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who is your favorite painter ?

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Picasso w/o a doubt.......he went beyond painting......

Next would be Edvard Munch......check out his painting, "The Scream," attached.....it's fucking ill.



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i enjoy the works of rembrandt personally



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Van Gough is my all time favortie

For photography (Yes I know off topic) it's Ansel Adams

and back to painting...my 1st grade students...I wish I could paint and create like a 6 year old who doesn't have a care in the world and has a mind so free it's almost confounding what they do



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It is not death if you refuse it...

The Crow (The original graphic novel)

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Who here knows Picasso's real last name? Hint, it's my last name... If you know me, then you know it.


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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Originally posted by j303j:

man bob ross i loved that man. no i really did. got me through my sick days growing up.

OMG, in 8th grade I was out with mono for a month and watched Bob RELIGIOUSlY..his soothing voice and paintings made the aching ok..

My favorite painter after over 4yrs of art history and inspite of a love for Modern Art Theory is still the same as when I was 6- Sandro Botticelli followed by Fra Angelico. Fra Angelico's work in person almost converted me to catholicism! cwm19.gif

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