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Gore or Bush


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GREEN PARTY- RALPH NADER!!!! biggrin.gif

seriosly though, bush? he's terrible. people rip clinton for his "acts" yet the fact is that the economy is booming, employment rate is at it lowest in decades and we have a surplus. looking stictly at what he has done for the country, he's been a very good president. standards of living have been raised and overall the nation is in a great position.

the fact is, if you wanna rip somebody for their life outside the office, look at bush and his drug habbit. let's take the budget surplus and put it in the stock market, thats brilliant. or even better, lets assemble the cabinet and do massive lines in the oval office rolleyes.gif

now don't think i'm a democrat b/c i'm not, i'm an independent and i never said i supported gore necessarily. i just definetly am anti bush



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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You know who we should really thank for the economy is Alan Greenspan....he is the man! He is so intelligent...probably one of the most powerful people in the world...you know the entire market braces when he annouces something


..the blackness, the darkness forever...

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

Okay, what I said before sounds stronger than how I really feel, but this is how I see it. Bush is at least a known entity...he says he's against this that and the other thing. He's blissfully out of the loop on a lot of issues. You know what's going to happen under him. Hell, under Reagan (big drug war, then!) drugs blew up in this country, esp. the "designer drugs." He's an idiot. Gore, he says one thing to one crowd, and another thing to another crowd. He may not be an idiot, but he is a loose cannon. I'd rather keep my enemies closer, particularly when I know what move they will make.

And believe me, I don't have a great love for the Republican party because of their social policies; i'd probably be in some "straightening" program if it was up to them. Lesser of two evils, folks.

HUH?? Okay, just like how the economy was at its ALL TIME LOW during the Regan administration!!! OKAY!!! WELL GOOLIE!! What was I thinking . . . let me just go vote for BUSH!! rolleyes.gif

B2B, like I said. I never said that he was a GOOD man, just a good president.



"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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Originally posted by back2basics:


have to disagree here, the issue was not sleeping with somebody it was lying in court. The president of any country should not be allowed to lie about anything under oath. I don't think anybody can say he didn't. For me that was the issue, and that's how it was reported in Europe.

He has done some great things though, just been reading he is visiting Vietnam when his term ends.

any president would have lied in his position, let alone any individual period, and i can think of far worse that presidents have committed, yet are still revered and adorned as heroes and haven't done as nearly as much for this country as he has.

once again, i'm not a democrat nor a clinton supporter, just giving a subjective view



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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I didn't like Clinton in the beginning but as President I think he did a good job. Cool dude- except for that bj situation which kind of got out of hand on him.

As for Gore or Bush--neither one of them inspires me that much. You never know how a President is going to perfom once he's in office. It could go either way. Im not even sure Im voting--politics doesn't really interest me much anymore.

Whoever wins---I hope he does a great job. I think Cheney is cool and smart, though. So Im biased in favor of Bush/Cheney.


There must be a party going on around here!!!

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Originally posted by blueangel:

HUH?? Okay, just like how the economy was at its ALL TIME LOW during the Regan administration!!! OKAY!!! WELL GOOLIE!! What was I thinking . . . let me just go vote for BUSH!! rolleyes.gif

B2B, like I said. I never said that he was a GOOD man, just a good president.


oh what casey your not a big fan of "reagonomics"? or the star wars defense system? rolleyes.gif

i definetly a agree, don't know about his morals, but bill's definetly been good for the country.

i also agree w/ the above post about greenspan. if anything he's the biggest reason for the booming economy. the man really knows what he is doing and has a clear had. understand the we need to regulate our growth which rampant in order to prevent massive inflation.



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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Definitely voting for Gore.

Bush, (135+ dead and counting) yikes, anyone that fries that many people scares the hell outta me. He has no brains period. Only has a total of 5 years experience in office and previously relied on daddy for everything. Gimme a break...


Dream a little dream...

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

oh what casey your not a big fan of "reagonomics"? or the star wars defense system? rolleyes.gif

i definetly a agree, don't know about his morals, but bill's definetly been good for the country.

i also agree w/ the above post about greenspan. if anything he's the biggest reason for the booming economy. the man really knows what he is doing and has a clear had. understand the we need to regulate our growth which rampant in order to prevent massive inflation.


