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miss usa.


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...so ...im not sure if i care or not....but this is why she got the boot......from perez cause im too lazy to find a real news story.......but why the fuck would any hot girl wanna be miss usa...u cant do anything ..its all kissing dirty babies and hugging poor people.....if i was hot like that id do the same shit she is ..well maybe minus the lesbionics...hot girls belong on tables...miss usa should just be an essay contest..we all know these chicks are dumb and dont want world peace...im sure we can get them to walk around in a bikini and heels anyway without all this other crap !.....


Frankly, we've been bored by this whole Miss USA "drama."

Who cares?

Well, we care a little bit now that things have gotten a lot more interesting.

This fascinating article in the NY Daily News is the stuff we live for!

Tara Conner is out and she's already been sent home to Kentucky.

And, it wasn't just for a little underage drinking. No no no! "Tara was a party animal," said a source who knows Conner.

This shit has Lifetime made-for-TV movie written all over it!!!

The blond Midwestern girl is an out-of-control party slut that wanted to corrupt the entire Miss USA and Miss Universe Organization. Ane we LOVE her for it.

Not only was she drinking illegally in NYC clubs, but she was stupid enough to bring a string of men back to her Trump Place apartments.

But it wasn't just men!!!

Connor and Miss Teen USA Katie Blair would engage in lesbian romps at some of the city's hotspots.

"I've seen them kiss before," says one source. "They always dance all sexy on the tables."

And making out with girls isn't the only thing Connor has been doing in clubs. She's also been doing drugs!

One clubgoer described seeing Conner snort cocaine in one of the nightclubs where she drank regularly despite being underage, and the Daily News reports she recently failed a drug test, which may have prompted Miss USA owner Donald Trump to fire her.

Conner shared a Trump Place apartment with Blair, Miss Teen USA, and with Miss Universe Zuleyka Rivera, 19, but sources tells the News Conner and Blair got in hot water with pageant bosses for getting Rivera drunk on her birthday.

We love this chick!!!

She totally IS a role model....for Lindsay Lohan.

Don't cry too much, Tara. Your career is not over.

Our advice?

Move to Hollywood, where no one while care if you drink or do drugs.

Pose for Playboy and make a lot of money.

Capitalize on this scandal, honey. Turn this negative into a positive and make out with lots more chicks. It's hot

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Miss USA Tara Conner is on the verge of losing her crown after testing positive for cocaine, lustily kissing Miss Teen USA in public and sneaking men into their Trump Place apartment, sources tell the Daily News.

"Tara was a party animal," said a source who knows Conner, 20, and Miss Teen USA Katie Blair, 18, from some of the city's top nightspots. "I've seen them kiss before. They always dance all sexy on the tables. ... They definitely get close."

Conner packed her bags and left the bachelorette pad Thursday, and canceled a scheduled Miami charity appearance tonight. Pageant sources said she has no other public appearances this year.

Pageant boss Donald Trump scheduled a Tuesday news conference to announce her fate.

"First and foremost he is concerned about Tara and wants to do what is best for her," Trump's office said. "Then he will think about what is best for the very successful Miss USA pageant."

One clubgoer described for the Daily News seeing Conner snort cocaine in one of the nightclubs where she drank regularly despite being underage, and The News learned she recently failed a drug test.

The Miss USA runner-up, Miss California USA Tamiko Nash, would inherit the crown if Conner can't finish her reign.

Conner was named Miss USA just eight months ago, but quickly started blazing a trail through New York's late-night club world, scenesters told The News.

"She really is a small-town girl. She just went wild when she came to the city," one nightlife veteran said. "Tara just couldn't handle herself. They were sneaking those [nightclub] guys in and out of the apartment."

Conner and Blair shared a Trump Place apartment with Miss Universe Zuleyka Rivera, 19, but sources say Conner and Blair got in hot water with pageant bosses for getting Rivera drunk on her birthday.

Rivera cleaned up her act, sources said, but Conner still brought boyfriends home.

Conner grew up in a tiny town in rural Kentucky, trying her luck in regional pageants before winning the Miss USA title.

Soon she broke up with her hometown fiance and started dating around in the Manhattan nightclub world - when she wasn't traveling all over the country for pageant obligations.

Ironically, when she was competing for the title, she complained that celebrities like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton were bad role models, TMZ.com reported.

"I think that they're getting a little bit too much edgy. I think that they are a little bit too risque," Conner said. "I think they need to tone it down a little bit."

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shes a coke fiend and loves girls

Mr Trump what seems to be the problem ??????

Perez Hilton is the one with the problem

LOS ANGELES - Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton is being stalked by paparazzi — in court, at least.

X17 Inc., a Los Angeles photo agency known for its images of stars in personal or embarrassing moments, has filed a $7.6 million federal copyright infringement lawsuit against Hilton.

Hilton's Los Angeles-based site, PerezHilton.com, posts tabloid photos of celebs and adds cheeky captions and rudimentary doodles.

The suit claims Hilton used 51 photographs without permission, payment or credit, including images of a pregnant Katie Holmes, Kevin Federline pumping gas and Britney Spears showing her, um, assets.

"We've had trouble with a lot of bloggers," X17 co-owner Brandy Navarre told the Los Angeles Times for a story on its Web site. "But he's the biggest, and the most arrogant and pigheaded about it, frankly.

"He is stealing our images and costing us money every day," she said.

Hilton, whose real name is Mario Lavandeira, said he believes he has done nothing illegal.

"I am going to vigorously defend myself," he said. "I am willing to step up to the plate and fight for my rights and fight for the rights of all bloggers."

His attorney, Bryan Freedman, said Hilton has a legal right to make satirical or humorous use of newsworthy photographs.

If the copyright lawsuit succeeds, "the effect would be to eliminate the ability to comment on and transform photographs under the fair-use exception to the Copyright Act," Freedman said.

But X17's lawyer, John Tehranian, argued that Hilton "is basically free-riding on the labor and efforts of X17 and its photographers who stay up all night and roam the city."

Seven other photo agencies sent Hilton a joint letter demanding that he stop using their photographs but they have not sued, the Times said.

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..he is an ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.....rosie said what everyone else is saying on the view......he did it for publicity etc...look at what this asshole did


...he was pissed she said something like he'll prob be bankrupt.......she responded with a thing in her blog showing how he did hit bankruptcy before.....and then this

loving the wiki

i use it

do u

i will let u know if the donald sues me

or if kelli leaves me for one of his pals

dont u find him charming

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...i fucking hate him......whether or not u like rosie...that was the most unproffesional disgusting display i have seen in a while...i am more offended by that then mel gibson's drunken ramblings......im gonna send my friends over to steal her wife...or whatever he said...what a fucking trashbag..someone should spit in his face..

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