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QUESTION - How does E affect you??

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This is one reason never to do e among 1)homies 2)People who hate "ravers" 3)at a house party, like my first time..

I talk and talk and talk...to myself also...just say stuff all night...more as im peaking, i sound like the guy from the micromachines commercials, if anyone remembers.....and the drunk people will hate you for it..when was the alst time drunk peopel liked talking?

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A lot of times I am the one sitting down in my own world. I HATE THAT! That is why I LOVE speedy pills. For some reason pills have such a dopey effect on me I feel like my legs are made of cement and I can't do anything. <a  href="]http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/as-sleep.gif' alt='as-sleep.gif'>

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I get very lovey with my honey . . . I tell him in 101 different ways why, how and how much I love him. THEN I dance, dance, dance my ass off!! biggrin.gif

However, when I drink . . . I'll grab anyone to just talk, talk, talk and talk. That's why I probably don't drink that much. Give too much information away. tongue.gif



I would rather have 15 minutes of wonderful, than a lifetime of nothing special.

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well..i too am a talker!!! I usually go get my boyfriend and play truth or truth...its like truth or dare when you were younger except we just ask and answer ANY question we think of...it has helped our relationship really!! and...i also like to talk to first timers if i can find them to help them enjoy themselves!! Oh and i love to compliment everyone!!!<333 I will be doin all this tonight!!!

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I think it depends on what I took. I remember times where I was talking to everyone and anyone. And then there were times where I wouldn't talk to anyone, not even my bf, I just wanted to be left by myself! Go figure huh!


It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to get to know someone, a month to love someone, but it takes a life time to get over someone.


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I have had many plateaus on my roll. Its almost like each time Im a different character in a play. I remember times when my behavior from actions to spoken language were that of a 5 year old child. There were times like I felt that I RULED the club and noone could touch me. I have gotten extremely talkative, at times incredibly ancy. I couldnt even stand to be by my boyfriend when we rolled. He would make me nervous or disgusted. (now my ex though..lol) I dont know why but E puts me in different moods all the time. I could get all philosophical or just childish. Sometimes, Id dance my butt off and otehrs Id play with bubbles. None the less, I have had both good and horrific experiences on this drug!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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it depends on the hit, but usually when it first hits me i am very talkative and friendly, make everyone my best friend, exchange phone #'s, swear to make future plans to hang out, talk to people that i normally wouldnt, but when i come down forget it, i a miserable waste of life. thats when i get quiet and dont want to talk to anyone or be near anyone for that matter. i just want to crawl in a hole an hide.. i hate the E hangover its disgusting...it makes me feel gross!!!

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when im on a good trip im just very friendly... i guess im usually uptight so thats the only major change... depending on the pill sometimes ill ask my friends lots of questions about things im insecure about... every once in awhile ill bug out about something im worried about... like i was in a fight with my bf and even though i was totally right i ran up to him and started apologizing till no end... i should just learn to keep my mouth shut, haha

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I'm definitely a motor mouth when i'm rolling ...

Does anyone else get "pimp syndrome" when rolling?

Ya know, its when you think your the smoothest cat in the club & your game is untouchable, You have no fear, you'll talk to any girl that gives you eye contact ...

its when you feel like walking around the club in a red smoking jacket and pipe, with your lil pimp strut just nodding at everyone

pointing & winking at all the other fly pimps ... is this just me or what?

come on fellows, I know y'all get the same way...


"Reality is a crutch for people who can't handle drugs"

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I can't keep my mouth shut if I try. My favorite is when I get going on something that makes no sense at all and the look my friends give me when I completely lose my train of though in a matter of milliseconds and say "What was I saying??"

Oh! And there's also the times I smoke an UNLIT cigarette for 15 minutes and no one tells me!

One time my b/f had to tell one guy to take the cigarette from behind his ear......BECAUSE IT WAS LIT!!!! He had no clue! It was so funny, it's not like he felt a thing!


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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my bf and i are completely complementary characters, that's probably part of the reason why we work so well together. (my head is in the clouds and his feet are firmly anchored to the ground.)

but in terms of dropping E we haven't found that balance. it's funny. in the beginning he is super hyper (which he normally isn't) and just wants to talk talk talk and dance dance dance. i'm just the opposite. i want to chill, reflect and soak in the vibes around me (hopefully they are good vibes). i love to watch people around me, especially if they are smiling and having a good time.

as the night unravels my bf and i swap moods. i'm the one that just wants to talk talk talk and dance dance dance. (usually, i'm very shy which gets misinterpreted as snobby. but when i'm on e i have no idea where the shyness goes) in the meantime my bf goes into these deep reflective bouts that i get into earlier.

i guess since our conversational moods don't coincide we end up meeting alot of new people by the end of the night. which i always love anyways.

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when im on i like to wonder. my best times are when we have a crew with us. I like to wonder around and dance by myself and then make apperances when im all messed up. Its great cause then at the end of the night whoever is left of my friends comes together at the end of the night and we spen the last 2 hours wiling out together

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