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Rude Bitches Here

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speaking your mind and having strong opinions is a good thing. i agree and i respect that. attacking people, cursing at them, hating, etc. is not. i know it's easier to say these things over a computer screen...

i'm sure there are many jerkys out there who have said shit... about a club or a dj... why take it personally and then attack people? are you the club owner? are you the dj? most, if not all djs understand that not everyone is going to like their music or style and let negative comments slide off their back...

if these comments about a certain dj bother you, why not take the high road and rebut in a manner that helps you prove your point. something like: "you may not like his style but many other people do because... yada, yada, yada..." list credentials. ask them to give the club or dj a try if they never really went/heard him spin, etc.

if you don't like a place, AND you have actually given the place/dj a try or two, explain why it was bad... don't just bitch "this sucks... f*ck him, etc." maybe you tried all these things in the past and just got fed up with all the haters.

IMHO, taking the high road makes your points more valid and let's others know that you are a reasonable and intelligent person. taking the low road makes you look just as bad if not worse than the original hater... maybe some of you just don't care b/c you are just hiding behind a computer screen but i really doubt most of you would take the low road face to face, with a large crowd around. that is all. my 2 cents.

regardless - love you all cwm4.gif

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Thanks for your lecture but really SAVE IT! I didn't ask for your 2 cents. You reall y think I take this seriously, here's something I've said a million times and one more time for your sorry ass newbie, this is entertainment, makes th day go quicker, makes me laugh. What do you think I go around all day long bitching at people, this is amusing its playtime get real !

Save your lectures for those might want to listen but hey guess what your nonsene is not wanted here! so back the fuck up and get packing dark mule-hideeho partner! Now saddle up and beat it!


"I walk through the valley of fear, I fear nothing cause I'm the baddest mother fucker in the valley!"

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Originally posted by darkhorse:

speaking your mind and having strong opinions is a good thing. i agree and i respect that. attacking people, cursing at them, hating, etc. is not. i know it's easier to say these things over a computer screen...

i'm sure there are many jerkys out there who have said shit... about a club or a dj... why take it personally and then attack people? are you the club owner? are you the dj? most, if not all djs understand that not everyone is going to like their music or style and let negative comments slide off their back...

if these comments about a certain dj bother you, why not take the high road and rebut in a manner that helps you prove your point. something like: "you may not like his style but many other people do because... yada, yada, yada..." list credentials. ask them to give the club or dj a try if they never really went/heard him spin, etc.

if you don't like a place, AND you have actually given the place/dj a try or two, explain why it was bad... don't just bitch "this sucks... f*ck him, etc." maybe you tried all these things in the past and just got fed up with all the haters.

IMHO, taking the high road makes your points more valid and let's others know that you are a reasonable and intelligent person. taking the low road makes you look just as bad if not worse than the original hater... maybe some of you just don't care b/c you are just hiding behind a computer screen but i really doubt most of you would take the low road face to face, with a large crowd around. that is all. my 2 cents.

regardless - love you all cwm4.gif

One question - WHO ASKED YOU?? Tell me how it is that you being the newbie that you are feel so compelled to tell people you don't know anything about what to do when posting on this board. Don't come on this board and try to give us DARKHOUSE METHOD OF PROPER POSTING 101. PLEASE - we all know how to express ourselves - whether it be properly or not so properly. But that is how WE CHOOSE to express ourselves. You chose to come here and try to be an educator - but guess what - IT WON'T WORK. People are people - all different from one another. If you want to express youself by being all candy coated and happy faced, so be it. NOT EVERYONE IS LIKE YOU. I personally have strong opinions, and will say what I want, when I want, how I want. Whether you or the rest of the board like it or not - doesn't phase me in the least. I know that I will sometimes get attacked (and sometimes personally) for what I say - but WHO CARES. That is what makes this fun - to see all the different opinions and feelings and likes and dislikes.

Lighten up buddy. Sit back, relax, and have some fun with this. If you want a politically correct environment - YOU HAVE COME TO THE WRONG PLACE AND I SUGGEST YOU RELOCATE. If you can't stand the heat - get out of the kitchen and leave the cooking to the chef's.

