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I can't believe that we are surrounded by fucking assholes that do drugs in this day and age. Knowing everything we do, phsysical and psych effect on human body that they have you still have all these morons doing drugs at these clubs. You all should fucking hang I say. And next time you see a crime story being covered on TV you should look at yourself as being part of the problem. Every time you buy that bullshit pills you are contributing to murders, rapes, robberies and etc because it all ties into drugs. Every country's GOv't recognizes that the biggest problem with drugs is associated with Crime. Crime's roots are drugs and everyone who does them should be locked up to say the least.

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Originally posted by quanto_magnus:

Dude, take a nice big bong rip! That would probably loosen your ass muscles enough to get that telephone pole out of your ass.


Naaaaaa . . . that pole is in there permenantly!



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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You bunch of Ignorant fucking assholes. What you dont realize is that every country in the world has drugs banned. FOr a fucking reason. Look at fucking Netherlands, they have drugs such as Pot legalized and it's fucking chaos. Their crime rate and people addiction to Pot rate skyrocketed. Now they don't know what the fuck to do. DO some research before you answer you turds.

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I wouldn't bother with these 2 half whit's, some people it may be worth it. But they are just looking for some.

Bastardino, you know nothing about the Netherlands... because pot isn't legal in the Netherlands it's legal in Holland. And you have no idea about crime sky rocketing. Also you fail to mention that the average age of a Heroin addict in Holland has gone up by 1 year each year (I will pause so you can digest the ramifications of that)...

That means that since pot has been legalized there are very few new Heroin addicts. Also Holland (which I would bet $50 you have never been to), isn't the dive people think... it's a very affluent country that makes more per head that the good old U.S. of A... look the figures up for yourself (tip search under GNP).

So you ignorant piece of bat feces, STFU and stop trying to seem like you know what your talking about.

Racist wankers should all be castrated.. and removed from the gene pool


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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Originally posted by bastardino:

You bunch of Ignorant fucking assholes. What you dont realize is that every country in the world has drugs banned. FOr a fucking reason. Look at fucking Netherlands, they have drugs such as Pot legalized and it's fucking chaos. Their crime rate and people addiction to Pot rate skyrocketed. Now they don't know what the fuck to do. DO some research before you answer you turds.

Actually the Netherlands has a much lower crime rate than the U.S. go figure.

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anyone got any crack?

(and btw, a small amount of 'pot' IS legal in the Netherlands. People over the age of eighteen are legally allowed to buy five grammes of hashish or marijuana (less than one-fifth of one ounce) for personal use at any one time. Possession of amounts less than 28 grammes (one ounce) is generally ignored by police, although bear in mind that the liberal attitude exists only in Amsterdam and the larger cities of the Randstad. All other recreational drugs – except fresh magic mushrooms – are illegal.

Holland is the commonly used English name for the whole country, although actually is only 2 provinces (nord holland and zuid holland) of the Netherlands. The Netherlands (or Holland) has one of the highest standards of living in Europe. Just so you know wink.gif)

[This message has been edited by dirtyslapper (edited 01-30-2001).]

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wow, i didn't realize it till someone said it on the "all you fucking drug addicts will burn in hell.." thread; bastardino and bungee are one and the same. neither can write worth a damn, and both go on interminably about how drug users will rot in the company of lucifer, yadda yadda yadda. just think of all the time he wasted posting under both names so we wouldn't notice. whatever, man.


[This message has been edited by weyes (edited 01-30-2001).]

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I think we've drifted away from the really *important* ramifications of this thread...

the pole in Bastardino's butt. I think he likes it there.

Seriously, typical typical. spout off like you know something and expect noone to call you on it. You should know better, but thank you for the trolling.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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I must admit that I am new to this message board, and up until this point I have been extremely pleased with the quality of the posting as well the general mutually-respecting quality of MOST of the posting members.

Claiming that drugs are the direct cause of Crime (in caps) in this country has to be one of the most far-fetched things I have ever read. Furthermore, the fact that all drug-users should hang seems equally as irrational. There is no doubt that many crimes are drug-related, but passing judgement on people because of their recreational habits (of which you know minimally of) is an ignorant and naive act in itself.

just figured i would throw some stuff out there. peace all

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Originally posted by mr.sick:

Sound familiar? <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/020320.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/020320.html</A>

Bungee is Bastardino.

I was thinking the same thing



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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what u need to do is shut up and get your facts right first.

Go to www.planetmarijuana.com for marijuana use related information.

For info on other drugs go to www.erowid.org , www.dancesafe.org or go to www.chaishop.com and find the drug links from there.

The internet has the potential to be a virtually limitless source of information. So, get that fucking pole of your ass and do yourself a favor by going to these sites.



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Your retarded weed and exctacy related web sites are directed and organized by fucking druggies such as yourself. They are useless and do not contain any real information. Regardless of the Drug or quantity of the drug you ARE contributing to the crime problem. I never said that 100% of crime was resulted from drugs but 80% is. That's a h ell of a lot. So next time you get mugged by your house you know who to blame your crapatinos.

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Hey Bastard-Mother Fuck-Ino

If this is drug addicts site...why the fuck are you here?

You probably do heroin you fuck.....so go fuck yourself, your mother, and hang yourself. You dumb hypocrite.

[This message has been edited by siccck (edited 01-31-2001).]

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