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Rude Bitches Here

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dorkhorse, really I heard ya the first time tony two times!

Wow it must have taken every braincell and ounceof courage to post that one-go back to posting 101, as for my steps don't sweat the technique baby-I can school you if you wish but I've gotta tell ya my specialty isn't special Ed-sorry Guy! How boout you bore me if you'd like to continue this pm me or otherwise ciao-oh I know now you'll post something like you won or you got the better of me it just that your played and this game is way too simple! so onto something new!


"I walk through the valley of fear, I fear nothing cause I'm the baddest mother fucker in the valley!"

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Guest worldboy

hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah oops hold on HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well said my dear Lady. Well said!! biggrin.gif

Originally posted by ladybijan22:

I hate when ugly ass wannabe DJ's play themsleves up to be more than what they are - washed up, old news, couldn't make it in the city or in NJ, and so NOW I gotta put those who have made it down to coax my ego. You really are a sad specimen of a man. You are nothing but a wash woman who seems to have little respect for women - I hope you don't kiss your mom with that mouth - ICK! Keep playing like your a broker - with a phat ride - making six figures - and getting the mad ladies. I understand you gotta try and keep up with the Jones' some how - or should I say Tsettos' - and yes that is how you spell it!! It is a damn shame that the *cheetos playin* DJ has great paying gigs all over the place, and now works for one of the most respected labels in the industry. BUT YOU WOULDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THAT BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T MAKE IT!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! YOU HAD TO CHANGE CAREERS BECASUE YOUR DJ'ING JUST WASN'T PAYING THE BILLS NOW WAS IT, THE JOBS STOPPED COMING, NO ONE WANTED A TIRED DJ FROM NJ NOW DID THEY - SO YOU HAD TO GO WORK AT A MUSIC SHOP!!! POOR BABY. Not everyone can have a talent like Denny's, and let's face it - you obviously don't!

For someone who *supposedly* has a *six figure a year* job, you sure do have a lot of time to waste on this topic. GGEEZZ bro - it's called an OBSESSION!! Stop sweatin us - it really is unbecoming of a gentleman - but then again you wouldn't know anything about being a gentleman.

I have now wasted all the time I will on YOU and your diarhea spewing comments. So here's my advice love - get over it - you getting so frustrated over what is being posted on a message board. I would say that you have stooped well below our level - that is self-evident by the number of posts you have since you signed on and what topic they are all on. UGH - you are such a loser!!! cwm21.gifcwm21.gif

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Originally posted by darkhorse:

as for prada and gucci... who gives a fuck. all i know is that i make 6 figures, drive a bmw and get mad ladies. i hate it when fat, busted, elephant boy lookin', tight dress wearin', cellulite hangin', slurpie slurpin', denny cheetos cheeze listenin', takin' it in all 3 orifice (by donkeys that is, cause no real sober man would do it), make-up plasterin', hairy arm pitted bitches like you try to press up on me at clubs. it's embarassing... i don't know you... why you trying to associate??? damn k-girl (that's k for kindergarten and not k for ketamine) take a shower, lose some weight and wait about 10 years when you're old enough to get into real clubs in nyc like twilo.

BTW - i still love you all, cause even fat, ugly, smelly people need love cwm35.gif

The reason why you can get so down right specific about those type of ladies that press up on you in clubs is because THOSE ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT WOULD, and I hear that the picture youposted is of your mother, sister, and girlfriend. The problem with this though is that they are all related and incest is one of your phetish.

You seem to have an AWFUL lot of time to spend on this board eeven though you make - wait what is that figure again - oh yes "


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Originally posted by darkhorse:

pwahahahaha. you have to be kidding me. these are your comebacks??? after reading some other posts on this board, i see why you bitches tag team and ream everyone else out. you're all friends. fuckin' pathetic. like barracuda... alone, your nothing... weak... but in a group you're o so tough cwm25.gif . i guarantee if each of you were on your own, you wouldn't have the balls (well you probably do have actual scrotum and what not) nor the audacity to harp on people like you do. now go hide in your little corner and play with you barbie dolls and dildos and STFU cwm25.gif

as for prada and gucci... who gives a fuck. all i know is that i make 6 figures, drive a bmw and get mad ladies. i hate it when fat, busted, elephant boy lookin', tight dress wearin', cellulite hangin', slurpie slurpin', denny cheetos cheeze listenin', takin' it in all 3 orifice (by donkeys that is, cause no real sober man would do it), make-up plasterin', hairy arm pitted bitches like you try to press up on me at clubs. it's embarassing... i don't know you... why you trying to associate??? damn k-girl (that's k for kindergarten and not k for ketamine) take a shower, lose some weight and wait about 10 years when you're old enough to get into real clubs in nyc like twilo.

