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What does everybody do in the "Real World"

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i answer the phone for people like bionic and shine


"Don't go crazy, don't get depressed, don't go after stupid, unattractive women, don't fight the feelin', don't let anyone tell you that disco house is terrible." --Trevor Zier

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I'm a corporate lawyer at a "BIGLAW" firm. My credo is, "work hard, play HARDER!" Fortunately, I only need about 4 hours of sleep per night. Otherwise, I'd have NO life. LOL


When it won't help to slow down...PoUr iT oN!!

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i work in the compliance office of a brokerage firm in midtown... it must remain namless according to my contract, haha... but this is just for summers and part time... otherwise im a student. can never imagine my co-workers in a club... they're all well-behaved by-the-book lawyers... though there's this random guy who works in a different department in my building wiht a ministry of sound bag.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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I am the sales manager for a computer consulting firm near Union Square...did not think I would end up in the tech field..but I love it!

My new assistant told me she likes house music..I think I may have to educate her on what "real" house music is! smile.gif



Music is the answer...to your problems...:)...smoknjilly@aol.com

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I'm an artist. I worked in the comic book industry for over a year. Did some artwork for Marvel Comics, and translated Japanese comics into english ( nope, don't know any Japanese ). I also worked on the Pokemon comic books. I got tired of the industry in May, too much bullshit politics. I quit and I've been freelancing since. I've been chained to my art table at home. Soon I'll be going though an art agency and making the big bucks, hopefully.


"Dance to the beat, jump from my feet."


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an art director for large internet / marketing agency.

obviously not doing much today, because i was able to read the posts.

the coworkers are in the 24-30 age range and i wouldn't be that suprised to see them out.

but i would be suprised to see them doing other things besides drinking.

and they know all about my crazy partying lifestyle because i got the flyers up on the wall of my desk space. (its only used for graphic design research...really!)

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I'm a Microsoft Office Specialist at an Investment bank. It's pretty cool job, AND I work from 4p to 12a, and get a corporate car home every night. They know I party like a rock star, but I never come in hung over or call in sick or anything so they don't care. I def push the appropriate attire envelope, tho, but it's okay cuz they love my PLUR attitude! They all wanna come party with me!

Spreadin' the PLUR across corporate America --- one investment bank at a time!


blueskygirl-aka mbdewey

unavoidable username change

Still the same ole me...

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I am a securities trader at a European Bank up in Midtown..first real job..can't complain because it pays so well. One thing that surprises me..how many of us Sternies (NYU) are in MIDTOWN!! The other day during lunch break, I bumped into two peeps from class having lunch with more peeps from class. Weird shites.

Which leads me to my question..who here works in Midtown? 42th - 57th street??

And..any Sternies or NYU peeps in the house??

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Hey! Midtown workin' NYUer here! Goin ta Stern, huh? You little smartie! I'm at 48th and Park for work.

BTW, I'm a senior at NYU, English Major...




blueskygirl-aka mbdewey

unavoidable username change

Still the same ole me... but 50 posts lighter.


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Originally posted by blueangel:

I'm a desk-top publisher at Merrill Lynch. It's pretty funny cause when I'm at work . . I look my age but when I go out . . . I look like I'm ten years younger! hehehe. Nobody would probably recognize me when I'm going to work. But . . hey, what can I say? Gotta make the doe if I wanna continue partying.


I work at Merrill Lynch also. I am a web producer in charge of about a dozen designers/developers.

Would anyone recognize me?? maybe, I dress as crazy as I can get away with for working at Merrill.


We Are Not Alone!

[This message has been edited by peccatrice (edited 08-15-2000).]

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the best job in the world!!!!

I get paid to be myself!.....I write, produce and act out comical hidden camera skits (like candid camera) all over the US.......So far I've taken my act to Vegas, LA, and Miami....But the majority of the skits are done here in New York....All the skits are posted up on a sight called Latinflava.com.......The sight is an Latin entertainment tonight style show on the net......Everything is in english so don't worry you non spanish people.....Every week they're is a new skit under my section called

Dimelo (Tell me about it) Just yesterday I acted as a waiter on the first day on the job

and I tortured three guys by completely messing up their orders beginning with the drinks all the way to dessert.....It has to be edited so that won't be seen for another 2 to 3 weeks......If you go their now I'm acting as a Checkoslovokian TV reporter in the village looking to interview people........The twist??

I don't speak checkoslovokian!

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I work as an executive administrator (hence, executress) at a mid size brokerage firm based on Long Island, NY. My job is to find/research descent products, calm down screaming clients who hate their brokers, ensure that brokers aren't "churning" and trailer parking their clients...lol...

and the list goes on.

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I work as an executive administrator (hence, executress) at a mid size brokerage firm based on Long Island, NY. My job is to find/research descent products, calm down screaming clients who hate their brokers, ensure that brokers aren't "churning" and trailer parking their clients...lol...

and the list goes on.

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