This is all IMHO of course!!



Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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I could take the high road as you say but I don't. The intelligence of some of these people is at a kindergarten level. I feel to get my point across I need to be blunt!! If you knew me you would know that I can be blunt and sometimes even rude. But, I say what I feel and yes many people think I am a bitch and others respect and like me for my honesty. If I don't like you, trust me, you will know. I don't play games!! There is so much stupidity and misinformation on this board that it is just plain sad!!

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Originally posted by darkhorse:

fuck you very much cwm35.gif

See - now you get it. That's a start, but let's see if you can top yourself next time by actually putting some creativity into it!!



Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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attention dikki (a.k.a. trikki) got rid of me? GROW UP, some of us actually work for a living unlike yourself (i heard you bought stock in clubplanet). and the peter comment, i guess you're still angry that PETER PAN left you for ME

[This message has been edited by tinkerbell2000 (edited 02-08-2001).]

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wellwell dickliksmell, I thought you flew away but here you are one of many personalities. You know you bottomfeeders are really starting to bore me, please take my course on sarchasm so at least I have something to think about and comment on I mean pulling out my fingernails is more exciting than reading this humdrum!


"I walk through the valley of fear, I fear nothing cause I'm the baddest mother fucker in the valley!"

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Hey Twinkie..

Edit again.. edit again.. edit again.

What a creative response rolleyes.gif


But I'm not one to gossip so you ain't heard nothin from me. (this edit's for you!!)


[This message has been edited by missjenkins1 (edited 02-08-2001).]

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are you fucking kidding me??? i quit name calling in 2nd grade... say whatever you like... do you think names like "dickliksmell" effects me one iota??? PA-LEASE cwm25.gif but i bet comments like insecure, low self esteemed, fat, ugly, skanky cunt hits you right in the heart right??? cwm4.gif

bottom line is, people like you just put others down to try to bring some worth to your petty little lives. now all you little kindergarten girls go and suck on denny cheetos little toothpick dick, OK? cwm27.gif

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Nice mouth. See it is people like you that make us say nasty shit. What the hell does Denny have to do with any of this. That is exactly my point. I tried to speak to you like an adult and you go off like this. Everyone always brings Denny into everything, leave the poor guy alone. What did he ever do to you? It is obvious that you are some loser we trashed and you are trying to get your dignity back. Well honey, it is going to take more than calling us names.

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where you bitches at? i'm calling all your ugly asses out cwm3.gif i don't make up stupid shit nicknames like you little kindergarten bitches... i tell the TRUTH.

you no class, no couth, donkey fucking bitches (well i reverted to 3rd grade for that one).

i think the best way to shut all of you up is to stick my big fat dick in your mouth... on second thought, i don't want to get gummed to death cwm31.gifcwm27.gifcwm31.gif

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Originally posted by queenbitch:

Nice mouth. See it is people like you that make us say nasty shit. What the hell does Denny have to do with any of this. That is exactly my point. I tried to speak to you like an adult and you go off like this. Everyone always brings Denny into everything, leave the poor guy alone. What did he ever do to you? It is obvious that you are some loser we trashed and you are trying to get your dignity back. Well honey, it is going to take more than calling us names.

just playing fire with fire... you call your previous posts trying to talk to me like an adult? besides, if your not one of those "bitches" then you know my nasty mouth doesn't pertain to you. as far as denny goes, you're right, he really has nothing to do with this specific argument... but i knew it would get under their skin... like it always does.

my apologies to denny cwm30.gif and you, if you were offended. although he still can't dj worth a dime. just MO.

should i change my take and go from negative (like you bitches) to positive (like we all should be). ok... now that i've given you (bitches and not necessarily you - queenbitch) a taste of your own medicine.

i love you all cwm35.gif


sticks and stones can break my bones...