I hate when ugly ass wannabe DJ's play themsleves up to be more than what they are - washed up, old news, couldn't make it in the city or in NJ, and so NOW I gotta put those who have made it down to coax my ego. You really are a sad specimen of a man. You are nothing but a wash woman who seems to have little respect for women - I hope you don't kiss your mom with that mouth - ICK! Keep playing like your a broker - with a phat ride - making six figures - and getting the mad ladies. I understand you gotta try and keep up with the Jones' some how - or should I say Tsettos' - and yes that is how you spell it!! It is a damn shame that the *cheetos playin* DJ has great paying gigs all over the place, and now works for one of the most respected labels in the industry. BUT YOU WOULDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THAT BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T MAKE IT!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! YOU HAD TO CHANGE CAREERS BECASUE YOUR DJ'ING JUST WASN'T PAYING THE BILLS NOW WAS IT, THE JOBS STOPPED COMING, NO ONE WANTED A TIRED DJ FROM NJ NOW DID THEY - SO YOU HAD TO GO WORK AT A MUSIC SHOP!!! POOR BABY. Not everyone can have a talent like Denny's, and let's face it - you obviously don't!

For someone who *supposedly* has a *six figure a year* job, you sure do have a lot of time to waste on this topic. GGEEZZ bro - it's called an OBSESSION!! Stop sweatin us - it really is unbecoming of a gentleman - but then again you wouldn't know anything about being a gentleman.

I have now wasted all the time I will on YOU and your diarhea spewing comments. So here's my advice love - get over it - you getting so frustrated over what is being posted on a message board. I would say that you have stooped well below our level - that is self-evident by the number of posts you have since you signed on and what topic they are all on. UGH - you are such a loser!!! cwm21.gifcwm21.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Originally posted by darkhorse:

speaking your mind and having strong opinions is a good thing. i agree and i respect that. attacking people, cursing at them, hating, etc. is not. i know it's easier to say these things over a computer screen...

i'm sure there are many jerkys out there who have said shit... about a club or a dj... why take it personally and then attack people? are you the club owner? are you the dj? most, if not all djs understand that not everyone is going to like their music or style and let negative comments slide off their back...

if these comments about a certain dj bother you, why not take the high road and rebut in a manner that helps you prove your point. something like: "you may not like his style but many other people do because... yada, yada, yada..." list credentials. ask them to give the club or dj a try if they never really went/heard him spin, etc.

if you don't like a place, AND you have actually given the place/dj a try or two, explain why it was bad... don't just bitch "this sucks... f*ck him, etc." maybe you tried all these things in the past and just got fed up with all the haters.

IMHO, taking the high road makes your points more valid and let's others know that you are a reasonable and intelligent person. taking the low road makes you look just as bad if not worse than the original hater... maybe some of you just don't care b/c you are just hiding behind a computer screen but i really doubt most of you would take the low road face to face, with a large crowd around. that is all. my 2 cents.

regardless - love you all cwm4.gif

I had to post...funny asss shit...


Well writen..Perfect!! cwm23.gif SATAN IS YOUR SAVIOR

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so ladybijan thinks darkhorse is a deejay? wow what a broad imagination you have. he lured all of you into his thread and he proved his point. i would think you ladies would learn at this point, but then again you're not ladies and you are far more ignorant than you all claim to be. now make your peter pan, or go get gonorrhea and die (btw that is the way it is spelled, i should start a thread on ENGLISH 101)remember what goes around comes around

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Oh my GOD, does anybody have class these days? I'm not bashing anyone in particular but I can see where darkhorse is coming from. How can you girls talk so trashy? You sound like a bunch of white trash. Your mouths are FILTHY! I can't believe some of the things you girls say. Granted I don't know most of you, but if you claim to be such hard working chicks that work you asses off to make the money you have, wear the things you wear, and drive the cars you have...you act like you have class why don't you try talking with some! cwm35.gif

Remember that your character is you destiny!


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So everyone on here that talks trash is a girl huh??? Interesting.... biggrin.gif And you know this how??????? Don't be so sure. biggrin.gif

And you are a "newbie"??? RIGHT!

Originally posted by gigglesandmore:

Oh my GOD, does anybody have class these days? I'm not bashing anyone in particular but I can see where darkhorse is coming from. How can you girls talk so trashy? You sound like a bunch of white trash. Your mouths are FILTHY! I can't believe some of the things you girls say. Granted I don't know most of you, but if you claim to be such hard working chicks that work you asses off to make the money you have, wear the things you wear, and drive the cars you have...you act like you have class why don't you try talking with some! cwm35.gif

Remember that your character is you destiny!


