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Keep the Government out!

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They go on & on about how dangerous E is and one of the main reasons they always talk about is that you never know what is in the pill you buy from some stranger and that it could be really dangerous.

Well when it was legal (up until 1985), people bought MDMA and they were safe. They make it illegal, so we have no choice but to go to sketch-a-dealer to buy who knows what.... I say they are the reason its dangerous.

Also there would be no "dangerous" drug dealing situations if you could buy it

legally. I read that people used to buy it at clubs in Houston as a feel good energy pill, and noone died, etc...

Why can't I buy Molly at Twilo?

Now that would be ideeeal! Plus Uncle Sam could get rich off of us partying...

Now that would be Ideeeeeeeeal!

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That's what I'm talking about. Legalize and Advertise baby, that way not only will drugs like E be safe they will also improve in quality. To hell with it, legalize everything, if people wanna do something let them. The only objection I have with people doing drugs is if it affects me, if some motherfucka wants to roll, or smoke up, it doesn't bother me so let him do it.

anyway, nuff protesting...I'm off to lite another joint wink.gif

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I agree with you..what doesnt make any sense to me is how alcohol is legal and smoking weed isn't. There are SOOO many alcohol related deaths from people who drive after drinking. Can you think of anyone who could kill someone while driving after smoking weed or taking a pill? Many people who drink too much become violent - have you ever seen anyone violent after smoking or popping a few pills? It just does not make any sense to me.. confused.gif

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WHY WHY WHY?? This is something I ponder all the time. Esp. the point about alcohol. That's more dangerous to the people around you than pot or E. If the legalized it they could tax the shit out of it...we'd still pay...they'd be rich...and everyone is happy!! It'll never happen though.

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And in Holland when they legalised Weed the Cocain and Heroin addiction plumited. Infact the average age of heroin addicts in some areas of Holland goes up by almost a year every year.

E is decrimalised and so testing in clubs is the norm. The death figures in Holland are less than most contries even though the drug is more available.

During the recent Euro 2000 football event, the police of Holland advised British soccer fans to have a smoke rather than drink. Ther was no fighting, then they moved to Belgium (where there is no weed) suddenly people are dying... work it out.

But we still dont know what the long term effects are of MDMA etc.


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If they never criminalized E after 1985, its popularity would not be as high as it is in the year 2000...theres something about trying taboo things that makes E, pot, drinking, and sex so popular....does anyone disagree? we d all have a good tiem, because most of us got into this for the music, then found e, then found e madfe the music more fun...

if e wwas always legal, the ## of users woudl be limited to the "techno" scene..no9t the stock brokers and middle aged guys or teenyboppers at britney concerts.

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absolutely ridiculous !

you totally cannot compare alchahol and e. or even weed and e for that matter. we all know that e is a hard drug and does serious damage to your body. whether or not it does permenant damage to your body is still up in the air; but honestly it is hard to believe that it wouldn't; ie. depression scitsophrenia, ect. not to mention the people who have had an allergic reaction to the drug.

drugs are dangerous no matter what drug. why do you think you need to get a prescription just to get penicilin. not all people will react the same way to a drug every time.

it takes your body and mind at least a good week to heal from the short term damage to your mind and body from ecstacy. and it takes long after that for your mind to reteach itself things that you have forgotten due to the use of drugs.

now when the damage is done. who is liable. if the government legalizes a drug than they are ultamately liable, because the damage may never have been done if it wasn't. the same goes for clubs or persons who distribute the drug.

in now way is this country anything like amsterdam. amsterdam is like hell. it is the center of sin in this world. now this may be a great place to visit. but when i get over all this bullshit i would not want my daughter growing up in a world surrounded by prostitutes and drug users.

you have to realize by hanging out at these clubs we get a very scewed perception of society as a whole. drug users make up a very small percentage of the population. and even what we may consider recreational use is looked apon very badly by our peers.

what we have to face is the facts!

doing drugs is fuct up, stright up no exeptions - even if it is just e or weed. AND we are doing damage to ourselves. and we are members of a decaying society of sinners.

now not everyone is good all the time and many very good people do very bad things. and it doesn't make you a bad person to do fucked up shit from time to time. but on the other hand it doesn't make you a good person either.

i am just sick and tired of people trying to rationalize how thier own fucked up actions are ok, because society is fucked up. or because they live by a different set of standards.

if you are gonna do fucked up things - go ahead. i am not gonna stop you. i'll probly even hook you up. i mean doing fucked up shit rules. the dark side is fun as hell. BUT take some responsability for how you are hurting yourself and those around you.

as far as getting bad shit vs. getting good shit goes. that's just the way the life of a drug user is. no one is forcing you to spend your money on drugs; if you dont like it don't do drugs.


