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so....i have gotten pretty good at ravin'......however, i want to get into tha good shit! ravin with strings....i go to clubs, and i see these cats whippin these G-sticks around, and i am truly impressed. my question is, is it really that hard to do? how can i learn? cwm24.gifcwm24.gifcwm31.gifcwm12.gifcwm30.gif


A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

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I think they're still cool. It certainly colors and brightens any place up, it's hypnotic whether sober, drunk, or rolling. When I first saw it, it almost took my breath away on how they moved around smoothly all over their body. The glow, it almost seems to give any place a nuclear energy. Actually when I go to places where there are none to be found, I miss them.

Hell, people still breakdance and I think it's still fun to watch.

Live and let live.


Dream a little dream...

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heh heh....okay...soooooooooooooo does anyone know if its really hard to learn like i asked? its still cool!

-al- cwm27.gifcwm32.gifcwm27.gif


A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

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I like to watch people who know what they're doing with glowsticks, and the ones on the strings def. look awesome, but it's no fun being pegged on the side of the head with one. OUCH, those things hurt. If it's crowded you need to keep your strings short!!! cwm30.gifcwm29.gifcwm12.gif


angel.gif I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE bad.gif

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Originally posted by DollaBill:

Glowsticks are not cool anymore. They used to be in the early 90's not anymore. Commercial ravers use them. STOP THE INSANITY!


My bf and I ALWAYS dance with glowsticks and WE'RE STILL ALIVE!!!! tongue.gif

trippintrance64, it's not that hard. Once you learn how to flow (relax your hands) and the usual figure 8 then all you need is just a lil' relaxation and a lil' imagination. What separates the guys who use glow sticks is that they ALL have their own personality.




"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."


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For trippintrance64, doing strings takes some practice I started in May and now I am stupid nice! So if you just mess around with them in your house for like an hour a day you can get good!

To all you non believers in glowsticks, don't knock it just because you can't flow!!!



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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

so....i have gotten pretty good at ravin'......however, i want to get into tha good shit! ravin with strings....i go to clubs, and i see these cats whippin these G-sticks around, and i am truly impressed. my question is, is it really that hard to do? how can i learn? cwm24.gifcwm31.gifcwm12.gifcwm30.gif

nothing is more annoying at a packed club than a twirler cwm43.gif

that was early 90's...do whatever you want, but if do become a twirler, please respect those in the club who do not want to see your acts. twirl before or after the party, WHEN THERE IS ROOM!


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Glowsticks are fine.

Glowsticks on strings should be outlawed. It's like being on a packed subway and a 400 pound guy comes on and squeezes into the seat next to you taking up every inch of space. Now you have to get up out of your spot because it's too annoying to stay there.

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hey whats going on trip!

hehe ya i love my strings!!!

im usually at exit during afterhours spinnin

hhmm well first off take it slow you dont want to hurt yourself now, and maybe try just swinging them while your arms are at your sides with the stick spinnin forward them bring them to the front of you so that they are sinnin in front of you. =)

let me know if you ever go to exit or where ever and ill be more than happy to rave with ya! =) idunno how i learned i just picked it up! hehehe


alamo - http://www.alamohq.com

[This message has been edited by alamo (edited 09-21-2000).]

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when i was younger i did them, not too hard to do, just practice by yourself...preferably with the lights out in front of a mirror.

everyone does them at one point or the other, then u just grow up. thats what happened to me. after them, during the roxy days, i was one of the roid boys. (please, no flames) now i just chill, no glow sticks, keep my shirt on, and just dance!!!!

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

so....i have gotten pretty good at ravin'......however, i want to get into tha good shit! ravin with strings....i go to clubs, and i see these cats whippin these G-sticks around, and i am truly impressed. my question is, is it really that hard to do? how can i learn? "]http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/cwm30.gif

its not that hard trance, i started around july and im decent now, just get some dead sticks and attach them to some old shoelaces and practice at home in front of a mirror, just go really slow at first and work on spinning the strings forward and using the figure eight motion, u ever wanna meet up we can rave together somewhere, oh and i was wondering does anyone know of video on raving?



beware of the darkside.... saevilw.gif

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Yeah I almost got closed-lined by one of those..That wasn't fun.. It was bad enough I was tripping out of my face..For the rest of the night I was walking around the place as if I was in combat - trying to protect myself...yeah we can all laugh about it now, but it wasn't funny at that time, I though it was real....

I USED TO use glowsticks back in the early 90's and my LAST time was when I bit down to hard on one (I was tying my hair back) and my mouth was glowing for like two days.

Yeah---laugh again----I nearly killed myself.....

Hey you go out to have a good time, if you like it, COOL...Whatever floats your boat!!






"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir

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nightcrawler, there is a video @ www.iloveraving.com for a glowstickin crew-- it doesn't "teach" people how to glowstix, but these guys have mad skills, and it looks cool on tv (so i've heard).

glowstickin is just a form of expression, as all forms of dance are. no need to dis on me and my fella glowstickaz, i don't dis on the dickheads that don't know how to dance and just take up space at clubs.

glowstix are old? so is breakin. it's still cool. so is tight d&g/prada gear, but it still looks good. so is coke. that 80s thang is still a 21 century thang. whoever is complaining that it's old is probably old too, but you're still clubbin, so mad props! cwm37.gif

as long as people are having fun, what does it matter if you are dancing with glowing tubes, strings, each other, whistles, or anything?

now, gimme my glowstix and imma hit the dancefloor!! cwm2.gif



*turn it around baby*

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phatty.....so anyone else have anything to say bout glowsticks?????? Holla if ya hear me! LOL... cwm13.gifcwm24.gifcwm27.gifcwm29.gifcwm30.gifcwm12.gifcwm30.gif


A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

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Whoever was at SF this past weekend at around 11AM spinning the strings was fuckin amazing. I think he was spinnin to sandstorm. Also the girl that spun right after him wasn't that bad either. The guy though was the best I ever seen. He was doing some crazy shit.

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I use strings when the club is not packed! I learned by watching ANGLEWINGS! I just picked them up and started swinging. Getting a flow is is tough, but if you learn the moves you, the flow is next. I practiced everyday with and without music. whenever I could. i'll show you let me know where and when!

Happy swinging!!!


Good time had by all!!!

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Glowsticks.. are cool.. they add some life to the party. I definitely dont like the people who just hold them for show and dont actual rave. The String people are awesome. Glowsticks and Strobe Lights have LIFe to a party..give it a Flavor, nothin wrong with doin that.

--TUNNEL BACK IN FULL FORCE-- cwm45.gifcwm13.gifcwm7.gifcwm2.gifcwm2.gifcwm2.gifcwm2.gif

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