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Is someones worth counted in years of their life?

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This fact has been popping up more and more latly in my life and I just have to pose this question to the openmindedness of the board. Do you belive that the respect and friendship a person recives is weighed LARGLY on how old they are? Take myself for instance; I'm 20 years old and working a full time job living in NY. I'm a pretty fortunate 20 year old, but I'm also cursed with the inability to relate to people my own age. This causes me to find friends that are older than me, but after a little time passes, most of them begin to see my age rather than the person I am.

What are your thoughts/experiences on the age/understanding gap? Do you think it's something that can be overlooked or simply a fact of life?




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Sariman, being in the medical field at such a young age myself, i find myself not openly telling people that i'm 21. i find that it discredits me on every level, and would rather people go on believing that i'm 26, unless they specificially ask me how old i am. unfortunately, they see age before merit. but, with friends it should be different, obviously after a while, they've figured out that you're mature, you're dealing with a lot of responsibility, we all know living and working in a big city is not an easy thing. However, sometimes it inevitably does show up, as you are younger, and the simple experiences they've had over the years would give them an edge, but that shouldnt let them become influenced in how they view you, they just have to realize that one day you'll experience all those things as well, and move on from there-accept you for the person you are. wink.gif


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And If It Were Not For The Blackness Of Some Of Us, Some Of Us Would Be Dumb.

And If It Were Not For The Whiteness Of Some Of Us, Some Of Us Would Be Blind."- Khalil Gibran

[This message has been edited by safitamace319 (edited 02-04-2001).]

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it's not how old a person is, it's how he or she has used those years and what (s)he has learned during that time. if you think about that, the older a person is, the more time (s)he's had to figure out whatever there is to be figured out in life. this does leave these people at an advantage, but this doesn't necessarily mean that they've known how to utilize it properly.

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Originally posted by allnight23:

When I was in the early 20's I did not care. Actually people were always telling me that they thought I was more mature than they thought. Now I am 26 and I tell everyone I am 23. Figure this one out.

yeah real mature when you tell someone to go kill themselves in a thread...



its here today and today will never come again. . .


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Originally posted by sariman:

This fact has been popping up more and more latly in my life and I just have to pose this question to the openmindedness of the board. Do you belive that the respect and friendship a person recives is weighed LARGLY on how old they are? Take myself for instance; I'm 20 years old and working a full time job living in NY. I'm a pretty fortunate 20 year old, but I'm also cursed with the inability to relate to people my own age. This causes me to find friends that are older than me, but after a little time passes, most of them begin to see my age rather than the person I am.

What are your thoughts/experiences on the age/understanding gap? Do you think it's something that can be overlooked or simply a fact of life?


The older you get the less important the age thing is.....I'm 26 y.o and my most significant ex is now 32 y.o, when we first met peeps were like "woh dude you're 22 and she's 28", but now peeps wouldn't bat an eyelid......I'm an IT Recruiter and for the most part everyone I'm talking to (and advising and rejecting) is older than me.....speaking of which back 2 work for me...

oh and sariman why do u have an Australian sporting mascot in your .sig?


hapfac01.gif ...............trying to make it into the country b4 the dinner meetup!---------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Although this may sound cliche, age is just a number. I've met 50 yr old ppl who have the emotional maturity and mentality of 14 yr olds. On the same hand, I've met ppl who are 19-20 who are a sheer pleasure to hang out with and talk to. Personally, age doesn't effect how I view a person; what they say and how they say it determines whether or not i'm interested in spending time with them. I think that if someone meets you and likes you, but suddenly *changes* when they discover your age, then it was an artificial relationship to begin with. It is also a very close-minded approach to life, and IMO close-minded ppl can only give off negative energy... so ur better of without them in your life. Try not to let their bad vibes get to ya. cwm38.gif

P.S. When r u going to make me fly again?


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

[This message has been edited by jewel44317 (edited 02-05-2001).]

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Originally posted by sariman:

This fact has been popping up more and more latly in my life and I just have to pose this question to the openmindedness of the board. Do you belive that the respect and friendship a person recives is weighed LARGLY on how old they are? Take myself for instance; I'm 20 years old and working a full time job living in NY. I'm a pretty fortunate 20 year old, but I'm also cursed with the inability to relate to people my own age. This causes me to find friends that are older than me, but after a little time passes, most of them begin to see my age rather than the person I am.

What are your thoughts/experiences on the age/understanding gap? Do you think it's something that can be overlooked or simply a fact of life?


Do u feel the need 2 hang out with people older than u 2 validate ur own maturity? Not even a little bit? Wouldn't u discriminate against someone who wuz that much younger than ur self. Age iz usually a reliable way 2 understand people. But all it really iz, iz a number.

