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Twilo drama

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I went to Twilo Friday night for the Respect party.

I got there early to catch Dj Deep, he played deep, soulful and very mellow (it wasn't the high energy music that was played later), Marquis Wayatt followed from 1h30 to 3. He played very deep but a litlle harder than his predecessor. Bob Sinclar played after that, about 40% of his set was his own production. His set was bangin' but quite unconsistent, sometime it was great sometime it was cheese (filtered disco loop). Tony Humpries took the deck at 5. He played much harder than what I was expecting (check his ra mixes on http://www.yellorange.com) but it was good. I left around 7am.

Tony plays next Saturday at Destiny, he should play much more soulful or deeper than what he played Saturday morning.

I had a very good time but it was mainly because I was with good friends and because the music was good. There are a few events that will make me never go back to Twilo:

At the beginning of the night, a few of industry people were caught by some staff members and brought outside of the club for a search for ecstasies. The only reason the staff members chosed them was because they were tall black men. Racial profiling shoulnd't be tolerated, it's a good reason to boycott those racist pricks that are the Twilo staff and the greedy bastard who is the owner. It could have been Wyatt or Humpries being picked up since thay look the same.

One proof that those searches are just simple racism:

During the nights I was asked if I wanted to buy e or k at least 3 times. For the staff and undercovers in the clubs he is the new racial profiling for the club drug dealer: neat well dressed, short haired (not too short) white guy, he wears designer jeans, shiny black shoes and a white shirt. Those are the losers who sell drugs at Twilo. Anyway I guess they are the in-house dealers and pay their due to the staff.

I was asked at least 6 times if I was selling drugs (not by the staff, I'm not black.) For god sake, if I'm dancing my arse off, I AM NOT selling drugs!

Also a drunk sailor almost puked on me. A few guys just went right in front of me in my dancing space and stand there without dancing drinking their cocktails. A couple pushed me an walked on my shoes several times without bothering excusing themselve until I played their games and tried to start some moshing with them (punk hardcore style).

Twilo staff is rude and racist, Twilo crowd is awful. I'm not going back to this place any time soon.

Plur (not for twilo)

-Joël S.

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word....the only reason i go back is for the dj lineup...thats about it...crowd sucks(never used to be like that)..ugliest lookin people(never used to be like that), and the staff are fuckin' ridiculous(never used to be like that)...don't lemme start thinkin' bout' the old' days...we've had too many conversations on that already!

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Like it or not the NY viewpoint is that Twilo is the number one club because of the Dj's the venue attracts. The staff is responding to that hype. You have to pick and choose your nights. Dave Seaman, PVD, and Sven Vath are always good nights to go to Twilo. It is either a good packed house (PVD) or much less crowded with true fans of the dj's (Seaman and Sven). Fuck the other nights. I love Sasha & Digs but the place is just too damn crowded and expensive. I do not like hanging with people from all over the US who go to Twilo that night because it is the "In" thing. I will listen to Sasha & Digs at home instead. The jury is still out on the racial profiling, if it is true it is bull shit.

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I hear ya guys on the staff who work there. They are assholes. I hit Twilo for the first time in a year just to see Sasha & Digweed. The staff were rude. Especially that steroid freak who works at the front door. I got asked six times too, by club goers, if I was selling drugs. Geez. Only thing that made that night awesome was Sasha & Digweed that's it. I don' think I'll be going back to Twilo anytime soon, unless they get a new owner or new workers.


I feel the universe functioning...

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i would have to say that the tunnel has the worst staff ever. hands down. and twilo's is pretty bad too. if you even look fuct up, they bust you and check to see if you got shit on you.



*turn it around baby*

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Most of the security guards i have known, and seen working, at clubs like twilo and tunnel, are big black men. when you say that they singled out certain people as possible drug dealers because they are black, i can't imagine that to be the case.

i agree that the guards (and the busboys) at twilo can be exceptionally rude, nasty, pushy and obnoxious.

however, it is a TOUGH job to work as a security guard in a club, standing for long hours, when the club is packed with people, some of them high, some hot and grumpy, etc. especially with the current political climate in NY, however, i can see where things might get a little tense. altho, there is still no call for being rude. i've seen some professional guards who can be very polite and courteous.. it just takes the right guy.

as for people dancing right in front of you.. yes thats rude.. my solution... turn your back to them, get right up close, and do the chicken dance for a while (lots of ELBOWS and legs flying out).. they should get the hint...

as for feet getting stepped on.. thats almost a given, fact of life.. get used to it... hint: don't wear expensive new shoes..

i used to wear steel toed combat boots smile.gif

yeah.. its a shame guards and other staff can't in general, be nicer....

