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TELL ME YOUR EXPERIENCE W/ECSTACY (is this Drug (E) for me?)

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Hey whats up all! Weirdest shit is I don't do drugs never have, but I have been tempted to do this hyped up drug. They say sex and clubbing on E is unbelievable and amazing. The question is I want to know more about it and if you could tell me your experience that would be helpful! Thanx to everyone who replies. Love, peace, and hair grease

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If you can get good E, it's a blast. There's no two ways about it. That's why so many people do it these days...cause it's fun. It's not good for you though. And there's no two ways about that either. So as long as you know what your getting into...it is fun. Sex? ehhh, it's alright. I'd rather smoke a phat blunt and then fuck like a caged animal. But that's just me.

Johnny Blaze "ain't a damn thing changed?

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E can be a great thing but like absolutely everything else in this life - do it responsibly - know what you're doing and find something out about Ecstasy before you enjoy. Definitely check out www.ecstasy.org. A fantastic and balanced resource.

Secondly, forget everything you've heard about the sexual aspect (myth) about the drug. The great thing about E is that it has the ability to completely dispel sexual tension. That's why the clubbing scene is so great. Girls can go clubbing and go mental next to the guys - they can smile at each other, dance crazy and hug - whatever! and there's no sexual connotation. That part of E I love - the fact that everyone is relaxed and no-one feels intimidated by anything or anyone. Plus, E floods your system with natural dopamine that is going to make the family jewels nothing more than the family friendship ring (shrinkage).

There are a lot of positive things to say about E but you must make your own judgement - after all, it's all subjective.

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Guest crystalmethodny


Stay away from it, dont get inovled with it. Go to clubs for the music, and just the music. Feel the rhythm, the drums, the energy of what blasts through the speakers... not what you blast into your digestive track.

I've done too much shit, its all a waste. I havent touched for some time now, and I never will again. Don't make the same mistake.

"Enlightenment is a glorious thing."



"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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here's another site for you if you are thinking about it... www.bluelight.nu

Read the ecstacy faq. You should really try to educate yourself with facts first. Then you could ask others opinions/experiences smile.gif


[This message has been edited by deedlez (edited 06-20-2000).]

[This message has been edited by deedlez (edited 06-20-2000).]

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CM, you shouldn't really tell someone "stay away from it" and then say that enlightenment is a glorious thing. If you don't venture out and experiment then you'll never have the mental capability to compare and hence never feel the full pleasure of being enlightened.

Ges1999, the most important thing is to remember that everything has a price and moderation is a beautiful thing. Research - go to the site that highbpm told you and learn a couple of things about it, talk to some people that have tried it and liked it and tried it and hated it. THEN decide for yourself if it's the thing for you.

Just my opinion. wink.gif



Music is the language of souls . . .

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Originally posted by crystalmethodny:


Stay away from it, dont get inovled with it. Go to clubs for the music, and just the music. Feel the rhythm, the drums, the energy of what blasts through the speakers... not what you blast into your digestive track.

I've done too much shit, its all a waste. I havent touched for some time now, and I never will again. Don't make the same mistake.

"Enlightenment is a glorious thing."


wow, that was incredible... you are the deepest man, you truly are enlightened.


keep it real NancyBoy....

p.s. Oasis, WHO CARES?

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Guest crystalmethodny


My nancy boy ass is going to throw you into a speaker at Vinyl... wait wouldnt want to damage the speaker, so I'll just smack you silly.


You're taking it to literal. Sure, he can do what he wants to do, like everyone can post what they want to say... Im saying stay away from E or anything. Its horrible, I know the affects, the long term feelings... if you're saying you haven't felt yourself slow down, or mermoy loss or whatever, then its bull and it will catch up. Its just not worth it. I love the stuff, dont get me wrong... but its over, and its something I should have never of started.

GES - Like that song DT played, "Do what you want to do, say what you want to say."

If you experiment, test the waters... but dont fall overboard and drown.