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i understand the age factor tremendously, im 19 and i hang out with ppl of all ages. My boyfriend of 5 yrs is 23, we've obviously been together for a long time so our friends are the same, some of my friends are late 20's early 30's getting married and some of my friends are 19 also.4 of my best girlfreinds are 19 or 20 and 2 of them are 17 figure that one out??? most people make me show them my real ID when i tell them my age, b/c they think lm at least 22, for the most part not one of my friends gives me a problem on age, but in my relationship it comes up. only b/c im in no way ready to get married and he is. there are always those people that treat me differently when they find out im young,but you know what those aren't true friends so i let them be, there are plenty of people that aren't bother by it. those are the ones that i know i mean something too. age is just a number and it shouldn't be a reason to NOT chill with someone. i feel it should be over looked, but thats my opinion.

<3 Rikki

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alright, here we go... i'm 18, my birthday was a few weeks ago, so i'm barely legal. anyway, this is from my personal experience, but i find it hard to relate to those my age... of course i do have friends my age, but in general, i find myself gravitating to older people because they're not pre-occupied with petty high school shit. but in general, if you're interesting and not an absolute moron, then you're cool, no matter how old you are. i would hate if someone measured me by my age and not by my intelligence and whatnot. i think it's just hinders relationships if you do it that way, but that's just my opinion...

great topic sariman~ cwm41.gif


we are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams... wILLY wONKA~

the secret of being a bore is to tell everything ~vOLTAIRE

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I agree that age is just number. I just turned 20 a few months ago but people always assume I'm in my mid 20's. I used to think that age was a big deal until I found myself making a lot of friends that are older than me and finding that I was having really good times. I was working full time in NY for about half a year and I didn't go out of my way to tell people how old I was since I was supervising people nearly twice my age. But I found that at times it was to my advantage that I was younger than what people thought because they really appreciated my ambitiousness...

I tend to date guys 5-10 years older than me and I've never lied about my age (my ID is another story) and sometimes I wonder whether those guys freak because I'm so young. But people don't walk around with their ages advertised on their heads, people tend to assume your age based on how you carry yourself.

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Maturity isn't the quantity of your years but the quality...imho.

Age is simply a number. Your experiences and how you learn from them is what defines your true "age." People who don't see that, well...ain't that damn mature either. ;-)



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

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If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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Originally posted by sariman:

This fact has been popping up more and more latly in my life and I just have to pose this question to the openmindedness of the board. Do you belive that the respect and friendship a person recives is weighed LARGLY on how old they are? Take myself for instance; I'm 20 years old and working a full time job living in NY. I'm a pretty fortunate 20 year old, but I'm also cursed with the inability to relate to people my own age. This causes me to find friends that are older than me, but after a little time passes, most of them begin to see my age rather than the person I am.

What are your thoughts/experiences on the age/understanding gap? Do you think it's something that can be overlooked or simply a fact of life?



I can totally relate to this. I am also 20, and when i told most people from our little community here my age, they looked at me as if i where pulling thier leg. Not because i look older, but by the way that i carried myself, and by what i told them what i was doing with my life. I have seen, and met a number of people older than me (some in thier 30s and 40s), that have the maturity of a 6yr old hyper-active child.....in the BAD way

cwm35.gif Bottom line is, unfortunatley there are people out there that believe that age really means something...no matter what high level of maturity you are at. Good thing is...there are more that believe that age is nothing but mileage.




-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me





AIM: fantom0680

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

cwm35.gif Bottom line is, unfortunatley there are people out there that believe that age really means something...no matter what high level of maturity you are at. Good thing is...there are more that believe that age is nothing but mileage.



age is nothing but mileage.....and i'm wracking up some mileage, let me tell you!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Thanks guys. I agree with most of you in that my age does put me at a disadvantage in some areas, but I think it's given me a much richer soul.

Ooana, trippintrance.. thanks guys.

uknjx.. try driving backwards I hear it helps! biggrin.gif

jewel.. are you trying to rack up some frequent flyer miles! haha Anytime girl... anytime... I had a blast friday.

boa_boy... is that what that is? What sport is it a mascot for... I have it because I've been told I dance like a kangaroo!

And thanks everyone else for your replys. I'm just myself... I don't change. In someways I understand it's hard for people to relate to me because they might just see my age... but hell I'm just living my life YO!




[This message has been edited by sariman (edited 02-05-2001).]

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BlueAngle said something to me last week that really rings true, 'things just become clearer when you get older'

And it's true when i was 21-22 i didn't really understand, things were much more ocnfusing and the world seemed so compicated. It didn't stop me doing my job, but it did effect things.

