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WeStChEsTeR pEoPLe......

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I'm looking for people that live in the Westchester area, that make the same trip every friday that i do. Is there ever a time where you think about how far away from the action you are, and don't feel like making the trip, personally, nothing could stop me from making the journey to an amazing night like Gatecrasher, or PVD, or CC/DT. Nothing I tell you, Nothing.


"ThRoUgH tHe NiGhT, I hEaR yOuR vOiCe.... As i RiSe tHrOuGh ThE AiR, YoUr EcHo GrOwS...I sEE tImE sTaNd StiLL, As I'm WaTcHiNg tHe WoRLd BeLoW.... I cAn HeAr yOu CrY..."


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I shouldn't have to BUMP this, but I'm going to anyway.



"ThRoUgH tHe NiGhT, I hEaR yOuR vOiCe.... As i RiSe tHrOuGh ThE AiR, YoUr EcHo GrOwS...I sEE tImE sTaNd StiLL, As I'm WaTcHiNg tHe WoRLd BeLoW.... I cAn HeAr yOu CrY..."


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Yo, count me in. Driving from Westchester is much easier than coming from Jersey. Same distance, but Jersey roads are just a pain. Hey Scott, PVD in April??? PEAce


"1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ....Mathematics is the language of nature" --BT

AIM: teklord310

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I'm already there, my cott is already set up underneath the dj booth. hahaha!!!



"ThRoUgH tHe NiGhT, I hEaR yOuR vOiCe.... As i RiSe tHrOuGh ThE AiR, YoUr EcHo GrOwS...I sEE tImE sTaNd StiLL, As I'm WaTcHiNg tHe WoRLd BeLoW.... I cAn HeAr yOu CrY..."


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i used to come in from pelham/new rochelle all the time

that's a layup

where are you coming in from?


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Originally posted by stacychase:

Yonkers, can you say train and than coming home in the weeeeee hours of the morning, looking rough.... smile.gif

or getting on the train with no money - ever have to deal with that all crocked?

or passing out and waking up in stamford, new haven even?

nah - me either.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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i can top that one. moved here a littloe over two years ago, went out with my PIC Shuga and drank martinis at the W.... Woke up at the end of line, I had no clue where i was and i was on the last train..... took me a $45 cab ribe home and vowed i would never go out again. that lasted about one week. smile.gif


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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well I lasted living in New Roc for all of 3 weeks.......loving SOHO now lol cwm27.gif

having said that I still work in New Roc tongue.gif


"At the peak of tremendous and victorious effort, while the blood is pounding in your head, all suddenly comes quiet within you. Everything seems clearer and whiter than ever before, as if great spotlights had been turned on. At that moment, you have the conviction that you contain all the power in the world, that you are capable of everything, that you have wings. There is no more precise moment in life than this, the WHITE MOMENT, and you will work hard for years, just to taste it again.''Yuri Vlason. -----------PM sux email is better-------> boa_boy@yahoo.com hapfac01.gif

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I'm coming from Yonkers too Stacy...its not that bad of a trip, although I have fell asleep many times behind the wheel coming back from Vinyl in the wee hours of the morning! The distance gets annoying sometimes, but I've grown accustomed to it smile.gif



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Originally posted by Abstrakt:

I'm coming from Yonkers too Stacy...its not that bad of a trip, although I have fell asleep many times behind the wheel coming back from Vinyl in the wee hours of the morning! The distance gets annoying sometimes, but I've grown accustomed to it smile.gif

Arf Arf..

15 minutes away from Manhattan, I wouldn't call that a long trip.. 30 minutes by train..

Yo home boy you goin friday night??


..It Wasn't Me..

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Originally posted by tranza:

Arf Arf..

15 minutes away from Manhattan, I wouldn't call that a long trip.. 30 minutes by train..

Yo home boy you goin friday night??

it is a long trip on sunday morning at 7:00 a.m. after a looooong night of partying.... smile.gif it is like a 30 minute ride than....


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Well, I'm a bit further than Westchester but it's still kind of a hike to the city. I know my sig says I'm from Rockland Co, but I only lived there for a very short while. I live even furter up in Orange Co now. Near the Woodbury Commons. It's like 45 miles from the city. It still only takes me about 45 minutes to get to the city though which isn't that bad.