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Guest worldboy


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Originally posted by darkhorse:

just playing fire with fire... you call your previous posts trying to talk to me like an adult? besides, if your not one of those "bitches" then you know my nasty mouth doesn't pertain to you. as far as denny goes, you're right, he really has nothing to do with this specific argument... but i knew it would get under their skin... like it always does.

my apologies to denny cwm30.gif and you, if you were offended. although he still can't dj worth a dime. just MO.

should i change my take and go from negative (like you bitches) to positive (like we all should be). ok... now that i've given you (bitches and not necessarily you - queenbitch) a taste of your own medicine.

i love you all cwm35.gif


sticks and stones can break my bones...

It's not that it gets under her skin - it's that IT HAS NO RELEVANCE. You have no other argument so you say something not even on the subject at hand. You are the type of person who brings up things from like a trillion years ago in anargument when he has nothing else to say in his defense. It just goes to show that when all else fails - say something to get under someone's skin - OH NOW HERE'S AN INTELLIGENT THING TO DO. You came here saying that when arguing one should "give reasons for your opinion", discuss "credentials", but you just admitted you said something to get under her skin. Doesn't that go against your own philosopohy of respectful posting.

I think we have all wasted enough time on this topic. This debate can go on for decades - everyone is entitled to express themselves as they see fit. If you don't like that - then maybe you should move to China where expression is not allowed. Maybe that is a better place for you than here because free speech is something you obviously don't believe in.

You post what you like when you like, and we will do the same. If you see a post with "the bitches" sign on names attached to it - hit that lovely little back button. You don't have to read it you know! cwm18.gifcwm12.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Originally posted by ladybijan22:

It's not that it gets under her skin - it's that IT HAS NO RELEVANCE. You have no other argument so you say something not even on the subject at hand. You are the type of person who brings up things from like a trillion years ago in anargument when he has nothing else to say in his defense. It just goes to show that when all else fails - say something to get under someone's skin - OH NOW HERE'S AN INTELLIGENT THING TO DO. You came here saying that when arguing one should "give reasons for your opinion", discuss "credentials", but you just admitted you said something to get under her skin. Doesn't that go against your own philosopohy of respectful posting.

I think we have all wasted enough time on this topic. This debate can go on for decades - everyone is entitled to express themselves as they see fit. If you don't like that - then maybe you should move to China where expression is not allowed. Maybe that is a better place for you than here because free speech is something you obviously don't believe in.

You post what you like when you like, and we will do the same. If you see a post with "the bitches" sign on names attached to it - hit that lovely little back button. You don't have to read it you know! cwm18.gifcwm12.gif

what's the matter? you bitches can dish it out but can't take it can you? i told you, i was gonna play by your rules... when i tried to reason with you, all i got was "STFU"... "can't take the heat...", "don't give me a lecture" B.S. i'll reason withe the 99% of the people on this board who are actually intelligent and mature... and yes, with you bitches, i have stoop low... but i can never stoop to your level because no positive # is less than zero.

peace out cwm4.gif

BTW - isn't your name an oxymoron?

PS - post all you want. i'll fuckin' respond whenever and however i want to! just like you bitches do even whenever denny is talked about. and yes, it's denny cheetos... for all the limdberger cheese he plays.

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You see what happens when you give girls the right to talk out loud. I"m sorry not all girls when you give the Bitchsquad the right to talk. Real ladies dont talk like trash on this board. To bad there men dont have the ball's to put them in there place. But I guess when there getting laid why bother. cwm45.gif

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well since I've been gone I see we've started a he-manwomen hater club good for you boys you need to join together to share some self esteem first of all dorhorse, that post was to tinkerbell, see if you had some insight you would know that dickliksmell and tinkerbell rhyme but since you love calling me out well lets say that its on. First of all spare yourself the embarrassment of even thinking you can compete with me. No Iam not a cunt but i do have one, one that you would love to have but sorry I don't put out for brokeass, wannabe's who wouldn't know the difference between Prada and Guess since they have the same shape label. Stick to what you know which is practically nothing, hey baby its your turn if you need help pm me oh I won't tell anyone!


"I walk through the valley of fear, I fear nothing cause I'm the baddest mother fucker in the valley!"

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