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Am I the only one that gets a nasty e hang over???

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I ALWAYS feel like shit the next day. But this time, it's been an entire week! I've been waking up with head-aches 3 days in a row and always tired. cwm36.gif


"I try to make everyone's life a little more ~surreal~copy.jpg ." - Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"

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Hey, I've got an E hangover rite now!!! ahhhhh!!! My head is like really hurting and throbing, and i just feel like shit u know?? i even had work at 5 but im not goin, plus to add on i have a final exam tomorrow and i still have to study, with my burnt brain that i have!! so dont ask me how thats gettin done




Aim: Romina321

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i have never gotten an e hangover



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3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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Some things which work for me are:

Drinking gatorade instead of water, taking 5htp on daily basis(1 every day even days i dont roll) eating after rolling(its hard i know but it puts nutrients in your body)

Taking longer breaks between each time i roll and eating less pills, and not staying out as late as i used to.

have fun


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Isn't prozac addictive? I know it's probably relative, but that's what I hear of it. How do you guys get a hold of prozac anyway, isn't it a prescription drug? A good friend of mine takes it for medical reasons, so I'm not about to ask her for her stash, lol.


"I try to make everyone's life a little more ~surreal~copy.jpg ." - Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"

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Well prozac helps to plug ur brain so that Dopamine a chemical released by ur brain just like seratonin doesnt get broken down into hydrogen peroxide... it keep u from getting a toxic brain also u can try 2 pills of St. Johns wort right after it will keep u from going into the somber day after i got no seratonin state of mind


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If you can get hold of it, take Prozac (20 mg) about six hours after you drop your pill. This is very likely to help prevent potential brain damage from MDMA. (if you do this, give yourself another 12 hours at least before taking the 5-HTP). It is generally believed that taking 5-HTP after ecstasy helps prevent e-pression/bad comedowns. Opinions as to the correct dosage vary - but something between 100 and 200 mg/day would be normal. Take it for say 3-4 days after you roll, about 30-60 minutes before you want to go to sleep (as it is often sold with Valerian Root, which helps you sleep).

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i never used to get e hangovers. but then after i started doing e more...the next day would always consist of me feeling like shit. like i'm not all the way there and i'm always in a daze and i dont know if i want to eat or not. cwm15.gif


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I always feel like a million bucks the day after doing K or E. Sometimes I may feel a little tired, but thats as bad as it gets. However, I feel REAL bad for days on end after an all nigt Coke binge. I try my hardest to stay away from that stuff now. Th last time I did it, I actually thought I might die the next day, I couldnt breathe or sleep. what a terrible feeling!

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The next day, I feel physically weak. For about 4-5 days after that I'm on a psychotic emotional roller coaster of being paranoid and depressed one second to amazingly happy.

I enjoy the pill but I know to expect a week of bullshit afterwards.


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Just to let you guys know (this goes to you lucky bastards also that don't feel like crap afterwards wink.gif), I've had a splitting headache...no...MIGRAINE that just WON'T GO AWAY! I've had it for about a week and a half. So, in taking the chance in sounding like an old broken record: PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND TEST YOUR STUFF. I always do, but that's still not a gaurantee (obviously). Going to the doctors this week...let's hope it's nothing serious. cwm9.gif


"I try to make everyone's life a little more ~surreal~copy.jpg ." - Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"

[This message has been edited by ~surreal~ (edited 07-18-2001).]

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try the " blue stars " they are really speedy AND i felt great the next morning ! also does anybody know where i can buy some good pills ??? i need like 8 or 9... new to the area so i dont have any solid hookups yet, e-mial me if u can help teknowarrior75@hotmail.com

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Originally posted by trancerxn112:

St. Johns wort right after it will keep u from going into the somber day after i got no seratonin state of mind

Totally correct ,but don't take it b4..Alot of people feel St. John's wart is the same as 5-htp but it is not =)


Reduced Admission hottest NYC clubs...212-613-6179 aim:princesslolita79



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I never used to get sick, but the last couple times I've rolled I've felt awful the next day or so. 5-HTP helps, as well as getting back on a regular eating and sleeping schedule. Really force yourself to do both...it's the only thing (for me) that's a sure-fire way to feel ok.


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