booking tall paul, jules, and seb. Why would the Respect party continue if it doesn't bring in monster crowds. Josh Wink and Ovum?

I think the store is a great idea and actually think every cloub should sell apparal. If i was visiting from anotehr city I would want to bring something back. Ever get envious when you see people wearing Bedrock shirts?

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Hi Randy! I know. I know. I know you're right. It is true that on the other nights, Twilo is not that bad. I guess that's what's gonna happen when you have a big name DJ in town.

As for the store is concerned. It's a great business idea. I'm not saying it's not. Hey! If I was the owner of Twilo . . . I'd juice it out as much I can too. But it's still cheesy, ya know. tongue.gif

Can't wait til the next Tilt and Lawler. Do you know when they'll be returning?? electric-lou.gif



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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