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absolutely ridiculous !

you totally cannot compare alchahol and e. or even weed and e for that matter. we all know that e is a hard drug and does serious damage to your body. whether or not it does permenant damage to your body is still up in the air; but honestly it is hard to believe that it wouldn't; ie. depression scitsophrenia, ect. not to mention the people who have had an allergic reaction to the drug.

drugs are dangerous no matter what drug. why do you think you need to get a prescription just to get penicilin. not all people will react the same way to a drug every time.

it takes your body and mind at least a good week to heal from the short term damage to your mind and body from ecstacy. and it takes long after that for your mind to reteach itself things that you have forgotten due to the use of drugs.

now when the damage is done. who is liable. if the government legalizes a drug than they are ultamately liable, because the damage may never have been done if it wasn't. the same goes for clubs or persons who distribute the drug.

in now way is this country anything like amsterdam. amsterdam is like hell. it is the center of sin in this world. now this may be a great place to visit. but when i get over all this bullshit i would not want my daughter growing up in a world surrounded by prostitutes and drug users.

you have to realize by hanging out at these clubs we get a very scewed perception of society as a whole. drug users make up a very small percentage of the population. and even what we may consider recreational use is looked apon very badly by our peers.

what we have to face is the facts!

doing drugs is fuct up, stright up no exeptions - even if it is just e or weed. AND we are doing damage to ourselves. and we are members of a decaying society of sinners.

now not everyone is good all the time and many very good people do very bad things. and it doesn't make you a bad person to do fucked up shit from time to time. but on the other hand it doesn't make you a good person either.

i am just sick and tired of people trying to rationalize how thier own fucked up actions are ok, because society is fucked up. or because they live by a different set of standards.

if you are gonna do fucked up things - go ahead. i am not gonna stop you. i'll probly even hook you up. i mean doing fucked up shit rules. the dark side is fun as hell. BUT take some responsability for how you are hurting yourself and those around you.

as far as getting bad shit vs. getting good shit goes. that's just the way the life of a drug user is. no one is forcing you to spend your money on drugs; if you dont like it don't do drugs.


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You can compare weed alchohol because they work in a very similar way on the brain.

Except weed is much safer has less effect on society and can actually be benfitial.

To say:

"Amsterdam is like hell. it is the center of sin in this world. "

shows that you havent bee far outside the red light district. Amsterdam is not a center of sin it is one of the most productive beutifull cities in the world. With some of the nicest people. And i have lived there so i have experiance.

You need to do you homework and stop beleiving the hype. You must have realised now that there are very intelegent, very highly paid people on this board who take and it does not effect there lives.

I dont agree with legalising MDMA or anything but weed. Simply because it is the people that cannot control themseves or there habit that society needs to protect.

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absolutely ridiculous !

you totally cannot compare alchahol and e. or even weed and e for that matter. we all know that e is a hard drug and does serious damage to your body. whether or not it does permenant damage to your body is still up in the air; but honestly it is hard to believe that it wouldn't; ie. depression scitsophrenia, ect. not to mention the people who have had an allergic reaction to the drug.

drugs are dangerous no matter what drug. why do you think you need to get a prescription just to get penicilin. not all people will react the same way to a drug every time.

it takes your body and mind at least a good week to heal from the short term damage to your mind and body from ecstacy. and it takes long after that for your mind to reteach itself things that you have forgotten due to the use of drugs.

now when the damage is done. who is liable. if the government legalizes a drug than they are ultamately liable, because the damage may never have been done if it wasn't. the same goes for clubs or persons who distribute the drug.

in now way is this country anything like amsterdam. amsterdam is like hell. it is the center of sin in this world. now this may be a great place to visit. but when i get over all this bullshit i would not want my daughter growing up in a world surrounded by prostitutes and drug users.

you have to realize by hanging out at these clubs we get a very scewed perception of society as a whole. drug users make up a very small percentage of the population. and even what we may consider recreational use is looked apon very badly by our peers.

what we have to face is the facts!

doing drugs is fuct up, stright up no exeptions - even if it is just e or weed. AND we are doing damage to ourselves. and we are members of a decaying society of sinners.

now not everyone is good all the time and many very good people do very bad things. and it doesn't make you a bad person to do fucked up shit from time to time. but on the other hand it doesn't make you a good person either.

i am just sick and tired of people trying to rationalize how thier own fucked up actions are ok, because society is fucked up. or because they live by a different set of standards.

if you are gonna do fucked up things - go ahead. i am not gonna stop you. i'll probly even hook you up. i mean doing fucked up shit rules. the dark side is fun as hell. BUT take some responsability for how you are hurting yourself and those around you.

as far as getting bad shit vs. getting good shit goes. that's just the way the life of a drug user is. no one is forcing you to spend your money on drugs; if you dont like it don't do drugs.


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You're insane glynis. Spare us that anti-drug govt. propaganda crap.

Regardless of what drugs do to you, the bottom line is: WHO do you want to CONTROL YOUR BODY???

You believe it's perfectly okay for government whores in DC to dictate what I can and cannot put in MY body??

I think I should make that decision. Not Bill Clinton. Not ALgore. Not George W. Not the whores on Capitol Hill. NOT YOU!


