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Hair: long vs. short

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It REALLY depends on the person... Nothing is so black and white for me. I know this probably doesn't help...

Some women, short hair looks great on them and I haven't liked it when they had their hair long, but others the converse is true....

You thinking about chopping off the hair??

Girls, what about long/short hair on guys??





a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

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Originally posted by orchid21:

long for me till september, then boys hair cut here i come!!!!

WHY cwm24.gif ? Are you goin in the military. And as for takin' you away, how's tonight biggrin.gif

Now to the original question... Girls can look great with short or long hair, but 99.9999999% of girls that look good with short hair, would look even better with long hair.

But Pulse and uknj, both of you look great now smile.gif uknj, if you're not gettin any, it's only cause guys are probably intimidated by you and Diva.



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Originally posted by pulsedriver:

On a female what do you people like more?

Obviously, totally varies on the girl.

If this is a question for you specifically, you could prolly get away with even shorter hair thatn you have now with no problems.

Ive seen girls with boy cuts and ive seen girlswith to the ass hair. TOTALLY depends on the person.



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Originally posted by crossy:

Now to the original question... Girls can look great with short or long hair, but 99.9999999% of girls that look good with short hair, would look even better with long hair.

Still have to disagree. I've seen quite a few girls with long hair that actually detracted from attractive features. Of course it depends on the girl. But, if there is a cute girl who looks good with short vs. the same girl with long. I say cut it.

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Girls can look great with short or long hair, but 99.9999999% of girls that look good with short hair, would look even better with long hair.

...uknj, if you're not gettin any, it's only cause guys are probably intimidated by you...

I got to agree with that. Well put crossy.



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I've had long hair all my life. I cut it once many years ago and it was the worst thing that I could of done. I was MISERABLE.

Personally, I think I look better w/ long hair (security blanket i guess).

If my face/head had the shape for short hair, I'll have it short.

As for guys: doesnt make a difference to me.


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I think it really depends on the facial features and on the type of girl. I like short hair on girls if they have REALLY pretty faces and just look cute with those short crops. But then there are also the girls who just look prettier with long hair. I had my hair pretty short when I was younger...just started to let it grow a couple of years ago...don't know if it suits me better but I definitely FEEL more female with it wink.gif



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Had long hair my whole life as well. In fact, this is the shortest its ever been. I honestly can't imagine ever cutting it off, would be like cutting off an arm.



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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Personally, I don't like short hair on girls.. Very few look good with very short hair (Nicki for example, can't imagine her with long hair).. But personally I LOVE long hair smile.gif Although guys with long hair totally turn me off...

so that's why you don't speak to me. j/k.


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for both genders, it's all about good grooming and style IMO. hair, any length, can be beautiful, as long as it is well kept and fits your "look" and is not over treated or over styled. but i have to admit that men with long or medium-length hair always turn my head, i have to look closer, i have to see their face, i have to totally check them out. men with long hair have a certain mystique about them...you know that most likely there is something different about them from the normal corporate type that i encounter daily. yes, i love & adore men with long beautiful hair!

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i like long hair... but a friend of mine suggested i cut my hair short... like a boy cut... for those who know me.. what do u think i should do..keep it or chop it



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Originally posted by majesticmelodi:

i like long hair... but a friend of mine suggested i cut my hair short... like a boy cut... for those who know me.. what do u think i should do..keep it or chop it


V, I think you should keep it...see if you can play w/ one of those computer programsthat lets you pasteyour face on different hairstyles...hehe

My hair's length now is the longest it'sbeen since before high school...I ususally have short (mid-cheek length bob, shaved underneath) blonde hair... I like both -- just depends on the season and all for length and color. Right now, with my dancing, long is just more convenient... the dark thing was an experiment... hehe...

Generally, I'd have to agree withthe others -- the cut depends on the person... uknj,I think your hair looks EXCELLENT on you! On guys,I tend to lean toard the short hair thing -- usually clean cut or spikey/messy with style. Went through a major bleached-boy phase... Now I'm just whatever...

- meli -



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Originally posted by majesticmelodi:

i like long hair... but a friend of mine suggested i cut my hair short... like a boy cut... for those who know me.. what do u think i should do..keep it or chop it


KEEP IT LONG. the few times i've cut my hair, i couldn't wait to grow it out. if it's really really long, like down to your butt, then that's probably too much work for you, so maybe just cut it to around your bra strap but definitely not above your shoulders. i don't even know you, but that's what i think!


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