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Guest hotinli

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Guest hotinli

Did anyone hear anything about the raids this weekend in manhattan. I heard they shut dowm 11 clubs including exit and factory...not sure of anything else. if anyone has any info...please inform us! i kn ow they shut down clubs all the time, but poeple said it was all over the news!! frown.gif

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Yup, they closed vinyl down as well at around 2-3am. As i was about to get my name from the list, a bunch of cops just ran in and I heard the DJ make a lil announcement. And then took us about 1 hour to get out the door as they were letting 5 people at a time out.

it sucked donkey dick... doodes..


-- DrgnFly --

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Originally posted by hotinli:

Did anyone hear anything about the raids this weekend in manhattan. I heard they shut dowm 11 clubs including exit and factory...not sure of anything else. if anyone has any info...please inform us! i kn ow they shut down clubs all the time, but poeple said it was all over the news!! frown.gif

...the factory didn't get raided



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yeah they said people at tunnel were arrested also, and tijuana toms was shut down and some other bullshit place, but they did say they hit twilo, tunnel and quite a few other clubs...however no one there that night seems to know anything about any raids...odd


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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i was watching fox five news last night, and they were saying that these 11 clubs all had dogs sniffing people for Ecstasy, Weed, Coke, and Ketamine. i didn't see any dogs? i did see massive 5-0 outside of twilo/tunnel, but what else is new?



*turn it around baby*

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I guess people will sleep better now knowing that the "evil" nightclubs where their childern are fornicatin' and doing "the" drugs are being watched by the durn good ole' men in blue!!!!

It's just something to make people feel better.


Din Da Da

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Thats so hilarious....that they'd actually have to exagerate or even make up stuff to soothe our, oh so caring, older community! Cazz, you're probably right, now our "elders" can prolly sleep better knowing that these "evil nightclubs" are being cracked down upon.

Why the F*** don't they go bust the other places where drug use takes place, ie, "trendier" clubs, higher class bars, f**kin country clubs for all I care!! It doesn't matter what color your uniform..money talks I guess!

F**k Guiliani and the new polic cheif...if the cops themselves think its all bullshit, then why do it??

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Maybe they really only raided Vinyl and only sent a couple of cops into the other clubs for routine checks. Either way it was bound to happen sooner or later. Every night there is a different story about Ecstacy on the news or in the papres. With the recent death at Twilo the city had to do something that would let public know that they weren't just turning a deaf ear to all of this. Hopefully they got their point accross and they will leave us alone until the next big controversy happens. This seems to take place once a year or so.

NYC night life is very high profile and the police aren't going to get much bad press for busting up "notorious" nightclubs. It's a no lose situation for the city. And afterall drugs are illegal and no matter what people say they will always be able to find them in the clubs.

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Why not just go ahead and make drugs legal when the government imports approximately 75%of all drugs brought into the country anyway? Then there wouldnt be any problems. Or, why not just stop importing the drugs that they are and then there wouldnt be much of a problem either. Its funny how the government makes drugs illegal yet is hypocritical enough to go ahead and use our military planes to import them and distribute out.


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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i'd love to contribute to this discussion with some erudite words of wisdom but i can only say--





thank you.

* - or they can just quit their stupid jobs and host parties at their cool mansions wink.gif


i love music!

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Why not just go ahead and make drugs legal when the government imports approximately 75%of all drugs brought into the country anyway? Then there wouldnt be any problems. Or, why not just stop importing the drugs that they are and then there wouldnt be much of a problem either. Its funny how the government makes drugs illegal yet is hypocritical enough to go ahead and use our military planes to import them and distribute out.

someone's taking The X-Files a little too seriously. wink.gif

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Uhhh sorry kingspin but its the truth. I have seen it on many of the news shows like 60 minutes and 20/20. And on top of it, my aunt and uncle are cops. My brother in law is a lawyer, and I hear about this crapola alll the time. Its wonderful how my holidays turn into political conventions about drugs and governement. Do some research because its 100% truth!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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Here's what it said in the Post, Did they really hit all these spots? Anyone there?


Cops busted 78 revelers and workers at some of the city's hottest nightclubs yesterday in a series of undercover raids aimed at the widespread sale of Ecstasy, police said.

