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now heres a question for everbody!

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Desribe your first/early Clubplanet meet up encounter!

1st time: exit. met Rose1722, had a GREAT time.

2nd: Tunnel. met frankie pep, Kitty19 and Glowdancer (who's still around yay!)

and the big one: 3rd time at LL gatecrasher where if it wasent for Lbressler I would have left.

Each time: the usual geez what am I doing here? who are these people? I'm meeting people from teh computer??? Who do i ask? Do I say internet? that sounds so nerdy...


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August or September last year Dirtyslapper came to Sydney and we went out and got absolutely shitfaced and I had to take half a day off work and she missed her plane!


Otherwise every time I've been out since being in the country just about has a clubplanet component lol


"At the peak of tremendous and victorious effort, while the blood is pounding in your head, all suddenly comes quiet within you. Everything seems clearer and whiter than ever before, as if great spotlights had been turned on. At that moment, you have the conviction that you contain all the power in the world, that you are capable of everything, that you have wings. There is no more precise moment in life than this, the WHITE MOMENT, and you will work hard for years, just to taste it again.''Yuri Vlason. -----------PM sux email is better-------> boa_boy@yahoo.com hapfac01.gif

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actually apotheosis, my first meetup was at exit as well

and for some reason i didnt meet u or rose

and i was disappointed because rose had promised me a massage, and u got one instead!

i did however have the pleasure of meeting alexz and calyandra

i think i saw alex every weekend after and he was always very friendly, hee hee



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My first meet-up was the Lucky Cheng meet-up and I was terrified !!! Myrlin was the first person to grill me at the door... lol I was such a dork too.. My first words were "Is this the Clubplanet New York meet-up?" WHAT A LOSER I AM !! lol... I met a lot of people that night; a lot of wonderful people !!

But once everyone knew who I was it was smooth sailing from there!! Now you can't keep me away!!


AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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my first peep to meet was trippintrance at anthony pappa @ twilo last october. to give you an idea of my state of mind, i later remembered him as having blonde hair!!!

next came mikey (apothesis)...then he took me to the apple bombar meet up...the rest is history. i'm looking forward to meeting many, many more of you!!!!

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omg i think maybe i spoke to AZTEC first, it seemed like i was meeting everyone that night, back in decemeber (yea really that long ago sheesh...lol) i went to Cream with my cousin, she was like wait, you don't know any of these people? yea yea, you guys turned out to be so much fun. Jammy, Myrlin,Marcella,aztec,mikey of course,hmmm tons of people i spent like 2 seconds with!

hope to meet more at the end of hte month!


"And if I Die before i learn to speak...Will money pay for all the days i lived awake but half asleep?"

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Wow, My first meetup wasn't actually too long ago, I met up with Majesticmelodi first, it was at Twilo, can't really remember who was spinning that night, haha, I met alot of people, chach, dalfinus,ezdreamer, trippintrance, who know i consider one of my best friends. Hi! Since then i have met so many more people, and am loving every second of it, who said you cant have too many friends!!!!



"ThRoUgH tHe NiGhT, I hEaR yOuR vOiCe.... As i RiSe tHrOuGh ThE AiR, YoUr EcHo GrOwS...I sEE tImE sTaNd StiLL, As I'm WaTcHiNg tHe WoRLd BeLoW.... I cAn HeAr yOu CrY..."


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Very first person I met was BLUESKYGIRL at LL

Second person I met was MISSKITTIE and I didn't even know it was misskittie until a week later

Then it was just a rush of people

There was one person that I was so happy, crazy and excited to meet that i'll keep it to myself!!! cwm12.gif


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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mine was at america in december i think it was... i was really nervous cuz it seemed that everyone new each other but now i feel like i have a whole new extended family... love aaaaaaaall u guys and i cant wait till the next one.. peace


"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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not too long ago!

it was for oakey, trancegiving in november!!

met hooj, al, orchid & unbound, andy, mikey, deanna11, matty... lotsa awesome people biggrin.gif

peace! --daniela



"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." AoL: MAReLuNa

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My first was at Twilo, I think it was the beginning of the fall or winter!?!? Pete Tong was spinning.

I met:

blueangel, blckraven, apotheosis, myrlin, shadowchaser, ezdreamer, noiseboy (20 times), misskittie, ,j303j, dzadza, amalkav, nycdee, artful...and I'm sure a host of others that will not be upset that I didn't mention them because if you met me THAT night...you know I was ALL banged up!! Who else met me that night?? Help? smile.gif



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 03-12-2001).]

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My first meet-up was at Cream in December.

I asked a few strngers if they were CNYC and just got the 'blank stare- and a "what?!?"

Then I asked this friendly looking guy. Tyco!

