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A good glowstick/light show is great. Next time you're rolling look at how dilated your pupils are! That's why the lights are so much fun to look at.

ALso good is getting the Vicks Inhaler blown in your face.

Hey Blue, soco is Southern Comfort. Don't know what soco and lime tastes like!



"...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and

controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible.

Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX

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Oooohhhh souther comfort!!

I tried chewing the pill and you're right, it hits you faster but also it ends faster too. When you just take the pill as a whole it's more regulated -- last longer.

I use to smoke cigerettes before when I first started dropping but I quit smoking after that. If you can believe that one!! As for smoking herbs . . . herbs have no effect on me. Tried it couple of time, but no success. Use to do the vicks thing but it's getting boring and the only person who can do a light show right is my bf and most of the time he's just out on the floor dancing.

Any other suggestions?



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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Originally posted by blueangel:

As for smoking herbs . . . herbs have no effect on me. Tried it couple of time, but no success. Use to do the vicks thing but it's getting boring and the only person who can do a light show right is my bf and most of the time he's just out on the floor dancing.

Any other suggestions?


Thats cuz you never smoked w/ me biggrin.gif Maybe next pvd i'll have to come find you and we'll smoke a f'in CANNON biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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...A very good tip on how too bug harder and longer...

you must take the pill a half hour b4 the main act is showing

make sure you have urinated b4 taking the pill (I always found that after taking a piss, I stopped bugging)

then crack all knuckles, neck, and back every 10 - 15 minutes, do not wait any longer!

walk around or dance, while cracking bones makes the time go quicker and more blood is being rushed to the brain

when you start too feel the sensation of the xtc this is very important, this is what makes it lasts longer, make sure you sit down right away, anywhere you can, and start pulling your leg, pull as hard as you can,

keep pulling your leg, like how I am PULLING YOUR LEG! I don't fucking know!

take another pill I heard that always worked...


When the going gets weird

the weird turns pro...

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blue - rob SWEARS by this method . . . i bet you you'll get nice and fuct up. we'll come find you at the next pvd biggrin.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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1. Drink before hand (tho not with Irish or English ppl otherwise you get too drunk wink.gif )

2. Crush them up and snort them before you go out....prob a good idea to be at a friends place near the club...

3. When winding down most things will bring it back so to speak, red bull is great, if you want to keep going and going alternate red bull, beer, red bull, beer....too much red bull is like too much caffeine..unpleasant

4. Don't get into buying rounds with your friends @ the club, especially if their heavy drinkers, you'll spend shitloads and may forget portions of the evening/weekend!

5. Amyl Nitrate (poppers) is ideal, is that legal in NYC?

6. Have a line of something!


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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PFloyd & Brandie,

Okay!! You guys are on!! bounce.gif

You'll have to come find me though cause I don't know how you guys look. I probably won't be out until the next S&D. What about you guys?



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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umm...I've never heard anyone dying from just drinking and rolling...they always have other things in their system..(PCP, GHB, etc, etc). THose drugs by themselves can cause death. But, it also makes sense not to get totally shit-faced before rolling (like me last Friday night - though I had a hell of a good roll).

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Ok Im no doctor but I have heard that drinking and rolling combined is not a safe or suggestable mix. But, oh well. I od it all the time and I have been doing it since I first started rolling in '98. I personally have no choice. Drinking before hand calms me down and actually stops me from thinking about having a bad roll. Nothing has ever happened to me from drinking and rolling but I also make sure that I drink at least one bottle of water every hour.

Anyways...you can help bring your roll up by drinking orange juice or sucking on oranges or lemons. That has worked for some and not others. Also, I can recall the name of it but its HTP or something along those lines. Youre basically supposed to take it hours before your roll. It helps bring brian levels back up. Ok sorry all but my mind isnt with me right now to give you the correst info. But Im sure someone will know what Im talking about and correct me.

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well the drinking/E combo makes me do the puking thing. but i was wondering whether something i saw in the atrocious movie groove (soooo painful to watch) actually works, namely eating an orange, or i guess anything else citrusy. and if it does work, why? or is it just a catalyst that makes it hit quicker, not harder or longer?


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One thing that works for me so that I can keep rolling the whole night and not puke up my pills or get down to early is taking a whole first. Then, one hour after peaking, take a half. Then a half an hour to an hour after that, take another half. Then the same time later, take another half or whole...depending on what you want or feel. This also requires taking a few pills though.


"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake"

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no no no you have to drink loads and loads of vodka redbulls before, and most definitely after.... you can try to drink during but you just end up wandering around with a glass of lukewarm vodka for three hours. not much fun when you take a slug thinking it's water.... after your roll is the key and the only way to go. you're going to feel shitty the next day anyway so you might as well just drink your way through it.

boa boy - hope you were referring to our outrageous drinking spree in Sydney. looking forward to another one when you get to NYC... hee hee hee

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1)Vicks works well (you can do the Vicks in a dustmask thing or get the inhalers), menthol caughdrops work too

2)Speaker Fucking - be a speaker slut let the beat fucj you up

3) don't eat at least 24 hrs before a party - just liquids...the less food in your system the hafharder you hit

4)try this with a friend - have them put their arms over your shoulders then put your hand around their waste and work your fingers/massage up their spine from the base to the neck...keep doing this...it feels crazy cool and helps your roll

5)And my personal favorite - CANDY FLIPPPING

nothing...NOTHING is this cool.....first take your Acid, then about four hrs later drop your bomb....WOW!!!!!!

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ok check it,,,, when i roll and have a beer or two.. maybe a screw driver.."oj" it actually had me flying,, i like the combo..im not sure what happens if u jus start knockin back tequila shots.. but i recommend a beer or two.. maybe its jus me.



sex ,drugs & insanity isnt for every one.. but its always worked for me!

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