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everyone please be careful

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i wasnt going to say anything about this because in a way it IS kind of embarrassing but for everyone else's sake here goes... at leopard loungue on saturday i am almost 100% sure that somebody slipped something into my drink... i dont know who it was so im not going to point fingers... im not sure what was slipped to me... all i do know is that by the time i got into my car i could barely function... i wasnt drunk either because i only had four drinks... the scary thing is that i blacked out at least twice for about ten minutes... fortunately for me Al was with me and let me crash at his house... i dont know if i thanked u Al but THANX SOOO MUCH i dont know what i would have done if u hadnt been there... and also fortunately for me in the morning i was ok... this isnt a sob story its just a warning to everyone on the board.. u never know who is hanging around... i thought i was safe cuz i was chillin with friends... but there may always be some DICKHEAD around... love u guys ::muah::



"I sound like a chipmunk!!"

"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

"i am drowning in a sea of randomness" --me~hi chach (o:

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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In addition, Guys, all of us board members are awesome people, but the fact remains, that as awesome as we are, we all have aquaintances that arent always going to have the best of intentions. So i think that we should be the same with eachother, however, we should be a little bit more cautious, when it comes to meeting peeps for the first time. Example: I am close friends with Veronica, and i know that she has the best of intentions for everyone. But one day she may bring a friend with her, and that person, may try and pull something similar to someone amongst our group, based on the fact that they have that trust instilled in them. Party your head off, and meet as many peeps as you want. Just be a little careful.

Love you all.



-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me





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I'm on the case now V. Don't you worry, I'll find the guy and give him a mondo wedgie. I got your back girl.


**Grass hopper who likes big shoes is bound to get squashed** Anthony Portilla

**My will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is as great. You have no power over me.** The Labrynth

**One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.** The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy

Journey begins 2001

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that is awful! but you definitely do have to be very careful when drinking because there are some horrible people out there. This happened to one of my friends at Tulane...she was going to a sorority mixer at a club (she had a date) and all the girls were throwing up everywhere and stumbling all over the place after like two drinks...they were all drugged by the asshole frat guys! she came home and didn't remember the night before!

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Originally posted by Dalfinus:

I'm on the case now V. Don't you worry, I'll find the guy and give him a mondo wedgie. I got your back girl.

thanx for making me smile.. im not gonna lie... i do feel kinda dumb for letting this happen to me... thanx



"I sound like a chipmunk!!"

"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

"i am drowning in a sea of randomness" --me~hi chach (o:

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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Originally posted by majesticmelodi:


thanx for making me smile.. im not gonna lie... i do feel kinda dumb for letting this happen to me... thanx


you shouldnt. this shit can happen to anyone.

Love you


-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me





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That. Is QUITE fucked up.

Please do let us know if we ever find out the culprit. A few of us were talking and well.......we dont appreciate people fucking with one of ours.

I especially dont like people fucking with one of mine......


blacksunrising2.gif ""One by One, the Penguins steal my Sanity"" wizard6.gif

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Originally posted by myrlin:

That. Is QUITE fucked up.

Please do let us know if we ever find out the culprit. A few of us were talking and well.......we dont appreciate people fucking with one of ours.

I especially dont like people fucking with one of mine......


Que cute!!



**Grass hopper who likes big shoes is bound to get squashed** Anthony Portilla

**My will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is as great. You have no power over me.** The Labrynth

**One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.** The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy

Journey begins 2001

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I just have to say that really, really sucks. It's horrible. cwm21.gif

I guess, if in doubt (if been away for a little while, etc.), girls (yeah, just girls cwm1.gif ), order another drink. I'm sure everyone will spot you a few anyway, knowing what could happen. cwm22.gif

[This message has been edited by aphelion (edited 01-29-2001).]

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Originally posted by myrlin:

That. Is QUITE fucked up.

Please do let us know if we ever find out the culprit. A few of us were talking and well.......we dont appreciate people fucking with one of ours.

