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anybody have a hobbie while HIGH?

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Mine use to be Grafitti, but since I don't really get high any more nor enter freight yards with paranioa. I stopped drawing. But tonight after a night of getting intoxicated I picked up a pencil and just didn't stop.

Now sober I have become lazy and unintrested again.


So just wanted people to check out ALICE IN WONDERLAND 2001 now b/c it's proubably never gonna be finished.



When The Going Gets Weird...The Weird Turns Pro

[This message has been edited by gonzojournilist (edited 06-21-2001).]

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good thing you stopped, grafitti is the most disrespectful thing a young teen looking for attention and recognition can do.

The only thing worse than grafitti is the people whjo think that they are cool for doing it.

Dont mean to bust your chops, but I own buildings and I am arranging for grafitti removal all the time.

My hobbies while high are: listening to music, laying out, skiing, posting to this nonsense board, looking at my perfectly grown nuggets, and smoking some more. (I like the last one the best.

PS- Gonzo, thats one sweet drawing!!!


No left turn unstoned

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after I finish eating everything in the house, I usually wind up reorganizing my CDs a few hundred times, by genre, alphabetical, date of release, color coordinated, frequency of play, and on and on until I pass out.

Then I get to spend the next morning trying to figure out what the hell I did.



"Life has no instruction manual. Parts and labor can be impossible to find. Many go down the road with parts that are in great need of service. A breakdown is eventual." - HR

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Writing...some ill shit comes out.

Listening to music in headphones.

Watching the Simpons.


I'm mean when I wanna be mean...I travel when I want to get away...I shout when I want to shout...I get high when I wanna get high...

Cuz I'm a woman...I'm a woman

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writing poetry....some of my best stuff comes out while i'm high, i love putting on some mellow tunes and just wrting down anything that comes to mind, also talking smack to my friends...we always come up with crazy good ideas, yet we never ummmm seem to umm remember them...

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Sometimes buying that South African Saphire late night, doesn't seem so wise the next morning. Besides HSN (yeah the home shopping network). I end up making drip mounds out of a couple different colored candles. Then I pass out cold.

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Anything that would otherwise be mundane. Going to the store and spending HOURS shuffling through the isles, cleaning the kitchen and becoming fascinated with how well I can arrange things, walking around - that's it, just walking around my neighborhood. It's amazing what I look over when I'm sober and not paying attention. I use to write, but then I realized how much I sucked when I was sober and thought I was brilliant.

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Originally posted by chris817:

watching infomercials and buying useless crap

b/c they seem so great at the time

I have a friend with a real obsession for that.

Every time he gets high.

its ridiculous.

His most recent purchase:

presidential Bloopers


"Life has no instruction manual. Parts and labor can be impossible to find. Many go down the road with parts that are in great need of service. A breakdown is eventual." - HR

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I LOVE and i mean LOVE to wash dishes when im stoned..its the weirdest thing...somehow i end up in my kitchen doing them damn dishes...

yes..its true im a clean crackhead.. cwm12.gif



I am not afraid of tomorrow. I have seen yesterday and I love today.

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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Playing Half-Life or watching some manner of wackass cartoons ("Aeon Flux", "Liquid Television", etc) with my roomies at home.



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

AIM: vvRMR , EMAIL: vejita1975@hotmail.com

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Originally posted by gonzojournilist:

Same here

Back in the day if you heard the vacuum cleaner running at odd hours, you know someone was high on cocaine.

Yes! The first and only time I ever did coke, I was in college and scheduled to leave for the summer in a few days. I came home and cleaned the whole dorm and packed my stuff up until 8AM!

And when I smoke, I love to clean too! That is, of course, after I've eaten everything in sight!!




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Originally posted by gonzojournilist:

Same here

Back in the day if you heard the vacuum cleaner running at odd hours, you know someone was high on cocaine.

Yes! The first and only time I ever did coke, I was in college and scheduled to leave for the summer in a few days. I came home and cleaned the whole dorm and packed my stuff up until 8AM!

And when I smoke, I love to clean too! That is, of course, after I've eaten everything in sight!!




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lol one of my non clubbing roommates back in Sydney used to ask me to go clubbing and indulge in certain things so that I would come home and clean cwm32.gif


Dude, where's my car?...........boa_boy@yahoo.com YIM boa_boy AIM boaboyOZ

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Originally posted by vejita:

Playing Half-Life or watching some manner of wackass cartoons ("Aeon Flux", "Liquid Television", etc) with my roomies at home.


Did you ever watch "the Idiot Box?"


I'm mean when I wanna be mean...I travel when I want to get away...I shout when I want to shout...I get high when I wanna get high...

Cuz I'm a woman...I'm a woman

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