A small army of NYPD officers and drug-sniffing dogs swooped down at 11 nightspots, including the trouble-plagued Tunnel, late Friday night and early yesterday after club patrons and employees sold drugs to undercover narcotics cops, officials said.

"Ecstasy is the drug of choice in these clubs , but the undercover cops also encountered cocaine, Ketamine [known as Special K] and marijuana," said Sgt. Andrew McInnis, a police spokesman.

Among the clubs raided were: the Social Club, 302 E. 2nd St.; the Roxy, 515 W. 18th St.; Twilo, 530 W. 27th St.; Cheetah, 12 W. 21st St.; Ohm, 16 W. 22nd St.; Speed, 20 W. 39th St.; Exit, 610 W. 56th St.; and the Sound Factory, 618 W. 46th St.

The operation's largest seizure was at Vinyl, at 6 Hubert St., where seven patrons and two employees were arrested and over $13,000 cash and several hundred pills of Ecstasy were seized.

Cops also hit Tijuana Tom's, at 114 Greenwich St., where three separate undercover drug buys were made as part of a long-term investigation into the sale and use of Ecstasy, sources said.

Also visited by the raiding party of cops was the Tunnel, at 220 12th Ave., where an unidentified number of club-goers were arrested outside.

The club and its controversial owner, Peter Gatien, who was acquitted of federal drug conspiracy charges in 1996, have been frequent targets of NYPD and state authorities. Authorities have been battling to close the club ever since 18-year-old Jimmy Lyons died there of a drug overdose Jan. 24, 1999.

Benjamin Brafman, Gatien's defense attorney, told The Post that the Tunnel maintains a strict no-drug policy on its premises - and that the city is holding the club to an unreasonable standard of enforcement.

"We stand by the proposition that security at the Tunnel is the most severe of any comparable club in the city, and Mr. Gatien and the Tunnel management are deeply committed to keeping the Tunnel completely drug-free," Brafman said.

"I think it is important, however, to keep in mind that no industry or area of this city is completely drug-free, and it is simply not fair to keep the nightclub industry to a much higher standard than applied anywhere else."

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In adding to miss Kitties comment about the gov't bringing in the drugs:

I agree but lets leave that out for now:

People are always looking to break the rules, go against society.

lets say they DID legalize e, k weed, ect.

Wouldn't those who make their $ illegally try to find or invent NEW shit to sell, and market as "special"?

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I think there would be people who would go and try and make "specil stuff". Theres always someone out trying to make something new. But still, Im not condoning them legallizing drugs. Yet I do have a problem with them prosecuting people for importing and selling when the gov't is in fact doing the same exact thing. Kind of hypocritical if you ask me...


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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Kmfdm used three simple words: Rip The System! wink.gif

If they " raided " Twilo and Tunnel and other clubs, why weren't they shut down?? Does sound fishy....

Hey the greatest dickhead...want me to take your computer, shine it up really nice, turn it sideways and stick straight up your candyass!!


"Dance to the beat, jump from my feet."


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I was at Exit on Friday the whole night/morning and I didn't see any cops or dogs. There was no raid there. Thats bullshit. The media and cops just like to hype all this shit up so we all get bad names for our selves for going to there. Fuck the pigs.

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We live in a society where the media uses sensationalism to market their own distorted points of view. There is drug use all over Manhattan and the world, not just in the club scene. Why don't the police raid the CEOs, high level brokers, etc offices who are snorting eightballs in the conference room after lunch everyday? Unfortunately, the club scene is a great scapegoat. There is obviously drug use and trafficking going on, so the media gets one shred of truth, that like one kid is busted for dealing like 2 pills and turns it into "78 KIDS OD AT A SEX, DRUGS, AND BOOZE FILLED NIGHTCLUB." Face it, this shit sells. And it keeps the parents and dicks like Guliani happy. It is just totally unfair that our scene is targeted when there is so much blatant use in other circles. What about the society brats who are cokeheads by the age of 13? Again, I guess certain headlines look better than others....



"I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed

And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.

(I think I made you up inside my head.)" --Sylvia Plath

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I know there were cops at exit a couple weeks back security was telling us when we were walking in the street they didn't even want to let us in the front, made a big deal of it, then when inside from the dj's booth exit security was going around and the lighting guys were spotlighting areas on the balcony while they did searches and saw a couple people catch a beating or two...shit happens, too bad it happened at vinyl a lot of dissapointed people...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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