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question for all the girls out there

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

LOL!! Get messy in HIS pants.. not on me! It's not you are dancing naked ! smile.gif

Yeah, guess you're right. I just can't imagine a guy wanting to dance with THAT in his pants!


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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They grind cause . . .well . . . IT FEELS GOOD! Why do you think?? rolleyes.gif

I think a lot of girls out there expect men to be like robots. Like they should be able to control themselves at all time! They're human for crying out loud and more importantly they're MEN. They're private parts are WAY different from ours. Men don't see it when we're horny cause it's easy for us to hide it under our clothes but for men they can't. Why should we prosecute them cause they get a stiffy? It ain't gonna jump out and bite ya! It's not like he's jerking off right in front of you, right?

If it's so offensive then do what MissKittie does and just walk away, but let's not sit here and make fun of themn or bash their heads in (no pun intended) cause they can't control they penis at will. That's just as wrong as saying that men are more sexual then women.

Listen, ladies, just because a man gets a hard on DOES NOT make him a pervert. Now if he grabs you and rub all up and down your leg until he ejaculates . . . well THEN you can definately call him a pervert, but let's not bash them for having natural responses. We're not kids here.



"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."

- W.M. Lewis angel.gif

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 09-05-2000).]

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Originally posted by reggie99:

How do you all feel about when a guy dances with you at a club and gets all up on you and has his penis hard as hell?? Do you girls enjoy that?? or just think it is some horny bastard trying to copp a feel???

give me a f&*%ing break...what are you kidding me.....yeah, I love it when some stange guy rubs his hard thing all up on me... rolleyes.gif



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The Misses,

OK, lets clarify something...what sort of clubs are you talking about?? If you're talking about the megaclubs that have great DJs/underground music, then yeah, there should absolutely be no grinding...cuz thats not the way you dance to that kind of music. If you're talking about the cheesy top 40 clubs where people go to hook-up...please, all people do is grind!! I've been to these places, and when I ask a girl to dance, the first thing she does is turn around and back into me!! C'mon now, if this happens, and I get a hard-on you think whats expected is for me to walk away??!

There are two different kinds of situations we're talking about...if its the first one I mentioned then I'm 100% with you ladies, if its the second, then I completely disagree.

Again, just my 2 cents...


I was born in Twilo, I have lived in Twilo, and I shall... (lets not go there)

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Got to comment on this one, one of my pet hates....

I am with most of the women here - having a total stranger rub his hard on against me while I am trying to dance is just annoying and insulting...I don't have a "fuck me" label on my forehead (or my ass!). When I am on the dancefloor please respect me AND my space (limited as it often is...).

But its usually easy to deal with, i just turn around and tell them to "back off" and they do, no argument, so I never let it bother me too much...

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For me, it doesn't happen if I'm just dancing with a girl. On the other hand if I'm dancing with her and happen to be hooking up with her, and I feel like the dragon might be waking up, I just back off a bit and try and keep "things" under control.

Personally I would/have never gone up behind some girl in "that condition" on purpose . I think it's pretty rude (to say the least). I personally would be a bit embarrased, thinking she'd be like, "what the hell is wrong with this guy that he can't control it?"

I don't know, maybe I'm just modest.....

Sometimes you girls do drive us crazy though.

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I'm not saying that I'd go up to a strange woman WITH a hard-on and start grinding her. However, if I meet a girl, and we start dancing and SHE backs into me and starts grinding me (esp. if she's hot) the probability of me getting a hard-on is high, and I won't back off cuz SHE's the one who backed into me. And DO NOT tell me that women don't do that cuz I know from personal experience and observation that its fact!

Again, let me repeat, this is only at hook-up joints, not at clubs playing good music!


I was born in Twilo, I have lived in Twilo, and I shall... (lets not go there)

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Originally posted by divalicious:

have to add my $0.02...

this happens quite often... i hate it when i'm dancing away and some guy, who btw has not even bothered to let me lay eyes on him, starts rubbing his penis on my ass! i mean they literally come up from behind and start humping like a puppy in heat!! WHAT THE F**K!!? i get soo pissed that i want to start swinging!! but i demure like the lady that i am and just give them a look that makes them run away with their tail between their legs.

on the other hand tho, when i'm in a club with a guy i'm with, there's lots of rubbing going on - and he better have a big 'ol stiffy!!

OOOHHHH, I've seen that look that you shoot those horny guys!!! Hee hee!!!


angel.gif I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE bad.gif

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Originally posted by raver_mania:

I'm not saying that I'd go up to a strange woman WITH a hard-on and start grinding her. However, if I meet a girl, and we start dancing and SHE backs into me and starts grinding me (esp. if she's hot) the probability of me getting a hard-on is high, and I won't back off cuz SHE's the one who backed into me. And DO NOT tell me that women don't do that cuz I know from personal experience and observation that its fact!

Again, let me repeat, this is only at hook-up joints, not at clubs playing good music!

raver_mania: Where the hell did

you get your signature? Damn, I should

start copyrighting my quotes!!!!

"I was born in Twilo. I will die

in Twilo."

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OMG!!!! i hate that more than anything else in the world!!!! i dont care how hot the guy is, its such a turn off. but i wouldnt let any guy i dont know just rub up on me in the first place!!!!!

just the thought of that makes me sick... it shows NO RESPECT....


~Music Is The Answer~

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Just another note...

I had guys rubbing up against me. What I think about guys that do that, in my opinion only, that guys are coming up and getting a hard on on you, and then expect you to continue dancing with them in a grinding matter till they come so I always back off. Is that true guys?

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

Just another note...

I had guys rubbing up against me. What I think about guys that do that, in my opinion only, that guys are coming up and getting a hard on on you, and then expect you to continue dancing with them in a grinding matter till they come so I always back off. Is that true guys?

EEEEEEEWWWWWW! Wouldn't that get messy??


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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Originally posted by cuteness.:

i find that if you want men to respect you, you should get bare-ass naked and walk around them, parading your pierced genitals.

they will respect your openess and see the statement you make as feminist.


Ummm yeah!!!

Everyone listen to Cuteness.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks

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