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Quick way to lose 15 pounds.....

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define quick. Most people would consider 2 lbs a week, quick. if that's what you mean. Work out regularly, cardio and weight training, and eat healthy. If you don't lose weight, then you're probably at your natural weight for your situation. In which case you need to exercise, longer, or more intensely. Good luck.



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Low fat diet, eat a lot of good veggies (broccoli, spinach, peppers, onions) and good protein- fish, chicken, designer whey, tofu and good carbs- potato, brown rice. Then find a good excercise regimen (like dancing) and you'll lose weight the right way! Huge- drink only water!


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

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AIM: crackorn71

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Like crossy asked . . . what's quick?

There's a real quick way to lose 15 lb. but I'm 99.9% definate that you'll gain it back up in no time. This is only if you need to lose the pounds in an event.

Water and fruit diet. Eat nothing but fruits and drink water. NOTHING ELSE!! Also, excercise 1 hour 5 times a day. You should shed off 10 - 15 lb. in 2 - 3 weeks no time. I've done it before and so has some other girlfriends of mine. BUT I REPEAT that you'll gain this back in no time. I only did it for my girlfriend's wedding.

If you're looking to shed the pounds off for a long time if not forever then follow these three steps and I gaurantee you it will work!

1. Do at least 30 minute cardio 4 times a week!!

2. Write down EVERYTHING you eat. I mean everything . . . eventually you start feeling so freakin' bad that you'll start watching what you eat. The key here is to be HONEST with yourself and really write down everything.

3. Cut ALL white flour and white sugar from your diet!!

Good luck!



"The only abnormality is the incapacity to love." - Anais Nin


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drop e every weekend for about 2 months straight. i have some friends that have done this and damn they look boney cwm13.gif




"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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Originally posted by princess0621:

What is that?

It's like Stacker, Xenidrine's and that other stuff that's out.. It' s ephedrine..

It curbs your appetite and gives you energy...

I love it.. I don't want or need to lose weight but I take it before my workout every morning and it gives me more of a drive; and makes me sweat too, cause I have trouble perspiring... I know isn't that stupid? LOL!

I also take a couple before I go out on the weekends and it helps me stay up....

oooh yeah ...

If you get this months edition of Muscle and Fitness magazine, they have a 6 page ad with all the info re: this stuff..

If you don't want to take anything I suggest this...

Cut out all carbs...No breads, starches, nothing... the weight will fly right off.. Just take in a lot of protein, chicken and fish preferably..

Let us know how it goes and good luck babe !!


AIM vampie

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Originally posted by resident:

crystal meth and dancing every weekend. IN MODERATION, or else it will land you in a hospital.

Haha.. I think I lost at least a few pounds this weekend.. Didn't eat for 2 days this weekend.. And danced my butt off at SF! Wouldnt' recommend doing it a lot though, very exhausting..

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Fat Burners (Hydroxycuts, Xenadrine, etc) are not always the best for everyone. Just do it the old fashion way - eat less, excersise more. Be concious of what you eat - less fat, sugar, etc and start working out on a regular basis. The best time to exercise is in the morning.....burn more calories

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I actually lost 10lbs in one day once. I was playing paintball somewhere in MA -- played for 6hrs straight with no water and only a sandwich to sustain me. Made it to the end, at which point the adrenaline wore off and I felt really dizzy. Wanted to go home but there was no phone around, so I walked / staggered 1/2 mile to the nearest gas station. Told my parents I was ready to be picked up, walked back to the entrance of the paintball field and promptly passed out. I woke up briefly and saw the car pull up, so I pulled myself inside......

Gained the 10lbs back over the course of the next 3 days..... I'm sure it wasn't good for me, as fainting is generally a signal from your body telling you something's wrong.



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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Originally posted by resident:

By the way, G can be used to lose weight also. It promotes release of growth hormone, which improves insulin sensitivity, which means that you're less likely to deposit carbohydrates as fat. It also improves protein synthesis in muscle. (AND it makes you horny! Yeay!) However, it can land you in a coffin, nevermind a hospital, so govern yourself accordingly.

Be careful with G. I had a friend overdose and die from it.

For sure what you don't want to use to lose weight is weed... munch munch...

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stacker 3 works better than hydroxycut.

take one after breakfast, one after lunch. stay away from it after 6 pm (can cause sleeplesness)

to drop 20lbs (i did it in 10-12 days):

drink a LOT of water.. and i mean about 2-3 1.5 liter bottles of water.

do a cardio workout for an hour everyday and do a strength training workout every other day.

eat low fat, prefer olive oil when you need fat (no fat is bad too)

cut down ALL sugar, candy, soft drinks.

stay away from carbonated drinks for the most part.

no carbohydrates after 6pm

8 hours of sleep every day

eat a LOT of protein, by a lot i mean approximately 80% of your weight, then just put grams instead of lb. so if your 120 lb, then you gotta eat 96grams of protein.

eat chicken breasts and chunk white tuna fish in water (not oil)

high fiber cereal in the morning.

this'll fix you up quickly..

to be in shape ALL the time, do this for 20 days, then eat normally for 10 days, repeat.




This is my church

This is where i heal my hurts

It's in natural grace

Or watching young lives shape

It's in minor keys

Solutions and remedies

Enemies becoming friends

When bitterness ends

This is my church

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