Oh yea . . . Star Wars!! If I wanted Star Wars . . . I'd watch the freakin' movie!!!! Regan should of just stuck to acting cause as a president, he just plainly SUCKED the big one!! HJtwofinger.gif

By the way, Rob, are you coming to dinner tonight?

B2B, I forgive ya babe! You still my favorite brit! LUVlove.gif


"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

Blueangel, check your PMs. smile.gif

I didn't mean to snap at ya! Torrie!! I guess I just got a lil' sensitive when you made that remark about Hillary. It just really pisses me off when guys (I THINK you're a guy) make comment about women in high places . . . especially when they have NO clue as to how much HARDER it is for women in those places. Not are they scrutinized by men but by OTHER women as well. It's hard for men to reach high places but (BELIEVE ME) its MUCH MUCH HARDER for women.

No hard feeling? azher.gif



"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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Okay guys, honestly, who do you think that the "economy" is booming for??? You? If you're doing well - great, more power to you. Most people are not "booming" right now. You should at least recognize that our sick brand of capitalism is not benefitting the majority of people. Most here and around the globe are basically slaves to the man, whether as better compensated "middle class" cogs in the corporate wheel or as your unfortunate clerk making $6/hour for a shitty service position


"There is no beginning and no end, only the infinite passion of life."

-Federico Fellini

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Originally posted by blueangel:

And for Hillary . . . you know what, how dare you say FUCK HER??!!?? Everything that women did during Bill's presidency was FOR the country. She could of easily console her OWN soul and left him standing there, but if she did that then that would of made this country MORE of a laughing stock!! She sacrificed A LOT for her country and jerks like you say "Fuck Her!" WHY??!! Cause she's smart?? Cause she has balls?? Cause she's involved herself more into the government then any First Lady has in the history of this country?? WHY??

In my book, I think she's the definition of a true woman!! She stood behind her husband through good and bad. Sacrificed her happiness for the country, is smart as hell, and strong . . . VERY STRONG!! I hope she wins the SENATE . . . just to piss people off!!


Please tell me you're kidding? Hillary? She's a fuckin' useless moron. She stayed with her husband that fucks anything that moves only to help her political future. If she really had any strength (or common sense) she would've left Bill and still tried to pursue a career in politics.

How can any women even think about respecting or voting for that door mat. If I was Bill, I'd keep walkin' all over her cause I know she'd let me. That's only on a personal level though.

As a politician she sucks too. She blatently lied about the whitewater crap and about Monica Lewinsky stuff.



If a man does not keep pace with his companions,

perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.

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I definitely want more women in politics, both nationally and locally. My personal theory is that we need an african-american-woman-mother as president...

However, Hillary Clinton is deeply and profoundly arrogant and feels she can walk into NY and have the "Party" hush any dissenting voices, which is essentially what's happened. She's as bad as D'Amato and Giuliani ever were.


"There is no beginning and no end, only the infinite passion of life."

-Federico Fellini

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Originally posted by namastasyai:

Okay guys, honestly, who do you think that the "economy" is booming for??? You? If you're doing well - great, more power to you. Most people are not "booming" right now. You should at least recognize that our sick brand of capitalism is not benefitting the majority of people. Most here and around the globe are basically slaves to the man, whether as better compensated "middle class" cogs in the corporate wheel or as your unfortunate clerk making $6/hour for a shitty service position

something tells me this is taking a turn toward the debate over capitalism. "our sick brand of capitalism"? what would you prefer, communism?

if ya ask me, people generally get what they deserve, and if your working as a clerk making minimum wage, chances are you probably did O work all your life, yet sing your woe is me tune all day expecting to be handsomely rewarded for doing nothing w/ yourself.



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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First off, Hillary was a victim in the Monica thing . . . more then you and I. And leave him?? Then what?? Then the whole country would of been in an up roar. People would of bashed her head in whether she left him or not. She did the best that she could by standing by him. Like I said, if she left him while he was in presidency then there would of been more drama and the country would of been MORE embarrassed. She sacrificed . . . that's what she did.

A woman is not a door mat because she chooses to think less of herself for the a better future prospect. IF she stayed with him to better her future politically . . . then MORE POWER TO HER!!! She's stronger than I thought!!

