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ever get sick of single life?

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I agree with all those who do not believe in

lowering your standards! I can't believe anybody

would even consider something like that. I think

were all fucked and noone knows what the hell

they want, well actually we know we want what

we can't have. I had the flyest, coolest girl

in the world for two years. Kicked that to the curb.

Being single isn't bad, it's nice to not have any

responsibilities to anyone but yourself. But the biggest pain in the ass about being single

is dealing with the same bullshit over and over again.

It's so hard to get a chance to get to know someone

without putting all this effort in.

I also get sick of my standards being so high, I've only loved one girl in my life let alone

spent more than a month with. Where is that second girl

in my life that I love chillen with?

I think we should all just enjoy the moment whether it be single or with someone.

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Originally posted by sungoddess:

Everything happens for a reason - the person you're meant to be with is out there somewhere...you have to let fate take its course and allow things to happen naturally. When you're "looking" for someone, you'll probably be disappointed. When you're not "looking", you'll meet the most amazing people. Things will happen the way they're meant to... cwm38.gif

all the good one's take you by surprise. everything you have said here is so true....i know from experience. i have had two long term relationships and then two equally long periods of almost no dating. twice in my life since college i have gone over 6 months without even going on a date or hooking up. the most important thing i've learned from the times i was with someone and likewise from the times i was alone is that you have to be happy with yourself. you have to enjoy being by yourself so much that it doesn't matter how long you are single or how many dates you go on. everyone, even the biggest player, enjoys cuddling up with someone and watching a movie every now and then. i could do it every night. but if you just focus on being who you truly are and loving that person absolutely....believe me when i say it, people will be drawn to you and you won't ever be alone. not to mention you won't ever truly be alone anyway b/c you become your own best company. just some (corny) philosophical ramblings. alls i know is that the times i have been happiest in my life had nothing to do with who i was or wasn't with; they had to do completely with how much i loved and accepted myself. and just at that moment when you finally realize, "hey, being single ain't so bad when you're me," bam! you ain't single any more.



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Originally posted by MissDiva:

not a full solution, just a suggestion smile.gif

get a pet(s) - you will be amazed at how much it changes your life smile.gif

Sad and twisted thing is.... some people probably STILL think you mean get a b/f or g/f... LMAO


One Love...


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Originally posted by andwhysee:

those of you who have been single for so long really need to think about your life.. don't be too picky, lower your expectations.


I'd rather be alone than be with someone I don't even like !!

I went out w/ a guy for a year just because I didn't want to be single - THAT was the BIGGEST MISTAKE I've EVER MADE !!!!

I can do fine by myself ! I

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Originally posted by shinedancer:

Did you ever hear that saying "The grass is always greener on the other side"? cwm4.gif

That's exactly how I feel. A month ago, when I had a gf, I saw tons of girls that I totally wanted to hook up with but wouldn't cause of my girl. Now that we're broken up I don't feel like hookin' up with anyone.

I just need to get used to being single, then I'm sure I'll enjoy the hell out of it. biggrin.gif For now I just need to get over this sick feeling

cwm8.gif and I'll be alright.



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Originally posted by MissDiva:

not a full solution, just a suggestion smile.gif

get a pet(s) - you will be amazed at how much it changes your life smile.gif


A girl makes a great pet... when muzzled...


I had a dream... a wet dream... looks like God is pissing on me again...


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yes and no. i love the freedom, independence and challenge. however, i'm really tired of not getting sex on a regular basis and of not having someone to cook with, go to the movies with, having someone to vacation with. yes, i love vacations with my friends but they mostly revolve around partying. i'm getting too old for all of this even though i still enjoy it immensely, it's hard on my body and there's that little voice in the back of my mind going "hello, you're 37, shouldn't you be thinking about marriage?" i console myself by thinking about the divorce rate and the pressures of parenthood etc. but then i think about the economic advantages of marriage, i.e. a dual income, tax advantages, regular sex etc. and i think i should really consider marriage for the second half of my life. i hate to cave into social convention, but i think it would be better for my health in the long run, and how ridiculous would i look running around twilo at age 40? good lord! anybody got any marriage-minded older brothers, co-workers etc that they can set me up with? i think i've talked myself into marriage - i never felt this way until i turned 37!!! scary!!!!

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i agree with a lot of the things that were said in here b/c they make so much sense...i just recently came off a break-up and i must admit that being single is really NOT "all its cracked up to be".i couldn't wait to be free after being in a 3yr relationship but i find myself extremely lonely now..it sux not having that special someone to come home to or to call after the partying is over...ur only faced with the sad reality..what sux even more is while ur dating u don't know what the other person REALLY wants...its an incredibly insecure feeling...u can be on completely different pages and feeling them on a completely different level...so we seek to find someone to replace that certain someone after its over b/c we fear being alone and then we scare people away b/c they fear we want commitment too soon...dating definitely sux..besides people put on a whole front...they pretend to be someone or something they're not just to use the other person for their own personal needs and then they toss them to the side when they've served the purpose..i definitely need to find love..TRUE love that is..

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

A girl makes a great pet... when muzzled...

ez now, Charlie, ez....

I love being single, and I also love being with someone special. There is no point in trying to plan these things; when I meet someone special I'll be with them, until then I'll be with me, and maybe that cutie over there by the speaker for a while .... lol, jk, of course!

*Hugs all, single or not...*



Just saying no to drama.


aolim blueskygirl2001

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open your heart, smile more, and ...no offense but lower your expectations.. you will find him or her...

Originally posted by neptune:

i am getting kinda tired of the singel life.. im looking for the kinda sappy love that happpens in the movies... but im kinda losing hope..

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Did you ever hear that saying "The grass is always greener on the other side"? cwm4.gif

Enjoy life and don't sweat the small stuff! What's meant to be will happen when you least expect it!

OK-enough of the philosophical stuff!


It just seems to me that everyone who is single wants to "meet the right person to settle down with" and those who have "Supposedly" met the right person and have settled down are out cheating on them....

Just my .02 cwm4.gif

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

can't say the same. been single about 9 months, and enjoying the hell out of it.

maybe in a few years, I'll want something solid again. in the meantime, I am getting to be me, unencumbered.

yeah, me too, i'm me, unencucumbered, it's me and my cucumber.....to get the job done.......no, sorry, seriously - i'm with ichi but i don't necessarily think i want to stay single for a few years....i really enjoy single life and i'm not looking, per-se, but if i bump into someone while i'm enjoying my single self then i'll go with it!! relationships are wonderful when they work but single life can be wonderful too, it's all what you make of it!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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There is no reason to push for a relationship. They never happen that way. Never lower your standards!

When I was single I enjoyed it every minute. Now I am in a committed relationship and I love that too! They both can be great, but always be yourself.


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