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Pot or E...Which one will it be???

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POT !!!!!!

does anyone get convinced he`s a genius when he`s stoned? Cuz I come up with the craziest theories covering everything from Unified Field Theories to the reason diet coke bottles are transparent... yea I know, Ive got a lot of time on my hands!



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This is Great!!!Smoking Etiquette

[the unchecked version]


1) the person who rolls the joint (no matter whose weed it is) gets to spark

up the joint and get first hits...

2) if someone rolls a nice joint, its good to give the person a complement

on his rolling skills...

3) if someone starts bogarting the bowl and starts using the xcuse that

its okay forhim to bogart it since it's his weed, this is definetely not cool.

the punishment depends on the quality of the weed and how much he put in.

(if it was real crappy and he was real cheap with it, then you bug on the person

and rag on him :-)

4) if someone is too palsy to light the bowl (due to being too stoned or

the person is just a retard :-) then they must relinquish contorl of the lighter

to someone more able to get it lit. <--this does NOT mean the person who

lights gets free hits... this priveleige tends to get abused ("hey lemme light

it for you...")

5) if someone is so much of a palsy that they blow INTO thebowl and blow

all the shit on the floor, this person must be ragged on and the person cant

smoke on the next round (unless it was his stuff)

6) if you smoke with someone in your house, you should let them eat some

munchy food you may have lying around.. don't be cheap withyou food if you

have food...

7) if someone who'se smoked asks for a sip of your soda, you must give him

some.. (drymouth is not fun)

8) converse of (7): if you ask for a sip, don't take a large gulp

9) if smoking froma bong or a joint, never put the whole thing in your

mouth and get it all sopping wet.. its disgusting and it messed up the joint.

10) if your smoking from a bong and these not enough in thebowl for a whole

other hit, you should save the smoke in the chamber for the next person..(dont

let go of the rushhold or 'carb' and take it all yourself)

11) never bogart

12) never bitch about someone else's weed being no good! If you don't like

it don't smoke it!

13) if a friend gets you high sometime in the future you need to get that

friend high

14) Thou shalt not turn down a smoke. Never!

15) phrased in the form of a narrative:

OK. My buddy and I are sitting around smoking the weed that I just

scored. After flaming-up, and taking a few moderate puffs, I pass

it on. The sounds that follow can only be described as

vacuum-like. After an a couple of huge, lung-busting tokes, the guy

passes back the remnants of something that could have, at some

point, been a joint. If it's not completely "canoed", then it's

absolutely soaked. I not-so-subtly drop that old Cheech&Chong line

"Hey man, can I wring it out for you?" He just looks at me.

16) I have noticed the following: After smoking-up, the odd "crass-

monkey" will actually eat the stained, disgusting roach. This must

be because they want that "extra bit" of oil, resin, or whatever's

left on the paper. This situation can be compared to the patron of

a good restaurant picking up his "as good as empty" plate and

licking off the remaining morsels of food. Sure he got that little

pool of gravy, but was it really worth it?

17) If you buy weed from a friend or a friend of a friend, it is polite to

roll a joint, (a small one, if you wish) and smoke with the person who sells

you the stuff.

18) It is very impolite to hand someone an empty bowl, without notifying

that person of it's possible cashed-ness. A proper warning would be

'Here ya go...I think it might be cashed.

19) The person who fills the bowl is given the opportunity to take the first

hit. It doesn't matter who's bowl it is.

20) Always remember to thank a person who has gotten you high. I know it

sounds silly, but I know people who never say thanks and it gets a littly


21) The person who brought the bud picks the music.

22) When using a bong, don't slobber all over it.

23) Again, when using a bong, DON'T blow out the ashes, unless that's what

the "homeowner" does.

24) NEVER go to someone's house EXPECTING them to catch you a buzz. Of

course, there are exceptions to this rule...

25) If you spill the bong, clean it up! (And don't forget to put water

back in it!!)

roach rules


1) when the roach gets too small, if someone hasa problem with it, it is

common curtesy here to put the roach in a bowl and finish it that way..

that way the people who don't mind burjing their fingers dont get it all.


Hmm, among everyone i know who used to smoke the stuff, there was a

tradition of roller's privellege. whoever rolled the joint, got to light

it and take the first puff. then it just got passed on. great fun when

several were started at once and someone passed it the opposite direction

to the others after lighting it....


Around here, if the group is smoking out of a bowl (e.g. pipe or bong),

the packer of the bowl (and usually the owner of the bag) gives

it to the next person to spark up. However, if someone rolls a joint

(again, usu. the owner of the bag), that person gets to spark it up.

(I guess because it takes more effort to roll a joint, and they

"deserve(?)" to light up the masterpiece.)


I always thought that if you were buying from a FOAF, it was polite for them to

roll a joint and smoke it with you before you buy, kind of like a sample.

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You didn't mention any blunt etiquette!!!

1) If it starts to canoe, fix it and pass.

2) No triple hits

3) No lamp on the L (don't take forever)

I can't live without my chronic!


A bag of KB's, $60

A glass bowl, $85

A lighter, $ 1


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Originally posted by saigray:

Why should one have to choose? Besides its all about context, company and quality if ya ask me... cwm32.gif

Amen, my sister... amen to that.

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

"Life moves pretty fast -- if you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you might miss it." - The incomparable Ferris Bueller

"I've been consumed by the quicksand of randomness..." -- Me

"It comes and goes... the trick is to figure out how to get it to come more." - Randy James, Choreographer (speaking about focus... what were YOU thinking??)

AIM: MeliChaCha

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all about the treez



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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