I especially dont like people fucking with one of mine......

u r too sweet... thanx



"I sound like a chipmunk!!"

"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

"i am drowning in a sea of randomness" --me~hi chach (o:

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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Hey V...

You know I gotcha back...

Next time we're out, I'll be sure to lookout for not only you, but all of our ladies.

Whew good thing your ok this time...big ups to Al, thanx for spottin' her.




[This message has been edited by furnace (edited 01-29-2001).]

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Hey guys. V, I'm so sorry this happend to you.

Its a cruel reminder to all of us that we need to be careful, even when out with people we know.

Care lots and lots about ya'll. Be safe.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossom like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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My hackles are raised.... dammit.

But lets not let this turn us on each other. Just use standard club precautions. Lets assume it was a random assh0le.

1. Never set your drink down

2. If you takes your eyes off of it for even a second... get another. It's worth it if only to not wonder for the next hour if you'r going ot pass out.

3. Never accept a drink from a stranger. *Unless... maybe... you *watch* the bartender make it.

It seems like this group is good enough that we all have some one watchign out for us during the length of a night out, but it couldn't hurt to up the vigilance... I know I'll pay just a little more attention to faces I don't know.

I'm so relieved to hear this story had an ending you remember, this happend to another friend of mine once... she was paralyzed for an hour in a bathroom, at least she was out of harms way, in that who ever did it, could really get to her without making a scene that we'ld see.

hugs V. Big hugs.



"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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shamless bump


-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me





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Hey mabye Al was the one who slipped it. You said you didn't see anybody do it and he was with you all night. You did end up at his place and who know's what could of happen in the 10 mins you blacked out.

Just my opinion It probably isn't him just something to think about. I'm glad your alright though.

[This message has been edited by tempkid (edited 01-30-2001).]

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Originally posted by tempkid:

Hey mabye Al was the one who slipped it. You said you didn't see anybody do it and he was with you all night. You did end up at his place and who know's what could of happen in the 10 mins you blacked out.

Just my opinion It probaly isn't him just something to think about. I'm glad your alright though.

that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever read.......you have no idea what you're talking about. maybe you ought to think twice before saying something so damn stupid next time.....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Mabye you should chill and think about what your saying. Did you read my whole reply.

I even said it probably didn't happen just a thought because that's how those things actually happen, I know because it happen to a friend and she thought this guy was really cool in helping her but a month later we all found out that the guy was the one who slipped it and did some things I would not like to discuss. I'm shure Al is a nice guy but I was just throwing it out there I was not being an asshole about it.

[This message has been edited by tempkid (edited 01-30-2001).]

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Hey Veronica,

This is really bad and I feel for you. Something like this happened to me once when I was in Miami. I'm sure someone slipped something into my (or rather my friends, especially mixed for him, drink...just that he didn't like it, too sweet, and I had the drink). Anyway, I know how it feels and I've lost that night at least 30 minutes which I spend in a random bar's bathroom and have no recollection of...fortunately my friend started missing me and came to the rescue. Still, after that night I felt pretty shitty (I don't really want to go into any details) and somehow I'm scared of 'what I don't remember'. Anyway, it's not YOUR fault...

Ok, little joke at the end: I'm going to meet Al today (also known as the famous: trippintrance) as he offered me his help with the sofa-issue. So if either of us disappears after that meeting/this afternoon and only one soul returns to the board....YOU KNOW WHO IT WAS wink.gif



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Been there...had it happen to me too...not a nice experience!!!

Hope you are okay!

As for TEMPKID...I did read your entire reply and I can see where you are coming from (ie: anyone can slip it in your drink) BUT, FUCK, do you even know Al??? He is just not the type....how shameless of you to accuse him!!!




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Hey Veronica, I am sorry to hear about that sweetie..But let's just be thankful that nothing happened and that someone as wonderful as Al was there to the rescue....

I am extremely paranoid when it comes to that shit.. I never put my drink down, EVER>>

Let me just catch the mother fucker who did that..... mad.gif


AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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