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Originally posted by gigglesandmore:

Oh my GOD, does anybody have class these days? I'm not bashing anyone in particular but I can see where darkhorse is coming from. How can you girls talk so trashy? You sound like a bunch of white trash. Your mouths are FILTHY! I can't believe some of the things you girls say. Granted I don't know most of you, but if you claim to be such hard working chicks that work you asses off to make the money you have, wear the things you wear, and drive the cars you have...you act like you have class why don't you try talking with some! cwm35.gif

Remember that your character is you destiny!


ummmm..... what?


Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage

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Originally posted by ladybijan22:

I hate when ugly ass wannabe DJ's play themsleves up to be more than what they are - washed up, old news, couldn't make it in the city or in NJ, and so NOW I gotta put those who have made it down to coax my ego. You really are a sad specimen of a man. You are nothing but a wash woman who seems to have little respect for women - I hope you don't kiss your mom with that mouth - ICK! Keep playing like your a broker - with a phat ride - making six figures - and getting the mad ladies. I understand you gotta try and keep up with the Jones' some how - or should I say Tsettos' - and yes that is how you spell it!! It is a damn shame that the *cheetos playin* DJ has great paying gigs all over the place, and now works for one of the most respected labels in the industry. BUT YOU WOULDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THAT BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T MAKE IT!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! YOU HAD TO CHANGE CAREERS BECASUE YOUR DJ'ING JUST WASN'T PAYING THE BILLS NOW WAS IT, THE JOBS STOPPED COMING, NO ONE WANTED A TIRED DJ FROM NJ NOW DID THEY - SO YOU HAD TO GO WORK AT A MUSIC SHOP!!! POOR BABY. Not everyone can have a talent like Denny's, and let's face it - you obviously don't!

For someone who *supposedly* has a *six figure a year* job, you sure do have a lot of time to waste on this topic. GGEEZZ bro - it's called an OBSESSION!! Stop sweatin us - it really is unbecoming of a gentleman - but then again you wouldn't know anything about being a gentleman.

I have now wasted all the time I will on YOU and your diarhea spewing comments. So here's my advice love - get over it - you getting so frustrated over what is being posted on a message board. I would say that you have stooped well below our level - that is self-evident by the number of posts you have since you signed on and what topic they are all on. UGH - you are such a loser!!! cwm21.gifcwm21.gif

first of all "ladyBJ", i am not, nor have i ever aspired to be, a dj. i do however give mad props to all djs, especially world class ones like paul van dyk (HOLY SHIT, he was awesome!!!), john digweed, sasha, etc... i also give mad props to the ones who are just starting out and trying to make it in the dj business. believe it or not, i even give credit to denny tsettos because, yes he has made somewhat of a name for himself (albeit only in the tri-state are) and he obviously worked hard to get where he is. it still doesn't change the fact that he spins cheezzzze. and PA-LEASE, why would i be jealous of denny? if i were to be jealous of a dj (which i'm not), i think i would be jealous at PVD or diggers b/c they are known and loved WORLDWIDE not just by a little bunch of groupie whores like yourself.

as for my lewd comments... yes, they were lewd, but they were only directed at you bitches... and no "i do not kiss my mother with this mouth." i kiss your mother with this mouth (as do every other larry, joe and harry).

all you bitches are so insecure, shallow, ruthless and most importantly STUPID that you actually continue to dig your hole bigger and exemplify to the rest of the board how trashy you really are.

honestly, i really don't have to say anything else b/c you keep proving my point for me by continuing to spew your venom, not just at me, but anyone whom you don't agree with. face it, you've already lost this argument b4 it even started. you had no chance, b/c in the end, you (plural) are what you are... hence the title of this thread... "RUDE BITCHES"

sin-sational: no, i will not PM you with this discussion... i want everyone to see your hate... your shallowness... your pathetic need for attention (albeit negative). i guess it's time to check YOURSELF.

and yes, i can post whenever i want... why? b/c i can close the door in my office, ask my administrative assistant to screen my calls and empower my co-workers to get stuff done. and yes, i do mad work too... but you all needed to be taught a lesson.

as for the respect factor, i totally respect ALL people. men and especially ladies. everyone deserves respect. i even gave it to you bitches until you proved you didn't show nor deserve any. you got what you deserve - NO RESPECT!

now go back to your minimum wage paying job (if you even have a job) with your 8th grade education and mad personal issues b/c no matter what you say or do, you have proven over and over agian that you are indeed, "RUDE BITCHES."

that is all cwm7.gif

BTW - i really do still love you, you fat, ugly, slimy bitch cwm35.gif

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My didn't you tell us. Whatever. I am suprised someone at such a high level like yourself can take time to post to us. Whatever, you have no idea who we are, what we do or anything about us. You only proved that you are a stuck up snob who thinks you are above us. Why don't you get over yourself. I don't need to go around saying how much I make or make comments about my assistants and the people under me. Talk about insecure....