"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Guest crystalmethodny

Then please Blueangel...

Be very moderated. smile.gif

Keep it real!




"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Just want to add my opinion to this topic....

I tried E for the first time about 5 months ago and was blown away by the feeling and the energy it gives you. I see nothing wrong with it, but as Blueangel said..Moderation is key. I go an average 3 weeks between drops...sometimes as much as 10 weeks. To me it's not addictive. If I don't have it, I don't have it. But if it's avalable and the time is right, then I don't shun it. And I did do my research on it and I think I'm extremely careful and responsible about the whole thing. It all depends on your interest and in my opinion...the best way to discover something is for you or not is to try it just once. You'll know ag=fter the first time if it is for you or not. But remeber..don't get pressured into it.

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A question for everyone, just because I'm interested:

How much is too much and how much is keeping it within the realms of moderation?

It will be interesting to see people's subjective opinions and then perhaps contrast the U.S. opinion to what I know from the U.K.

Actually, I am going to post this as a separate thread for a wider response.

[This message has been edited by highbpm (edited 06-20-2000).]

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well i agree with pretty much everything that people on the board have been saying...moderation, in everything, is the key to safety and future happiness...however, having said all that, i'm also a firm believer in that everyone should try whatever they want...

responsibility is a part of growing up..and you most definitely need to be responsible when taking any kind of substance...so..go...do it if you like..enjoy it...and learn from it..hehe..

tip: drop with someone who's dropped before your first time...they'll know what to do to make the experience even better...assuming they're your friends, it'll be better, and you can then spend two hours telling them how good friends they are and how much you love them whether you say it or not.

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Originally posted by crystalmethodny:


Stay away from it, dont get inovled with it. Go to clubs for the music, and just the music. Feel the rhythm, the drums, the energy of what blasts through the speakers... not what you blast into your digestive track.

I've done too much shit, its all a waste. I havent touched for some time now, and I never will again. Don't make the same mistake.

"Enlightenment is a glorious thing."


It is your choice whether or not you chose to do this, but there is much truth in what CM has to say.

Its one thing to do it responsibly and all that, but speaking from experience its better to understand how to feel that high just by being you sober. Feeling the way the music moves you in a conscious state of mind by far enlightens your life more than hearing it on drugs. I am speaking from personal experience and everyone may not agree, but that is how i feel.

Now that i party drug free (well i have the occasional drink) i can really relate to every fragment of sound that the music brings to my ears and in a manner that will stay with me FOREVER and not just last for one night on X!!!!

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CM, I think we're both saying the same thing just in different ways. smile.gif

Also, I don't know how long you have to of dropped or how much before you start experiencing memory loss or slow down with your body, but (in all honesty) I haven't had that experience yet. I'm sure they key word being "yet". However, I am a firm believer in moderation.

Play safe everyone!!



Music is the language of souls . . .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everybody is going to do what they want to do. E is amazing the first time you take it, simply because it is a different type of high. 30 minutes into taking that first hit, my stomach started to turn, then just as quickly , my body was in another state altogether. The music sounded different. I was actually FEELING the music, as opposed to hearing and reacting to it. My dancing was incredible. I felt invincible. Inhibitions were tossed out the door. Junior Vasquez suddenly became my lord and savior. This was 2 years ago. I can honestly say that after your first few hits, your high will be based on the people you surround yourself with and the energy in the place you go. You will need more and more hits to stay wacked (that is , if you do only E, and not mix it with other shit). I started out taking 1 a night (6-7 hour night). The last time I took it, it was a minimum of 4. And that is low compared to some burnouts I know!

I stopped now, partially because I'm done going out every week, and partially because if you do ANY type of drug consistently, it will eventually fuck you up. Now when I go out, a Red Bull and Vodka does the trick. In other words, DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANNA DO, and BE CAREFUL. Check out www.ecstasy.org - www.bluelight.nu - www.pillreports.com

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