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Smoking in clubs...

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Originally posted by teddyruxpin:

that is b.s. you will never understand if you don't smoke

FYI, I was a chimney myself for 7 years...I quit, cold turkey, almost 3 years ago. So I know what it's like to want to light up. But even when I was a chimney, I was very considerate of non-smokers, and did not subject them to my smoking unless they didn't care...



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Please give us smokers a break. We can't smoke anywhere anymore. Drinking, Rolling, whatever it is your doing and smoking go hand in hand. Can't we at least look foward to our nights out with our cigs?

Even peeps who aren't full time smokers smoke when they are out.

This is supposed to be a free country, we deserve the freedom to smoke in a club.

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that is really harsh...cigarettes arent even illegal....just like (for example)..having to deal with sloppy ass drunks bumpin in to me when im at a bar...lets ban that!.....but, I am considerate of my smoke...i think most smokers are in this day and age smile.gif because we know it's bad for us...but we like to smoke(i.e. love//hate relationship). That doesn't mean non-smokers should deal with that carcinogenic smoke....

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Give us a break, not our fault, its an addiction that we cant help. However, smokers should definitely respect non-smokers and be cautious while they're out and about. I am actually very careful and respectful.

I cant stand those people that smoke on the dance floor and insist on walking through a crowded club w/ a lit cig.

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ok, divalicious my friend, was this directed towards me b/c i burned you this weekend? Let me just say that reformed smokers are the worst when it comes to this soapbox!!! Pot smoking is just as harmful to one's health but you're all for that, right? If everyone who smoked cigarettes lit up a joint in a club instead of a cigarette, I guarantee you'd come home just as stinky!!! I take offense to this and I don't smoke all of the time as it is. Sorry about the burn, or burns... but when you go to a crowded club you have to realize that some things just come with the territory, like having your foot stepped on or having a drink spilled all over you. I've been burned on many occasions myself. I think you need to think back to when you were a smoker, b/c like I said, I've been on both sides of the fence on this issue,but I never went off on my friends about it!

Peace dude!


angel.gif I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE bad.gif

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never been a smoker and can live with the smell (c'est la vie) but PLEASE not on the dancefloor folks, been burned way too many times and now i get paranoid when there is someone near with a cigarette (doesn't help that they often don't look so steady on their feet either...), its affecting my dancing.... frown.gif

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Originally posted by crystalmethodny:

Its illegal in San Francisco wink.gif

it is illegal in all of california but some bars let you smoke anyway

check out reds on powell smoking is allowed there and the bartender is from newark nj


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You're right. It sucks coming home and stinking like a dirty ash tray. But I really love to smoke when I'm out and am therefore tolerant of others rights to do so as well. There is etiquette and a couple rules that should be followed, for example:

1) Watch where you blow smoke. - seems obvious, but often overlooked.

2)Don't lead with your cigarette. People need to realize that they're not Luke Skywalker and it's not a light saber. They need to learn how to hold the butt the right way i.e. cupped in your hand with the head pointed in. This way, nobody gets hurt.

Just my .02

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Its annoying when some people in a club hold the cigarette out, far away from their body at a club. Its usually girls that are trying to look cool. When you try to walk past them, they act as if their cig has more right to space than a person. If you smoke at least know how to hold it correctly! smile.gif


Per me e arabo!

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

ok, divalicious my friend, was this directed towards me b/c i burned you this weekend?

no mama, this post wasn't directed at you! it was just something i've been wanting to see happen since i found out that CA banned smoking...and we went the whole weekend without me getting burned...yay!!!

FYI, i don't think smoking weed is just as bad as cigs, because one doesn't smoke 10-20+ joints in a day as one would if one smoked cigs. i smoke weed more now than i did when i smoked cigs, but i can now run up a flight of steps without feeling like i'm going to cough up a lung. and weed smoke doesn't linger like cig smoke does.

and yes, we reformed smokers are the worst when we get up on a soap box (especially us cold turkey quitters), but the way i see it, i'm only trying help nudge the chimneys to quit a nasty ass habit. hey if i can do it...



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It might have been a harsh way to say it; but the message is good. Clubs in CA have no smoke policy. If you want they have outside decks & shit to smoke on. I sometimes smoke when i'm hit, but it's nice not to breathe it if you don't want to or come home smelling like energy & sweat rather than stale smoke. EDEN in LA rocks

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Originally posted by pilla:

it is illegal in all of california but some bars let you smoke anyway

check out reds on powell smoking is allowed there and the bartender is from newark nj

Ironically enough: I was in San Francisco right after the ban went into effect, and I smoked back then. Went to a random bar and it happened to be The Red Room, they did have people sneaking smokes, and me and some girl from LA had ourselves a little smoking party right at the bar.

I quit last year and am extremely glad I did. Used the patch and it worked wonders. Even when I was a smoker, I still hated second-hand smoke. Nowadays I totally cannot stand it. If the bar/club/restaurant/lounge has good enough ventilation, then I don't care - smoke all you want as long as it's not in my face. Lots of bars, restaurants, and lounges actually achieve that, and smokers and nonsmokers can live peacefully. In clubs, on the other hand, that's a little harder to accomplish...

Yes, it IS a free country, but clubs are private places, aren't they? Just like they can deny you admission for being dressed a certain way/whatever, they ought to be able to ban smoking because hey, it is a free country indeed - want to smoke, feel free to go some place else.

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smoking in clubs is ok, from my non-smoker point of view. I just get pissed off when someone's dancing and burns me or my clothes. That's just not cool. But even if smoking was banned in clubs, you'd still go home smelling like "club" - you can't avoid the smoke machine smell!

fantc wink.gif





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I think it's fair to point out that Clubs are in some sense intended as venues where vices of various kinds can be pursued without persecution.

Drinking is a vice. Smoking is a (pretty related) vice. Smoking does indeed offend many people. I would also say that for those people who don't drink and prefer to trip or toke, are often offended by the relatively sloppy and often obnoxious behavoir of drinkers.

"Banning" something (i.e. prohibition) is a very blunt instrument, and inherently favors one group (say, in this case those who indulge in the drinking vice but not the smoking vice) over another.

There ARE other options. For example, some clubs could go non smoking and thus attract the crowd looking for that (the fact that this hasn't happened already is testament to the fact the smoking contingent is pretty sizable). Or multi floor clubs with non smoking floors. Really good ventilation systems (not perfect, but does deal with the smell issue for the most part), as some clubs already have.

In other words, a compromise. A foreign concept these days, when every party wants the world to conform to their view of it.

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If you don't like smoke, stay out of the Providence area...not like you are rushing up here anyhow. We're like Europe here, where everything but the fast food joints has a non-smoking "section" - i.e. a small portion of the restaurant is non-smoking. Fast food abides by their corporate policies of no smoking in the restaurant. Clubs and bars are FILLED with smokers, and the streets too. Maybe ot comes from being so many people, and so many colleges, stacked in one TINY city.


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I wouldn't be able to go! I have to agree though that people need to be more careful where they wave their butts.

Ooh I have a funny story, we were at Exit one night and some guy on the chairs stuck a lit cig behind his ear. He didn't even realize! My boyfriend had to tell him 3 times before he figured it out.


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