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Originally posted by glynis:

absolutely ridiculous !

you totally cannot compare alchahol and e. or even weed and e for that matter. we all know that e is a hard drug and does serious damage to your body. whether or not it does permenant damage to your body is still up in the air; but honestly it is hard to believe that it wouldn't; ie. depression scitsophrenia, ect. not to mention the people who have had an allergic reaction to the drug.


Weed is a hard drug that does serious damage to your body? Since when?

True, loss of Seratonin isn't a good thing, but it's easily replacable. What about the people who lose a liver, or have thousands of detatched brain cells from alcohol? Brain cells, up to this point, have not been found to grow back.

I don't think that people are comparing the drugs themselves, I think it's an issue that we should be free to choose, as we are with drugs that already have long-term, proven and -very- bad side effects. Most people who have medical problems from Ecstacy are succeptable to other alergens as well. The majority of those who have problems are partly to blame themselves. They drop E, then go dance for hours in a hot club, don't drink enough water and then blame the drug for their heat stroke.

Don't let the "words" of others influence you. Find out for yourself. As it stands, you've only posted a working draft for anti-drug campaigns.



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Originally posted by glynis:

so choose what you put in your body.

put whatever the fuck you want in your body. drink gasoline for all i care. just dont ask the government to agree with you thats all.

I don't care if the gov't agrees, I just don't want them in the way.....

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Originally posted by glynis:

so choose what you put in your body.

put whatever the fuck you want in your body. drink gasoline for all i care. just dont ask the government to agree with you thats all.

I don't care if the gov't agrees, I just don't want them in the way.....

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glynis, are you high again? Cause you're not making much sense, babe. How can we NOT compare something that's illegal like "E" and weed to something that is far more dangerous to the body and the society as "Alcohol"? The number of deaths and the list of harmfulness it does to the body . . . do the math. Also, legalizing a drug does not make the government responsible for my body. I'm the only person who's responsible for that and no one else.

I don't think anyone on this board is trying to make drugs look holy. However, history has proven that forbidden fruits do attract more adolescent minds, so more pressure the government puts onto this whole E-war thing . . . more kids are going to want to try it. It's the inevitable.


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Hmmm....I guess everyone's said what I want to say, but I'll say it anyway. Glynis, how come you say you cannot compare alcohol and e (or weed)? You say e is a "hard" drug...so what makes alcohol "soft"? There are sooo many problems caused by alcohol...drinking & driving, alcoholism, violence, etc, etc! I have yet to see anyone physically addicted to either e or weed, or someone on these cause a fight. In my opinion, if you're going to make drugs illegal, make them ALL illegal...don't fuckin arbritarily make one legal and another illegal.

How many people a year die from lung cancer cuz of smoking??

My 2 cents...


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i don't post much anymore, but this caught my attention ... LEGALIZE E ... please!

It's not a hard drug Glynis ... sorry - it's just not. I've read a ton about it because it's a fascinating drug and i wanted to know more about it.

It's unlike heroin and cocaine which are drugs that can lead to other types of crime ... addiction to those drugs can cause the user to commit other crimes.

While E is NOT addictive and it's pleasures do not cause people to become violent or commit crimes (like crack can do). The drug is unique and should never have been made illegal. The gov't is scared of it and it'll never be legalised, but it should be.

So should marihuana ... another drug that is just wasted being illegal ... there's no real punishment for possession anyway.

And why is alcohol legal - same types of effects??? It makes no sense ... all the ecstacy users would have to all step up and complain - that'll never happen.

Look what happened when they made alcohol illegal (prohibition) - people FREAKED out ... hahaha!

That's what it would take today for e to be legal ... and that's never gonna happen because all the people who use it don't want others to know ... just my opinion.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I disagree highly with the statement that Amsterdam is hell. The Dutch people are very highly educated and have a standard of living that's comparable to ours. They are much more tolerant than the average American. While yes prostitution and weed is legal, it's also very controlled. A drug addict is actually treated like human being and treatment is funded by the government, unlike here where laws tend to lock people up and throw away the key. Untimately we are all responsible for our own behavior and by having the government intrude on our civil liberties is only a contradiction of what the Constition stands for. Also please try to see that there is a huge difference between drug use and abuse.

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I highly disagree with the statement Glynis made about Amsterdam being hell. The Dutch people are very educated and have a very high standard of living. The understand that by having a tolerant society they can avoid all the violence that unfortunately plagues the U.S.A. While yes weed and prostition is legal there at least it's under the control of the government. Prostitues there no longer have to fear submitting to a pimp and are entitled to weekly checkups. The government also understands that by treating a drug addict like a criminal isn't going help their society. A drug addict there is also entitled to treatment unlike here where we tend to lock people up and throw away the key. Unfortunately I don't see any drugs being legal here for a long time due to ignorance of the majority. Try to remember that there is a huge difference between drug use and drug abuse.

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