He took me around and introduced me to:

Az-Tec, Vampie, Trippintrance, Blueskygirl, Myrlin, Apotheosis, KingPharoah and many more, hit Twilo to CC after that... too many names. It's just gotten beter and better after that.



"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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My first meetupws after the Lucky Cheng one..I couldnt make dinner so I showed up at Cheetah afterwardsto chill. This was all thanks to Steve(Crystalmethodny) whom I pmed and got his cell #, he called me and told me where to meet him and what he looked like etc...

Thanx Steve......

That night I met...Dee, Nikki, MOnique, Ali, jdogg, umm cant remember who else...sorry...

The next time I met headz was at Carl Cox last Nov. the first two people I metr were Al(trippintrance) and Mikey(tyco) who ended up being along with Steve, three of my closest friends.

Aiight no gettin mushy ova here.....its been a fun trip everyone...lets keep it going.



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

Email: Andy_Zeee@hotmail.com

AIM: AztecNY

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PORN and I went to our first meet up at Lucky Chengs last October. When we walked in with Roby all we heard was this loud crowd at the back of the restaurant and then these voices saying "that must be the Canadians". It was a flood of introductions that I didn't have down until TWILO then next night. Fantastic I tell you!!!




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Hmmm, wow I have to work the memory here...

It was Avenue A Sushi, I met blueangel, blckraven, sgbrooklyn ( biggrin.gif), jdogg, crystalmethodny, and parish...I think I might have missed some others from the board. I do remember some other people there that I think worked for clubplanet that night also! I don't think we can ever hae a meetup there again...We'll shut that place down!!! cwm27.gif

-Jamms "itsbeengravysince"


Wo ist die Partei? face50.gif

AIM: ynicholas

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Charrails and I went to our first meet-up in January at Steve Lawler.

The minute I walked up there Trippintrance and his wonderful smile greeted us with open arms and then a second later the sweetheart Az-tec came walking over and welcomed us too. We all got to talking and it was awesome from there on.



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Originally posted by jammy:

Hmmm, wow I have to work the memory here...

It was Avenue A Sushi, I met blueangel, blckraven, sgbrooklyn ( biggrin.gif), jdogg, crystalmethodny, and parish...I think I might have missed some others from the board. I do remember some other people there that I think worked for clubplanet that night also! I don't think we can ever hae a meetup there again...We'll shut that place down!!! cwm27.gif

-Jamms "itsbeengravysince"

You forgot anthony and Spoonyd. I remember getting so shit-faced . . . all because of Sinem and her blackhaus shots! Not much has changed. cwm32.gif



“The love we give away is the only love we keep.” - Elbert Hubbard


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this past saturday at twirl was my first board experience. i went with powerpuff (very cool girl), met lots of super nice people each with two names, mix that with the free drinks and call me a confused crackhead. so i apologize in advance if i dont remember everyones name(s). anyway i had an awesome night and i look forward to seeing everyone again soon!



No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...Jim Morrison

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Originally posted by drfunk:

this past saturday at twirl was my first board experience. i went with powerpuff (very cool girl), met lots of super nice people each with two names, mix that with the free drinks and call me a confused crackhead. so i apologize in advance if i dont remember everyones name(s). anyway i had an awesome night and i look forward to seeing everyone again soon!


thx for mentioning me ya bastard! how many other Australians were there there that you claimed to have recognised from their picture online huh? wink.gif



"At the peak of tremendous and victorious effort, while the blood is pounding in your head, all suddenly comes quiet within you. Everything seems clearer and whiter than ever before, as if great spotlights had been turned on. At that moment, you have the conviction that you contain all the power in the world, that you are capable of everything, that you have wings. There is no more precise moment in life than this, the WHITE MOMENT, and you will work hard for years, just to taste it again.''Yuri Vlason. -----------PM sux email is better-------> boa_boy@yahoo.com hapfac01.gif

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Originally posted by drfunk:

this past saturday at twirl was my first board experience. i went with powerpuff (very cool girl), met lots of super nice people each with two names (including that fun-lovin' wacky aussie boa, from the mad max photo), mix that with the free drinks and call me a confused crackhead. so i apologize in advance if i dont remember everyones name(s). anyway i had an awesome night and i look forward to seeing everyone again soon!


hows that?


No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...Jim Morrison

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Originally posted by petrol:

My first meet-up was at Cream in December.

I asked a few strngers if they were CNYC and just got the 'blank stare- and a "what?!?"

Then I asked this friendly looking guy. Tyco!

He took me around and introduced me to:

Az-Tec, Vampie, Trippintrance, Blueskygirl, Myrlin, Apotheosis, KingPharoah and many more, hit Twilo to CC after that... too many names. It's just gotten beter and better after that.


funny, i was there , lord knows i probably saw ya and didn't even know. go figure.


"And if I Die before i learn to speak...Will money pay for all the days i lived awake but half asleep?"

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