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childhood nicknames, 'fess up........

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were you stuck with something you couldn't stand as a kid??? do you still go by your nickname? when i was little my dad called me nickseepopofski and my friends called me nickers as in Knickers (meaning undies, what the English call them)...??? i don't know, i always wore them so wtf? c'mon, give us the scoop!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Ohh goodness the horro! Nik I cant believe youre making me relive this! lol

I had quite a few nicknames.

Pumpkin - that was by Daddy cuz I was his cute innocent lil girl. (Hmm wonder why he didnt call me angel???)

Beany - From my Aunt and Uncle b/c I lived on pork and Beans (and to think I cant STAND them now)

Soupy - Well its a reference to may last name.

Tigger - From basketball because I was wild on the court and Kitty didnt cut it here.

And of course the one I still bear....Kitty. My friends thought Tigger was for the b-ball court and Kitty was off it!

Now that Im done sharing my silly names...I must go....



"The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn't exist." - Aaron Machado

AOL = MadamKittE

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For a short stretch of time some kids called me Elizabitch or Elesbian. Oh the fun days of Junior high. Those mean ghetto girls that thought they were so pretty and were less than cordial to me, now each have a bouncing bundle of joy...and they are all about 18 or 19. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......Karma is sweet.. cwm2.gif

Bitter? Me? Never.

Queen E



~* conformity = disloyalty*~


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Hmm, I got Medusa cause one day I came home from school and my hair was pulled back in a pony tail and I had little stray haris sticking out and my sister said "You look like Medusa" ( old friends still call me that).

Again because I always wore my hair back in a pony tail when i was little I also got Sade.

Umm what else, Mare, Bucc, Buttafucco, Buttafuck, Marycavone, Mariuccia(an italian nickname by my daddy). what else??? Oh yeah Drill Seargant by the cheerleading squad cause I was captain, and well I was like a drill seargant hahahah, those old school days!! biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by buccafm (edited 01-17-2001).]

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I got the highly original Chris piss. and verious mispronunciations of my last name including waco, wacko, wanker, wacker.

And then came "Stripe" (if you can't beat them, join them)


"They know what is what, but they don't know what is what ... They just strut. What the fuck?" -FBS

Reliving all phases of an "Out of Body Experience"


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well since my name is pretty long i heard lots of variations on it... ronnie, vica, nice, vero and sometimes just plain V... my brother used to and still calls me either butthead or bubblebutt... aint he sweet lol... and of course Princess is one that has stuck... cuz i definately am one cwm35.gif


"I sound like a chipmunk!!"

"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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When I was in junior high, this guy started calling me Voodoo, and it caught on fast... Oh how I hated that. I thought that I'd get away from it when we went to high school, because the kids in my graduating class went to 3 different schools...But of course the original guy went to my high school, and the name came with him... But by then it was his name for me, and it was shortened to Voo.

My Mom calls me Monsey, and my Sister calls me Mon-i-Q.


Peace Love Happiness y'all


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from basketball: kamikaze ___(my name) and The Force

dancing when i was a kid: bonbon

dancing now: Tigger, crackhead (j/k)

in grade school, i wouldn't answer anyone unless they addressed me as God, but sometimes it was Satan

and of course, from my parents: sweetheart, sweetie pie, honey, princess, etc.

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Originally posted by j303j:

well i got the name JJ in hs and it has stuck with me still. my other nickname no one calls me anymore thank god, it's binky. still have no clue why my friend used to call me that.

aw, dat's so cute, wittle binky.....you gonna be soooo sowwy you told me dat!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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well i got the name JJ in hs and it has stuck with me still. my other nickname no one calls me anymore thank god, it's binky. still have no clue why my friend used to call me that.





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My parents havent agreed on anything my whole life..including my name...

They pronounce my name differently...spelled the same...

so I was stuck with D- BUG...


Dont ever stop smiling-->you never know who is falling in love with your smile...

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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when i was younger everyone called me boobie...a simple jewish pet name...but as i got older and my chest grew everyone took the simple boobie and turned it to boobs...now, i am in college and all my friends refer to me as superboobs...stop the insanity!!!


never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

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oh god soo many!! all the derivatives from daniela.. here we go.. D, Dan, Dannygirl, Dani, DanDan (my best friend got it from Bam Bam, the flintstones hehe) what else..

Danie --> in italian (pronounced Dahnyeh-- accent on the first syllable- this is my most common nickname..and my favorite..) Yella, Snella, Snell, D-Yella, Cookie, Man-Eater (i was a lil badass when i was little.. they use to sing that 80s song to me "wooaah here she comes, watch out boy, she'll chew you up, wooaah here she comes, she's a man eater!" referring to my ability to bite others.. get ur minds out of the gutters people! lol no comments please!) Cookster, and another few italian/sicilian nicknames such as: pupi, pupidda, papa

peace! --DanDan cwm20.gif



"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."

[This message has been edited by mareluna (edited 01-18-2001).]

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as a toddler my mother gave me the name Brenna Banana because the only food I would eat was bananas. To this day, she still calls me banana.

I have a new nickname now, at least at work. Everyone calls me Miss Bergen County. You can figure this one out on your own.


Noah- I don't want to hear it.


Footsteps on the dancefloor remind me baby of you

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Guys, my name is Ooana, pronounce "wanna." I'm sure all your imaginations can come up with all the plays on THAT I had to endure through childhood. Ain't easy growin' up with a name that's a verb.

Aaargh. I've yet to hear an original one I haven't heard before in the last oh...10 years!

As for nicknames, Oo has stuck for awhile. Also, (and for ease of reading I'll change the double "o" to a "w")





Wanney (ugh I HATE That one)

Whan (HATE that one too)



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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