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Why do you do drugs part 2

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Because alcohol fuckin' BLOWS!

I finally was able to stand up today at about 1:00 or so. My head feels like it is going to explode and my stomach feels like a angry rolling sea. Talk about a hangover! UGH!

Now I'm sitting here trying to remember if there was anything stupid or regretable that I did while slamming down those vodka cranberries last night. I think I was OK, but, I'll have to consult my b/f on that later.




~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by cathyo:

Because alcohol fuckin' BLOWS!

I finally was able to stand up today at about 1:00 or so. My head feels like it is going to explode and my stomach feels like a angry rolling sea. Talk about a hangover! UGH!

Now I'm sitting here trying to remember if there was anything stupid or regretable that I did while slamming down those vodka cranberries last night. I think I was OK, but, I'll have to consult my b/f on that later.


Are you sure you're not talking about MY night last night? I was slamming absolut and cranberry all night and don't remember coming home,or much of anything else for that matter. But I do remember running for the last train and never getting it(that sucked)

Hope you feel better




I am who i am

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  • 4 years later...

...eh...i've done both...truth be told my sober experiences were actually better than my drug-induced ones but who knows...it's all about choice...my only problem is usage starts younger and younger every year...that equates to irresponsible youngins doing this shit - which usu leads to overdoses and death...i just wish some of these kids waited a bit longer and/or became more educated on what theyre ingesting before they do it...after that, you wanna destroy your body - well, it's yours to destroy...

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It doesnt need to be enhanced its just makes great music even better. Why do you think the best DJ's spin the best music while on drugs.

That's not true.

You would be surprised to know that some of the bigger DJs don't.

Most of them do, but some manage to produce and spin sober.

That is a FACT. :)

I would imagine that even those that don't probably experimented at some point in their life to "broaden their horizons"

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drugs definately enhance the time. Will turn a shitty party into a bangin one, lol. Had great times with my friends on them. Also been on many journeys to what seemed like other planets and places. But about 60 hits of acid later and bunch of PCP. Im pretty normal for the most part. But i do have bad anxiety, and i think my nerves have had it. I can barely take a hit off a joint without buggin out nowadays. With all the fun i had and memorys i do regret doing some of the things i have.

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Because alcohol fuckin' BLOWS!

I finally was able to stand up today at about 1:00 or so. My head feels like it is going to explode and my stomach feels like a angry rolling sea. Talk about a hangover! UGH!

Now I'm sitting here trying to remember if there was anything stupid or regretable that I did while slamming down those vodka cranberries last night. I think I was OK, but, I'll have to consult my b/f on that later.


Three reasons I don't enjoy dating today's 18-21 year olds:

1. They prefer hip-hop over house or trance

2. They don't understand how to play games so that both partners enjoy it

3. They don't know how to drink therefore they misunderstand alcohol

When used properly, fine liquor can enhance your musical and social experience and will not result in hangovers. These are the most basic recommendations for situations when you plan to drink a lot:

1. Stick with the purest possible liquor; that means vodka, preferrably Grey Goose. I also like Stolichnaya and Absolute. Avoid flavored vodka.

2. Realize that vodka's action is delayed. You may not feel drunk immediately after your third drink, but might realize that you're absolutely dead 20 mins later.

3. Know your limits, definitely don't drink more than you know your body can handle.

4. Use mixers; the best mixer is Cranberry, the second best is Tonic. Red Bull also works. Definitely avoid mixers that contain alcohol. Avoid martinis.

5. Do not drink on an empty stomach! This is extremely important! Moreover, try to have a decent dinner, not stuff your stomach full of chips or similar junk food.

6. Although smoking contributes to the enjoyment of alcohol, it also contributes to hangovers heavily.

7. Under no circumstances do not mix vodka with other liquors, unless you're an experienced Russian who knows how to mix it with beer properly - I personally don't.

I don't have sufficient evidence to discuss the question how much more likely are people do something stupid or regrettable under the influence of alcohol vs. under the influence of other drugs. Intuitively, however, I feel that the difference is not very significant.

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Yea you cant tell me the DJ's spinnin for 12-24 hrs are rocken the viveran c'mon :)

wHAT ABOUT people like me who dance for like 8hrs or more 3 nights of the week WITHOUT drugs or liquor and for many yrs now. It can be done and i also know of djs and dancer who are drug free, well with the exception of weed which i dont do either.

Hey liquid not everyone who was at SHELTER last week for the 22hr party was their from the begging they have such a loyal following that diferent hrs different people show up, some might do something but alot dont. If ya like come down to the opening on march 18th or for the 15yr party and i will introduce you to some of the peeps there.

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