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To all the women out there... I don't wanna turn this site into a Dear Abby but... why is it that women never say what's on their minds... they always have to keep us men guessing until we screw up and then they throw everything in our faces like it's our fault... are all women like this...THERE it's off my chest!!! cwm23.gif

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

i'm sorry you feel that way but i like what pete said!!! and you guys aren't always something special either. i'm turning to women, at least we understand each other!!!

umm....i'm a girl, and morristown isn't too far me!


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Awww...your first post & you're already complaining?! cwm1.gif

Seriously...women might not be TRYING to confuse you...there is probably some miscommunication happening in your relationship(s).

Or maybe they are trying to confuse you wink.gif



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did you ever think that maybe you are just really unperceptive and you fuck up a lot?

hahahaha, j/k

i know what you mean; i hear my guy friends complain about girls and then my girl friends complain about guys... definitely i agree that girls tend to be the more irrational ones. but you know, a lot of the time it's girls who don't know what's going on either

i think i'm pretty honest. i guess i still haven't told some people some things yet. like that bitch of a Sprint representative that i'm going to disembowel her



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Guys don't always listen when we do talk and when we talk guys don't always understand what we're trying to say. However, girls really do NEED to express themselves a lil' bit more instead of keeping everything insides.

Communication is THE KEY to a successful relationship.



"We all suffer from the preoccupation that there exists . . . in the loved one, perfection." -Sydney Portier angel.gif


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Is lack of communication, a fear... maybe you do not trust? or you are afraid what you say is not taken seriously and so you say nothing at all?

i have learned to lay the cards on the table... two things can happen they pick them up and choose to play or they turn and walk away.

listening to each other is the hardest thing to learn to do.


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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I think men and women are equally guilty of not speaking what's on their mind. However, women in general seem to be even more tentative when it comes to expressing certain things which hold deep emotional or sexual risks.

There's a great book by the author Naomi Wolf called Promiscuities that actually explores this idea...and others about how women are trained from a young age to fear certain forms of personal expression.

Not all women are this way, heck not all people are this way but its damn hard not to be. Lots of risks when you tell someone what you want...they can say no <grins>.

Blueangel is right, communication is the key in any relationship so....ask your lady to tell you what's going on, and make her feel safe so she can tell you and of course then... ask the same from her. :-)

That's my 2 cents worth. Hee! Easier said than done though.

Good luck!


"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

"For the Greeks, the hidden life demanded invisible ink. They wrote an ordinary letter and in between the lines set out to write another letter, written in milk. The document looked innocent enough until one who knew better sprinkled coal-dust over it. What the letter had been no longer mattered: what mattered was the life flaring up undetected..."

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This is what it all comes down to, girls think with their mind and guys think with their penis. Girls don't always say what's on their minds, cause we caught on to your game. We are just playing along the way we know how. LOVE US OR LEAVE US!!!

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

And yeah, WOMEN RULE!

HAHAHA - and I love your sense of humor, too.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Originally posted by Strut06:


Actually, men are more simple then we think they are. We just like to make everyting really complex cause that's how our minds work.

Just my $0.02.



"We all suffer from the preoccupation that there exists . . . in the loved one, perfection." -Sydney Portier angel.gif


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Originally posted by ooana:

I think men and women are equally guilty of not speaking what's on their mind. However, women in general seem to be even more tentative when it comes to expressing certain things which hold deep emotional or sexual risks.

There's a great book by the author Naomi Wolf called Promiscuities that actually explores this idea...and others about how women are trained from a young age to fear certain forms of personal expression.

Not all women are this way, heck not all people are this way but its damn hard not to be. Lots of risks when you tell someone what you want...they can say no <grins>.

Blueangel is right, communication is the key in any relationship so....ask your lady to tell you what's going on, and make her feel safe so she can tell you and of course then... ask the same from her. :-)

That's my 2 cents worth. Hee! Easier said than done though.

Good luck!

blah blah BLAH Blah bLah blAh blaH blah blah blah blah.....

oh were you saying something? hehe cwm35.gif

- Pete





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<squints her eyes and gives Peter that woman's stare that chills ever man's soul>




"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

"For the Greeks, the hidden life demanded invisible ink. They wrote an ordinary letter and in between the lines set out to write another letter, written in milk. The document looked innocent enough until one who knew better sprinkled coal-dust over it. What the letter had been no longer mattered: what mattered was the life flaring up undetected..."

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Originally posted by CRAIG MAC:

To all the women out there... I don't wanna turn this site into a Dear Abby but... why is it that women never say what's on their minds... they always have to keep us men guessing until we screw up and then they throw everything in our faces like it's our fault... are all women like this...THERE it's off my chest!!! cwm23.gif

I totally agree with you man. But I won't say anymore because I'll get a lot of heat from the ladies if I do!


What Makes a Man Run?

People can't understand why a man runs. They don't see any sport in it. Argue it lacks the sight and thrill of body contact. Yet, the conflict is there, more raw and challenging than any man versus man competition. For in running it is man against himself, the cruelest of opponents.

The other runners are not the real enemies. His adversary lies within him, in his ability, with brain and heart to master himself and his emotions.

- Glenn Cunningham

AIM: Spragga25

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It's so simple, as blue said, women make things complex because that is how we think. Men are much more simplistic, not at all a fault, I wish I could be!

Women analyze and then get upset at the man for not realizing what is SO OBVIOUS to her!

Men on the other hand breeze through the day like there is no problem...but, they are not at fault because they really don't see the problem!

This is a problem I have with my b/f sometimes and it's actually comical. I'll make a fuss out of nothing and pout. He'll say "what's wrong?" And I'll say (you guessed it) "Nothing". Ths will go on for a bit and I won't tell him at first because deep down I'm geting angry thinking "I shouldn't have to tell him! It's so obvious!" Meanwhile he truly has NO CLUE whatsoever why I'm mad...that is until an hour or so later when I blow up and by the time I blow up the initial problem seems so stupid that he just starts laughing. Not in a mean way but in a "why the hell didn't you just say that in the first place!" kind of way.

I think a lot of time the anger that I let build becomes bigger than the initial problem. Funny thing is, everytime I vent something to him...he always makes an effort to fix the problem.

You'd think that I would just forgo the "dance" and tell him right away...but alas, I'm a women and I'm far to complex for that.

You have to laugh at all of it. If we were too much alike we wouldn't attract each other so much! smile.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Rule #1:

Sop trying to understand everything about them.......you never will. Concentrate on what makes you happy first. Once you start worrying what the girl wants, expects etc. you lose out on your own happiness. If you have to try really hard to make someone happy, then get out of the relationship. Once you start changing your views/morals/lifestyle, or whatever it is just going to cause problems down the road.

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