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Originally posted by beautious1:

All of you people are full of shit!

We live in a world where big tits, tight abs, tiny waist, and a nice juicy ass is in demand. Anywhere you look, in television, print magazines, music...the MAJORITY of pple have gorgeous bodies.

What's wrong with wanting it?

I don't think it's wrong to want it... hell I want it! I do however think it's wrong that a certain body type should be deemed perfect and all others (ie, 99% of the population) be damned.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

I think girls that get IMPLANTS are insecure about their body and that shouldn't ever cross a girls mind.


no i wouldn't say all girls who get implants are INSECURE. some ppl aren't happy w/ the way their bodies look and they want to IMPROVE it. some ppl do it b/c their very small, or they want "perkier" boobies.


" Music is a universal language. Where speech fails, then music begins. It is the natural medium for the expression of our emotions - the art that expresses in tones our feelings which are too strong & too deep to be expressed in words"

Charles W. Landon

"Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world"- Marilyn Monroe

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man's greatest invention, breast implants. makes women look/feel sexy but makes them potentially very ill, while making loads & loads of money for the doctors who perform the initial surgery, and who perform the surgery to remove them when the woman gets ill, or to correct them when one goes lopsided, or when painful/dangerous scar tissue develops. what a great deal for the female population.

i have a friend who for some reason felt compelled to enlarge her breasts recently. she had beautiful, firm, but small breasts in perfect proportion to her petite body. now she has these unnaturally large breasts and she showed them to me the other night - her nipples look completely different. they were beautiful, and what i imagine that any man would find very sexy, and now they are stretched tight and thin over bags of silicon implanted on her chest. she's happy (and about $4,500 in the hole), but i can't understand it.

your girlfriend needs be very careful making her decision...she may lose or gain weight all her life. it's not a reason to have major surgery and put her health at risk.

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You are a shallow and superficial sheep.

People go to the gym because working out makes you more healthy. Being stronger gives you more energy for daily tasks in life.

Originally posted by beautious1:

All of you people are full of shit!

We live in a world where big tits, tight abs, tiny waist, and a nice juicy ass is in demand. Anywhere you look, in television, print magazines, music...the MAJORITY of pple have gorgeous bodies.

What's wrong with wanting it?

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Maybe calling all of you full of shit is NOT what I meant sowwy... frown.gif

Rather, society, and media, and people in general are.

I mean, you see all these special reports on the dangers of getting breast implants, the dangers of plastic surgery, the dangers of liposuction, BUT the same people are feeding us this bs idealist image of the perfect body.

All I mean to say is that we as women definetly get mixed messages. We are conditioned to think "bigger breasts, tighter abs, small waist, tight ass"...

But then we're told "Be happy with what GOD gave you". "It's what's on the inside that counts"...oh, and my personal favorite "Beauty is only skin deep".

WTF??? cwm13.gif


"Whose Line Is It Anyway?"


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All I mean to say is that we as women definetly get mixed messages. We are conditioned to think "bigger breasts, tighter abs, small waist, tight ass"...

But then we're told "Be happy with what GOD gave you". "It's what's on the inside that counts"...oh, and my personal favorite "Beauty is only skin deep".

WTF??? cwm13.gif

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I say go for it. You want implants? If you going to look better with them, go for it. And to the notion of "be happy with what God gave you". Well if you're fat that's not what God gave you, its your problem that you can't control your eating habits. And if getting a bigger chest will even you out, like I said, go for it. I also think God intended for everyone to be beautiful. We're the "MAN" only helping out with inventions like breast implants.

Have a jolly day.

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Ohh and forgot to mention. We need ugly people in this world. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to tell apart to good looking people from the not good looking people.

In other words, got to have small chested girls in order to know what looks good. Same anology applies to a lot of other things. Use your imagination.

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Originally posted by DimaNYC:

Ohh and forgot to mention. We need ugly people in this world. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to tell apart to good looking people from the not good looking people.

In other words, got to have small chested girls in order to know what looks good. Same anology applies to a lot of other things. Use your imagination.

Let me be the first to give you shit for that post!

So what you are saying is flat chested women are ugly? Or is it that being flat chested is no good. Or perhaps you were saying that if you dont have big breasts, you'd better get em...

To each his own man, but seriously...that was a little fucked up.



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Guest xfactor834

Bottom line:

Tits have to be proportional to a girl's size

38Ds on a 5'0" girl looks like cwm24.gif



Power is nothing without control

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I used to hate implants. I thought they were unnatural and I hated the way that implants have taken the variety out of breasts. My friends and I used to watch Battlestar Galactica re-runs and sit there and marvel at the 70's girls. We'd be like "look dude! medium sized breasts that look...different! wow!". I used to think getting implants was always wrong.

Lately I have come to see things differently. We live in an artificial world and I see no reason that we should single out implants for their "un-naturalness". That being said, I realized that what I didn't like is the destruction of a completely nice set of breasts for implants just because the girl wanted bigger ones. Implants have their downside aesthetically - they feel a bit different, and yes they can get crinkly if you are doin' doggy hehe And also they all look the same.

That being said, there is more than size to breasts. And lets be really honest here. Some women, possibly more than a few, have ugly breasts. I'm not talking about size, I'm talking about shape. Breasts that sag so much they look like an orange in a sweat sock. And there is nothing that these women can do to fix this - no amount of gym or diet will help. Some women also have really tiny breasts that do not suit the rest of their frame. Myself, I love small breasts a lot of the time. Hell, I met onegirl who basically had only nipples but on her it looked exotic and good. But some girls who are naturally larger in frame (larger in size don't count because you could work that off) do not look good with their smaller breasts.