BUT and it is a big but, when you get older you have learnd things and you can do certain tasks without thinking. I think as you get older you run the risk of getting in to a rut and not coming up with new ideas.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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Originally posted by RLQ:

i understand the age factor tremendously, im 19 and i hang out with ppl of all ages. My boyfriend of 5 yrs is 23, we've obviously been together for a long time so our friends are the same, some of my friends are late 20's early 30's getting married and some of my friends are 19 also.4 of my best girlfreinds are 19 or 20 and 2 of them are 17 figure that one out??? most people make me show them my real ID when i tell them my age, b/c they think lm at least 22, for the most part not one of my friends gives me a problem on age, but in my relationship it comes up. only b/c im in no way ready to get married and he is. there are always those people that treat me differently when they find out im young,but you know what those aren't true friends so i let them be, there are plenty of people that aren't bother by it. those are the ones that i know i mean something too. age is just a number and it shouldn't be a reason to NOT chill with someone. i feel it should be over looked, but thats my opinion.

<3 Rikki

Yeah I happened to be one of those people that she fooled.. LOL! cwm2.gif But you are SOOOO mature for your age.. it's all in the way that you carry yourself....and did I mention the fact that she's gorgeous and has the body of a 25 year old.. sheeeeeeeeeit...love ya momma!!! missed you on Friday !


AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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Originally posted by drbabybutt:

Just to pose the question sariman, is it possible that after a little time passes, they begin to see some other quality (or lack of) that turns them off?

Very possible... some people just simply don't like being around people with certain qualities... but I get the age not only with some friends, but in work too. Work normally changes however when I do something that shows them my experience level is really higher than they expected it to be.



[This message has been edited by sariman (edited 02-05-2001).]

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Originally posted by sariman:

boa_boy... is that what that is? What sport is it a mascot for... I have it because I've been told I dance like a kangaroo!

And thanks everyone else for your replys. I'm just myself... I don't change. In someways I understand it's hard for people to relate to me because they might just see my age... but hell I'm just living my life YO!


started out in '82 when Australia II won the America's Cup yachting from the USA, they had held the trophy for over 100 years, now it is used for all sport....

and as for your 'changing', you do evolve as you grow older, hopefully to a better place.....


hapfac01.gif ...............trying to make it into the country b4 the dinner meetup!---------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Originally posted by ooana:

Maturity isn't the quantity of your years but the quality...imho.

Age is simply a number. Your experiences and how you learn from them is what defines your true "age." People who don't see that, well...ain't that damn mature either. ;-)


well said.

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Originally posted by ooana:

Maturity isn't the quantity of your years but the quality...imho.

Age is simply a number. Your experiences and how you learn from them is what defines your true "age." People who don't see that, well...ain't that damn mature either. ;-)


Couldn't have said it better myself.


- meli -



AIM: MeliChaCha

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Its really about what you have been through in your life and what you have learned from those experiences.

If you don't learn -you won't mature.

If you are the type of person that can do much self observation/dicovery and take all of that to another level. You will mature faster.

Age really means nothing. I have friends in the early twenties and friends in their 50's and 60's.


The music makes the people come together...


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Originally posted by vampienyc10:

Yeah I happened to be one of those people that she fooled.. LOL! cwm2.gif But you are SOOOO mature for your age.. it's all in the way that you carry yourself....and did I mention the fact that she's gorgeous and has the body of a 25 year old.. sheeeeeeeeeit...love ya momma!!! missed you on Friday !

thanks marce,lol you are too funny!

missed you too sweetie! i called and left you a message i don't know if you got it(around like 11pm), i sorry i couldn't make it, i was really upset! keep in touch, love you soooooooooooo!!!!! MUACH!!!!!!!

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Funny... remember when you were 14? You thought you knew everything...

The dude that was 20 something looked at you like what the hell does that little twerp know... Guess what? That twenty something year old knew something you didn't at the time....

Experience can mold you... and only through experience will you learn some things in life... and that takes time... and you will get older in the process... a fact of life and thus inevitable.

You think you haven't changed as you learned and experienced new things as you got older? Look back into your past... and think if they did or didn't... my guess is that it did.

Of course when you get to be really old, you will pretty much forget everything you learned... and hence back to dust you go.


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Originally posted by RLQ:

i understand the age factor tremendously, im 19 and i hang out with ppl of all ages. My boyfriend of 5 yrs is 23, we've obviously been together for a long time so our friends are the same, some of my friends are late 20's early 30's getting married and some of my friends are 19 also.

So that would have made you 14 years old, dating an 18 year old? Precocious.



In spite of all evidence to the contrary, the entire universe is composed of

only two basic substances: Magic and bullshit.

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