As far as lies . . . there WILL always be lies in the government. A part of the reason why Clinton did a good job as president was because she was hind him directing him toward the right direction. So, HELL YEA, I hope she wins the Senate.



"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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Originally posted by blueangel:

Oh yea . . . Star Wars!! If I wanted Star Wars . . . I'd watch the freakin' movie!!!! Regan should of just stuck to acting cause as a president, he just plainly SUCKED the big one!! HJtwofinger.gif

By the way, Rob, are you coming to dinner tonight?

B2B, I forgive ya babe! You still my favorite brit! LUVlove.gif

i'll be there, i'll be there, i'll be there

oops, thought i was redman for a second there



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

something tells me this is taking a turn toward the debate over capitalism. "our sick brand of capitalism"? what would you prefer, communism?

if ya ask me, people generally get what they deserve, and if your working as a clerk making minimum wage, chances are you probably did O work all your life, yet sing your woe is me tune all day expecting to be handsomely rewarded for doing nothing w/ yourself.


Rob, I've no doubt that you are a hard working individual who is deserving of plenty of material comforts. But we do not live in a fair world, do you honestly think it is possible for everyone to well employed doing good work for themselves and the benefit of society as a whole. Do not be naive. Don't be deceived by the myths of complacency which our deeply evil system has instilled within you since birth.

some hints:

1) Turn off your TV, never turn it on again, except to veiw a film on your VCR

2) Travel. Not to some pleasant all-inclusive.. really travel. Go outside of the USA! It will alter your perspective. The US is the worst thing to ever happen to the world's people. We just have the misfortune to have born into ths orwellian police-state and most of us here still beleive that we are "free"..

AHHHH, sorry, I'm getting angry. Not at you.. Just frustrated by the injustice of it all... so many intelligent individuals here being misled by the likes of the NYTimes and Monsanto, and the US gov't, and by those with an entrenche interest in maintaining te status quo which is patently racist, classist, and absolutely hateful of alternative viewpoints.


"There is no beginning and no end, only the infinite passion of life."

-Federico Fellini

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Sorry for the typos and overgeneralizations in my recent post, I think we have gotten a bit off topic here. Anyway, this ridiculuous election season amounts to a choice between tweedledumb and tweedledumber. (all I meant to say)


"There is no beginning and no end, only the infinite passion of life."

-Federico Fellini

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I personally havent thought about voting for President, maybe Bush cuz he does lines...But as far as senate, I am voting for the first time simply because I am NOT seeing Hillary win this election. Besides I have a connection to Lazio, he graduated from my HS and is a neighbor. smile.gif


"I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed

And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.

(I think I made you up inside my head.)" --Sylvia Plath

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you still never set forward a better alternative. its easy to sit there, analyze something and find fault. try giving an example from the opposite end of the spectrum, since capitalism is apparently at the abhored end.

you say travel, and not to some extravagent locale to truly see the world. well tell me, what is it i'm going to see? Poverty, hunger, subhuman living conditions? well if thats the case, and its what you would like me to experience, what exactly is the point? to see that there are we have far more advantages then those i will see, right? aren't you just proving my argument right there then? if our standards of living are that much above the rest of the world, then what is so terrible about capitalism? why is our system so "evil"? b/c it allows us to think for ourselves maybe? i take a subjective view on everything, attempting, at least to always consider both sides.

and please do not take your arrigant and hierarchical approach w/ me. from your post, and exhonerrated attitude seems you emody some of the characteristics you say your against. tell me, are you one of those people who crucifies the society that made him? like when rage against the machine gets on stage in front of millions and burns the american flag when the society they denounce is the reason they are where they are. don't go off on a tangent about how evil this country is and sit here reaping the benefits.

i'm sorry if i'm am misinterpreting the tone of your voice, in which case, or either case for that matter, do not take anything i said personally. in fact i enjoy the conversation. and who knows, maybe one of us will ultimatly enlighten the other biggrin.gif



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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Originally posted by namastasyai:

Sorry for the typos and overgeneralizations in my recent post, I think we have gotten a bit off topic here. Anyway, this ridiculuous election season amounts to a choice between tweedledumb and tweedledumber. (all I meant to say)

i agree we definetly went off on a tangent.

i also agree 100% w/ the the comment about our choice.



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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