So in these cases it might make sense to get a job done. However, it is best to wait and wait until you have some serious money. $10 000 + minimum. You want to go to California and get a job done by the world's best - no fucking around. There are some porn stars with awesome fake boob jobs and some with crappy ones. If you go to the best your risk of complications is small. But you have to shell out serious dough for this.

Finally, its important, I think, to not go over-board on size. This reduces the chance of losing nipple sensitivity, or so I heard, and will make for a much better looking breast that better suits the body. Also, it is easier to put a tiny little bit of sag in smaller or medim sized fake breasts this akes tem look more real.

Anyways, those are my opinions, feel free to flame me smile.gif

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damn guys you all make me feel so bad..i only have 32-34 A's but the only thing i feel better about is that i have a small frame and am small boned i mean i am 5'4 but only 105 lbs and i look shorter b/c of my frame..most people say my boobs fit my frame but i wish i had bigger boobs but oh well i guess surgery is too risky and not worth it!

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Originally posted by mrdick:

I used to hate implants. I thought they were unnatural and I hated the way that implants have taken the variety out of breasts. My friends and I used to watch Battlestar Galactica re-runs and sit there and marvel at the 70's girls. We'd be like "look dude! medium sized breasts that look...different! wow!". I used to think getting implants was always wrong.

Lately I have come to see things differently. We live in an artificial world and I see no reason that we should single out implants for their "un-naturalness". That being said, I realized that what I didn't like is the destruction of a completely nice set of breasts for implants just because the girl wanted bigger ones. Implants have their downside aesthetically - they feel a bit different, and yes they can get crinkly if you are doin' doggy hehe And also they all look the same.

That being said, there is more than size to breasts. And lets be really honest here. Some women, possibly more than a few, have ugly breasts. I'm not talking about size, I'm talking about shape. Breasts that sag so much they look like an orange in a sweat sock. And there is nothing that these women can do to fix this - no amount of gym or diet will help. Some women also have really tiny breasts that do not suit the rest of their frame. Myself, I love small breasts a lot of the time. Hell, I met onegirl who basically had only nipples but on her it looked exotic and good. But some girls who are naturally larger in frame (larger in size don't count because you could work that off) do not look good with their smaller breasts.

So in these cases it might make sense to get a job done. However, it is best to wait and wait until you have some serious money. $10 000 + minimum. You want to go to California and get a job done by the world's best - no fucking around. There are some porn stars with awesome fake boob jobs and some with crappy ones. If you go to the best your risk of complications is small. But you have to shell out serious dough for this.

Finally, its important, I think, to not go over-board on size. This reduces the chance of losing nipple sensitivity, or so I heard, and will make for a much better looking breast that better suits the body. Also, it is easier to put a tiny little bit of sag in smaller or medim sized fake breasts this akes tem look more real.

Anyways, those are my opinions, feel free to flame me smile.gif

not gonna flame ya, everything you said made sense - and one thing in particular that you said hit me "the destruction of a completely nice set of breasts" - and thinking of my friend whose breasts & breast job i mentioned earlier. she is now complaining that the nipples point in different directions. they were really nice before. i feel really sad for her that she will never, ever see her breasts the way they were naturally again. to me, the bottom line is that women are doing this to live up to an ideal (whether it be their ideal, their boyfriend's or society's in general) DESPITE THE HEALTH RISKS.

and what worries me about my friend, again, is that she did it in the wake of a break-up with her boyfriend of three years who, immediately after their breakup, dated a friend of ours who has naturally large and perfect breasts (yes, i've seen them too, we all took a vacation to the beach together!!) and i'm just afraid that she did it partly because of grief and betrayal.

ladies, let's all try to remember that the essence of a woman is not in her breasts alone (despite what media tries to tell us). it's the entire shape of your body, your small waist, the delicate curves of your body, the mysteries that lie between your legs, your silky skin and soft voice, and your loving and gentle nature. feminity and allure is so much more than just raw sexuality and sometimes men appreciate subtlety more than a woman who screams "look at me! look at me!" and if you get fake breasts, then more than likely, that's how you're going to look every day for the rest of your life. noticed first and foremost for your implants, and everything else - your personality, career accomplishments, depth of character - will always be secondary.

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my last 2 gf's both have implants...i even went with the first one when she had them done ( i didnt want her to do them, but she wanted to so i supported her decision ) anyway, if a woman wants them, is educated in the potential risks involved, and will make herself feel better...then i see nothing wrong with it.

people work out to look better, people get braces to straighten their teeth, people get tattoos/pierce their ears and whatever other body part to look better or to stand out, people buy nice clothes/nice cars..etc to look good. shallow? perhaps. but thats their own lives.

if you dont like it, tough. its not your body!!!

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Originally posted by cutipatuti:

damn guys you all make me feel so bad..i only have 32-34 A's but the only thing i feel better about is that i have a small frame and am small boned i mean i am 5'4 but only 105 lbs and i look shorter b/c of my frame..most people say my boobs fit my frame but i wish i had bigger boobs but oh well i guess surgery is too risky and not worth it!

Wanna trade with me?




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