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Yeah hi...Ummmm I make 6 figures, drive a BMW and get mad bitches! (twirling finger in the air...woo-hoo!!!) rolleyes.gif

Nigga Pulllllleeeeeeeaaaaassssseeeeee!

You know you're really working at a record store...wishing you had a "real" job!!! LOL!! I don't think that a traders assistant makes 6 figures...especially with today's market. Hey I got an idea...WHY DON'T YOU BUT A FUCKING CLUE JERKOFF WITH ALL OF THAT $$$$ OF YOURS! Instead you write on a message board all day and you have "YOUR ASSITANT" answer your phone. What do you say...Ohhhhh Alice...can you hold my calls today...I'm speewing SHIT on a message board and I can't talk to any of my potential clients.

I have an idea...BE YOURSELF...and quit hiding under a new name evey time we call you out!!!


Darkhorse....what is that??...some pony you want to fuck if you can't get your MAD BITCHES???? I saw that picture of you!! (hee hee) cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif

[This message has been edited by bumparella (edited 02-12-2001).]

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Originally posted by darkhorse:

first of all "ladyBJ", i am not, nor have i ever aspired to be, a dj. i do however give mad props to all djs, especially world class ones like paul van dyk (HOLY SHIT, he was awesome!!!), john digweed, sasha, etc... i also give mad props to the ones who are just starting out and trying to make it in the dj business. believe it or not, i even give credit to denny tsettos because, yes he has made somewhat of a name for himself (albeit only in the tri-state are) and he obviously worked hard to get where he is. it still doesn't change the fact that he spins cheezzzze. and PA-LEASE, why would i be jealous of denny? if i were to be jealous of a dj (which i'm not), i think i would be jealous at PVD or diggers b/c they are known and loved WORLDWIDE not just by a little bunch of groupie whores like yourself.

as for my lewd comments... yes, they were lewd, but they were only directed at you bitches... and no "i do not kiss my mother with this mouth." i kiss your mother with this mouth (as do every other larry, joe and harry).

all you bitches are so insecure, shallow, ruthless and most importantly STUPID that you actually continue to dig your hole bigger and exemplify to the rest of the board how trashy you really are.

honestly, i really don't have to say anything else b/c you keep proving my point for me by continuing to spew your venom, not just at me, but anyone whom you don't agree with. face it, you've already lost this argument b4 it even started. you had no chance, b/c in the end, you (plural) are what you are... hence the title of this thread... "RUDE BITCHES"

sin-sational: no, i will not PM you with this discussion... i want everyone to see your hate... your shallowness... your pathetic need for attention (albeit negative). i guess it's time to check YOURSELF.

and yes, i can post whenever i want... why? b/c i can close the door in my office, ask my administrative assistant to screen my calls and empower my co-workers to get stuff done. and yes, i do mad work too... but you all needed to be taught a lesson.

as for the respect factor, i totally respect ALL people. men and especially ladies. everyone deserves respect. i even gave it to you bitches until you proved you didn't show nor deserve any. you got what you deserve - NO RESPECT!

now go back to your minimum wage paying job (if you even have a job) with your 8th grade education and mad personal issues b/c no matter what you say or do, you have proven over and over agian that you are indeed, "RUDE BITCHES."

that is all cwm7.gif

BTW - i really do still love you, you fat, ugly, slimy bitch cwm35.gif

OMG - are you still here - GGEEEZZZZ!!! Don't you get it - no matter what you say it all sounds the same. UGH!!!! I can't believe you would have your asstiant hold your calls so you can post on this board - YOU ARE A LOSER!!! You would actually take the chance of missing an important phone call so you can post here - honey you have your priorities all fucked up. If that is what you do - then you are really sad specimen of a man!!!!! Stop spending all your time on this - WORK DAMN IT!!! Let it go - you are making yourself look obsessed over this - lighten up - it's all fun and games and we are playing you like Trivial Pursuit! No go ahead - spend the next 2 and a half hours submitting your reply, have your assistant hold your calls, and make sure there are no typos, and that you get all your comments in that you think actually mean anything to me. I fell so honored that you devote all your time us!!!! Thank you!!!

One last thing - I need NO love from you!! You couldn't possibly love me - you don't know me, I don't want to know you, and basically the word love shouldn't be used so lightly!!!


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Well said Bump! Dark, anyone that needs to come on this board and brag about how much they make or how many girls they get, obviously have NOTHING. The poor idiot that you are probably sits home and jerks off thinking about all of the girls you wish you could get.

And as for you FZERO, stay the fuck out things that don't concern you. Are you upset because some people got up in your shit when you continue to promote your so called "party" at the groove lounge and because you think you are some "big time promoter"? Stick to what you know....flyers on cars in parking lots. Thanks.


Live life to the fullest, because you never know when it will be your last!!!

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