Where in Westchester are all you from? Northern? I have alot of friends in Westchester and I'm there pretty often. Just wondering! But still, nothing stops me from the city!


bluesbro.gif Please meet Jammin' Jimmy, the Dancin' Machine!! (thanks Daniela)!

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Grew up in Chappaqua, 3 mins from the clintons hehe.

I used to trekk 45 minutes in the car everyyyyyyyy weekend, blugh....miserable coming home!!!! I could not wait until I had my own apt, i would dream of it every day for years........Would you know, Ive been in the village for 3 yrs and now im gettin too old to make it out 3x a week like I did then! lol



xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


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T-wood, baby!!!!!

I hear you guys...sometimes I actually enjoy the ride home, esp. when I'm cracked out...Its a good time to unwind and blaze and pop in a tape.....ahh...

but when I'm drinking I just wanna get home before I pass the hell out...(don't get me wrong, I'll still unwind and blaze and listen to a tape, though...)

Scotty- we gotta take the westchester session crew and make it grow..before we know it, we'll have 30 heads on the blunt...much more time to recover from the *cough* cough* cough* in betweeen hits..... cwm32.gif

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Originally posted by charrails:

T-wood, baby!!!!!

I hear you guys...sometimes I actually enjoy the ride home, esp. when I'm cracked out...Its a good time to unwind and blaze and pop in a tape.....ahh...

but when I'm drinking I just wanna get home before I pass the hell out...(don't get me wrong, I'll still unwind and blaze and listen to a tape, though...)

Scotty- we gotta take the westchester session crew and make it grow..before we know it, we'll have 30 heads on the blunt...much more time to recover from the *cough* cough* cough* in betweeen hits..... cwm32.gif

blunt? puff...puff..puff...puff... oh, you expect me to pass?? smile.gif


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Originally posted by peeps:

i used to come in from pelham/new rochelle all the time

that's a layup

where are you coming in from?

I can't even tell you how many times I've woken up in Timbucktoo! or just totally forgotten my train pass- sucks real bad!



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Originally posted by tranza:

Arf Arf..

15 minutes away from Manhattan, I wouldn't call that a long trip.. 30 minutes by train..

Yo home boy you goin friday night??

Yeah 15 minutes from Harlem, but at least 30 min to anywhere close to 27th St., about 40 min to Vinyl. 40 mins too many for the drive back home LOL smile.gif Yeah, Im going Friday, are you coming or are you gonna sell out like you did with DT/CC?

Nice group of Westchester peeps we got here smile.gif

- Ali



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Just wanted to do a shoutout to the westchester peeps on the board, moved into the city last Feb from chappaqua...scottyscribz, been trying to meet you but everytime my bf (nyc420) seems to forget to point you out or something. Hopefully our paths will cross soon! Vinyl Friday anyone??!



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The reverse commute is pretty good, though. I used to work in Westchester and (then & now) live in Manahattan, and I *loved* driving up the Sawmill all curvy and pretty in the morning. All said though, this chick would never make it home after a night out if it required getting to Mt. Kisco!

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Originally posted by stacychase:

i can top that one. moved here a littloe over two years ago, went out with my PIC Shuga and drank martinis at the W.... Woke up at the end of line, I had no clue where i was and i was on the last train..... took me a $45 cab ribe home and vowed i would never go out again. that lasted about one week. smile.gif

how can you remember where we were that night? i sure don't! the w? but i do remember the phone call at like, oh, 3 a.m. from you waking me up and telling me all about your fun train ride!!

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Wow~ lots people from Westchester- but not really near where I live, which is in boring old village called Scarsdale. I don't have time to go to clubs lately, but if I go I can bum rides to u guys~! I know the feeling of taking the train. I unfortunately had to used it couple of times. It's the most horrible feeling!



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Originally posted by Abstrakt:

Yeah 15 minutes from Harlem, but at least 30 min to anywhere close to 27th St., about 40 min to Vinyl. 40 mins too many for the drive back home LOL smile.gif Yeah, Im going Friday, are you coming or are you gonna sell out like you did with DT/CC?

Nice group of Westchester peeps we got here smile.gif

- Ali

15 minutes from Harlem my ass.. Maybe you should step on the gas a little bit harder wink.gif

It takes us 15 minutes from Yonkers ave to get to Sound Factory, w/o any traffic..

AND BTW did I ever tell you that you're the biggest bitch I ever met??


..It Wasn't Me..

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