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is sex while your roomate is in your room bad?


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Ok, not that i wanna sound like the asshole roomate because really my roomate and i are really good friends, however, sometimes my girl comes over and we get really REALLY in the mood, but we have no place to go, do u think it would be bad if we had sex anyway as long as we were quiet and hid ourselfs under the covers, the quiet part is the question though cuz i mean, thats kinda hard. plus we go for a pretty long time so...anyway, since we have no place else to go, i need a few suggestions..(oh yea, my roomate can't really go anywhere cuz hes from uzbek. and doesn't really have many places he can go...


"see the music, hear the music, feel the music....now get up and dance"

aol sn: kshark81

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if you do it, you better get another girl for your roomate. or else dont do it.

cmon, if you like the guy, why would you put him through that? are you and the girl going to jump out of bed after you are done and whoop "wow buddy! that sure was fun!" do you really think he wants to watch you have all the fun? thats like torture, man.

schedule your dates a little better. you and the roomate have different schedules? i am sure you do. just work your sessions in between. you want more privacy? get a private room. at least offer the guy $20 to go to the movies or something.


i love music!

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it's ok to that and you know what they say "if you beat them join them"



Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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I used to do it all the time.. then my roomate started competeing and brought his dates. One time he wanted to get me back so bad and get this girl in bed he practically rapped her, it was scary.. I was on the floor laughing my ass off, cause this kid was trying to be a hot shot and he got punched in the eye by this girl.. Anyway it's normal as long as you dont give a rats ass.. also make sure ur roomate doesn't complain, because that can get u into problems



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NO NO NO NO! let me just say i have been in the room with my friend when she was having sex with her bf. no matter how quiet you are you always know. you hear the blankets moving and the heavy breathing. its so uncomfortable for the person in the room. i wouldnt recommend it unless your roomate is serioulsly passed out.


~As long as you live and high you fly the smiles you give and tears you cry is all your life will ever be~

~Dream as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow~ ~* Life isn't measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.

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I say GO FOR IT!!! Most smart people get the hint to leave anyways. My roomate is the coolest chick and she actually hooked up with a guy next door who has a single. So technically I have a double single. But once a friend of mine was visiting and we were both on a LOT of Ecstacy and started fooling around. Our beds are bunked and she has the top. Anyways, she was on the phone and I started giving my boy toy head. He was very quiet (as was I!) and she jumped down. She looked over, smiled, said "hope you guys have fun" and locked the door on her way out. When she came back an hour later (after her own "session" next door) the 3 of us cracked up laughing. We smoked up (hey it was 4:20, gotta keep the tradition right?) and all was well with the world. The point being, she realized that I needed some privicy and respected that. If your roomate oesn't realize that, fuck anyways. Sooner or later, he/she has to get the hint. G-d, i am SUCH a BITCH smile.gif



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  • 3 years later...

What.... are you sharing a studio apt or something?

And if you are... you're telling me this guy has NOWHERE to go at all? Where the fuck do you live? I mean... unless it's some shitty little one-light town, there's almost ALWAYS somewhere to go.


At the very least, tell him it's customary in this country to............ GET THE FUCK OUT WHEN YER GONNA SCORE!!! :laugh:

... funk... out.

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Originally posted by dgtlfnk

What.... are you sharing a studio apt or something?

And if you are... you're telling me this guy has NOWHERE to go at all? Where the fuck do you live? I mean... unless it's some shitty little one-light town, there's almost ALWAYS somewhere to go.


At the very least, tell him it's customary in this country to............ GET THE FUCK OUT WHEN YER GONNA SCORE!!! :laugh:

... funk... out.

your advice might've been helpful 3 years ago pal

... funk... out.

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this happened to me last year....i love my roommate to death & have known her since i was 8...her & her b/f woke me up at 5:30 am & i had to be up at 8:00 havin sex...i was soo pissed, i ripped my alarm clock outta the walk, grabbed my pillow & comforter & slept on the couch in the living room..i do not this it is acceptable cuz i would never do it to her...however, durin the day or night, if i was up, she owuld ask me to use the room & i am 100% ok wit that cuz everyone has to get theirs..but don't ever do it when another person is in the room, even if you think they are sleepin..it's not sumin pleasant to wake up to

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Originally posted by twiloman

Ok, not that i wanna sound like the asshole roomate because really my roomate and i are really good friends, however, sometimes my girl comes over and we get really REALLY in the mood, but we have no place to go, do u think it would be bad if we had sex anyway as long as we were quiet and hid ourselfs under the covers, the quiet part is the question though cuz i mean, thats kinda hard. plus we go for a pretty long time so...anyway, since we have no place else to go, i need a few suggestions..(oh yea, my roomate can't really go anywhere cuz hes from uzbek. and doesn't really have many places he can go...


"see the music, hear the music, feel the music....now get up and dance"

aol sn: kshark81

i've done it, go for it

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Originally posted by twiloman

Ok, not that i wanna sound like the asshole roomate because really my roomate and i are really good friends, however, sometimes my girl comes over and we get really REALLY in the mood, but we have no place to go, do u think it would be bad if we had sex anyway as long as we were quiet and hid ourselfs under the covers, the quiet part is the question though cuz i mean, thats kinda hard. plus we go for a pretty long time so...anyway, since we have no place else to go, i need a few suggestions..(oh yea, my roomate can't really go anywhere cuz hes from uzbek. and doesn't really have many places he can go...


"see the music, hear the music, feel the music....now get up and dance"

aol sn: kshark81

go for what you know

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Originally posted by funkyfreshdc

dude, look at the date of this thread

.... dc... in.

Ooooooo..... soooooo soorrrry. Man, I'm just readin' the "most recent" posts as they sit at the top of the list. Sorry I missed the original date. I'll make sure I completely scan the entire details of every message, each and every time now, ok? :rolleyes:

Not to mention... thehype is the one that brought it back from the dead anyway. AND all the other posts AFTER ours are of people who are giving opinions and advice, too. But, yet... I have to be made "yer new best buddy".

Thanks. It means soooo much.

... funk... out.

(*btw, I won't be changing my signout-of-choice just because it appears to humor you, and fuels yer Kindergarten antics. However... I AM urgently searching for a similar witty pic of roadkill to use. 'Cause I wanna be juuuuust liiiiike youuu.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: )

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try putting some sort of curtains around your bed... i fuck my girl while my roommate is in the room all the time. we've both just got curtains so neither of us can see into each others bed. it obviously is impracticle in some rooms, but if you bed is suspended from the ceiling (like mine), or just elevated at all, than it might be worth thinking about.

staying quiet... now thats the hard part.

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