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tunnell has to be the worst

they will beat you

beat you to a pulp

and rob you

i've seen it done

i got caught smoking pot there once

they didn't do any of that to me but i was in the room getting searched (hardcore)and i saw drug dealer after drug dealer comming in and getting the shit beatin out of them then robbed

i was just thrown out

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i definitely had the worst club experiences at twilo..the staff are total assholes, i went there once with a bunch friends for a bday and not less than 20mins inside three huge ape-like bouncers grab all TWELVE of us and threw us out of the club with no explanation, one bouncer finally told us that we tried to buy drugs from them thats why, how ridiculous is that?? as i waited outside i saw what actually was going on, they raised the price from 20 to 25 and they still had a huge line, so every half hour or so they would throw out a group of people for no reason so they could let in more people on line, fucked up way of maximizing profits, they aint ever gonna make another dime of me though.......fuk twilo lets dead that spot.

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ultracrzy, if you think that's bad check this out. I know a friend who went to Exit and this bouncer grabbed him and took all his candy and told him he could buy it back for $100. Pretty messed how corrupted some of these bouncers are.

Not trying to defend anyone or any club but there is this ONE nice bouncer at Twilo. Don't know his name but his this huge latin looking guy and he's always been very nice to me and my bf whenever we go there. He usually by the enterance where the guy takes your receipt to get in. He's about the ONLY nice bouncer in there. Keep up the good work!!



"The certain proof that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe

is that no one has bothered to make contact with us."

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Guest clubkid77

I hate to say it, but the bouncers at tunnel are really not that bad....

Lets see lots of people posted how they took money or beat them up, but you also mentioned you got caught buying, doing, or somehow involved in illegal activities...

They club has mad heat from the city so they gota be tough. Personaly i know some of the bouncers and they are always cool with me, then again ive been there along time, kept my nose clean, and spin there. But even as a DJ they will ignore you unless they know you so the best thing i can say is try and engage them in friendly conversation and you might actualy get in good with them.

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Clubkid, you gotta point. With the city being a hardass on drugs in clubs, being hard on drugs is the only way the clubs can hope to survive. Management and the bouncers do not want the experience to be any worse for you than it already is.

I will have to disagree about the bouncers kicking your ass part. WHile waiting in line insdie the kurfew entrance to go hear dt, some guy cut the line and was then kicked by security until he flew through the doors outside. Episodes like that and a bouncer smacking you around for drugs are asault. The penalty for selling drugs is a fine/jail time, not a brutal beating.

If people only brought in what they were going to take or simply did whtever they were gonna do outside and not be so OBVIOUS about it, then the clubs wouldn't have any of these problems in the first place. If anyone has been inconvienetly pulled aside for a search, don't blame security, blame the guy you ignored when he started shouting out letters of the alphabet.

Party safe kids

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Guest clubkid77

I dont agree with the ass kicking part, but here is the catch for the club....

They cant afford to get the police involved B/C that would be more marks on their record, like if a guy is cought selling/doing drugs in the club and the club turns them over to the police, the police still throw the fact that the guy was involved with drugs and on their premicis... And the club gets fucked. So jsut about the only thing they can do is make life miserable for the dealer. Most of the stories i hear about bouncers kickin people asses, involved DEALING not using. and usualy what they probably DONT tell you is how they dealt with the bouncer, did they pull a tough guy atitude with them? Did they talk shit, did they try and run? All this needs to be concidered. And lastly i gota say i was never searched more ahem *thouroughly* as the night i went to everyones favorite spot SF after they re-opened, the bouncer practicaly checked to see if i was circumcized. And my Girl had her tits and snatch grabbed like only i do.

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both are bad, hiting is wrong. I'll agree that many tiems the bouncer is jsut prob jsut sticking up for his neck. oh well, dont deal drugs and you wont have probs

count the number of times i typo jsut and hte.

i lvoe typos

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