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Shit ...I 'M STILL PETITE !!!

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I gained 10 lbs since my last complaint and I'm still fuckin small !!!!

5'2 @ 110 !!!

I jog almost every morning, lift weights and drink whole milk and eat filet mignons like cupcakes !!!!!!!

FUCK !!! When I walk down the streets of nyc I feel like an ant !! When I see bigger girls than me I 'm always sizing up against them !!

Hmmm ..I'm afraid I running out of options here .. maybe i should consider steroids..

I want to be big - because I just think tall + big girls look better and have better presence outside ..

This is gettin fuckin frustrating ! Damn !!!! I HATE BEING SMALL SOO MUCH !!!! It didn't bother me when I was young but ..now it does because all the tall +big girls tower over me in clubs !!

I need badger milk !!!!!


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hey, there are plenty of us guys out there who really like you little ladies. and we're not all 5'2" either! small girls are cool and fun and usually full of energy.

don't get big and bulky! stay small and curvy and be happy :)

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Yoooooooo...calm down...why are you complaining?? Being small/tall each have there own advantages. Personally I cant stand tall girls...shorter girls are always cuter...everyone of my g/fs have been shorter than 5'4 and I'm 5'11. Relax and be happy..theres always things people want to change about themselves but just be content w/ it and work around it

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See ...this is the way i see it ..

I think men like short/petite/cute girls for toying around and throwing them around in bed and etc.

But when it comes to getting down seriously - they want tall +big model like girls because they are statuesque and they can be trphies and tall girls make the guys look better also..

And the taller / bigger you are - you can show off more and etc.. cause there's more to see..

I think men look at small women like poodles and toy dogs.

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im 5'4 and i only weigh 100, it sux... i know how you feel. i eat sweets, junk, chips, everything bad for you, i even eat before bed hoping it will make me gain a pound or 2 but no luck. my mom said she was really small till she had kids, so there is some hope for us.:horns:

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Originally posted by dolcemimi

See ...this is the way i see it ..

I think men like short/petite/cute girls for toying around and throwing them around in bed and etc.

But when it comes to getting down seriously - they want tall +big model like girls because they are statuesque and they can be trphies and tall girls make the guys look better also..

And the taller / bigger you are - you can show off more and etc.. cause there's more to see..

I think men look at small women like poodles and toy dogs.

I have to say there are some serious issues here...

A while back someone posted a cute vs hot poll... most of the people preferred cute to hot, most guys specifically pointing out they like cute, *short* girls... I don't have time to do a search but see if you can find it.

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Originally posted by dolcemimi

But when it comes to getting down seriously - they want tall +big model like girls because they are statuesque and they can be trphies and tall girls make the guys look better also..

some of us guys have enough self-esteem to hang with ladies that we like and respect and think are cool regardless of size.

yeah, sure, petite girls are fun to "throw around in bed", but that's not a bad thing! if you're worried about guys just using you like that, do a little more screening, that's all.

my friends are always saying i've got a think for petite girls. i don't think so, i think it just doesn't matter to me so much as do i think your cool and attractive.

probably half of the girls i've dated have been 5'3" or smaller. i'm 5'10".

besides, what u have to show off should be about quality not quantity....and a great attitude is what its all about.

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Originally posted by dolcemimi

I gained 10 lbs since my last complaint and I'm still fuckin small !!!!

5'2 @ 110 !!!

I jog almost every morning, lift weights and drink whole milk and eat filet mignons like cupcakes !!!!!!!

DO NOT CHANGE!!!! You are perfect the way you are ... :love:

petite girls are the best ... lol

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If you're looking to gain weight (which this if the first time I've heard this for a women) then you need to eat foods high in calories. Eating steaks all day is high in protein which is good for muscle development. But high calorie foods as well as carbohydrates is what adds on the pounds. Rule of thumb, you need to eat about 500 more calories a day for one week to gain one pound. Its hard to do especially if your metabolism is high. Try eating like 6 small meals a day. Happy eating

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Originally posted by dolcemimi

This is gettin fuckin frustrating ! Damn !!!! I HATE BEING SMALL SOO MUCH !!!! It didn't bother me when I was young but ..now it does because all the tall +big girls tower over me in clubs !!

i always say...

i'm 5'8"... you just Think i'm 4'10".

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I adore hight lacking ladies

make good beer stools....

Im sincerely Joking and deeply apologize..

just the insanity in me..

Ive had my share of loves of all sizes

and my personaly experience shows that

the taller ones tend to express themselves physicaly

while the smaller ones express themselves verbily

which i enjoy since im rather the quite type....half the time

and half the time i cant shut the freak up.

sooo...i go back and forth.

If I can have one short girl and one tall one id be happy.


might as well toss in a middle size one while your at it

I have alot of love to go around *Cackle*

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Hey. so wat if ur petite. no worries. Like they say good things come in small packages. BTW I was the one who brought out the cute vs hot. personally I prefer cuter as well as many other guys. The shorter u r the cuter u r. Just know that some tall girls want to b short. Everyone is disatisfied something about them. Just b happy b happy the way u r. =)

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Originally posted by somebitch

im 5'4 and i only weigh 100, it sux... i know how you feel. i eat sweets, junk, chips, everything bad for you, i even eat before bed hoping it will make me gain a pound or 2 but no luck. my mom said she was really small till she had kids, so there is some hope for us.:horns:

Please... I sooo wish that was my problem. I'm 5'5 and 128lbs. I've been trying to lose and/or maintain my weight for almost as long as I can remember. I have to constantly watch what I eat and exercise on a regular basis. If I eat b4 bed I'll gain a pound the next morning! So all you petite girls out there, thank your lucky stars for your fast metabolisms and enjoy eating whatever you want and whenever you want :)

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you cant grow taller, can you? so why get fatter? short and fat - thats not a good combo (neither is tall and fat). btw, im 5'6", and i always wished i was shorter, i think im too tall...i also wanted straight hair, but thats another story. just be happy with what you got, since there isnt much you can do about the height at least.

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Originally posted by shugabooga

she should just get some platform shoes!

yeh... i'm 5' and wear size 0/XS. while gaining weight just makes me rounder, i have a good collection of platforms! shoes is where the height is at! notice how the asian girls always have the heels? and the bonus of being still a cute petite girl.


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Originally posted by dolcemimi

I gained 10 lbs since my last complaint and I'm still fuckin small !!!!

5'2 @ 110 !!!

I jog almost every morning, lift weights and drink whole milk and eat filet mignons like cupcakes !!!!!!!

FUCK !!! When I walk down the streets of nyc I feel like an ant !! When I see bigger girls than me I 'm always sizing up against them !!

Hmmm ..I'm afraid I running out of options here .. maybe i should consider steroids..

I want to be big - because I just think tall + big girls look better and have better presence outside ..

This is gettin fuckin frustrating ! Damn !!!! I HATE BEING SMALL SOO MUCH !!!! It didn't bother me when I was young but ..now it does because all the tall +big girls tower over me in clubs !!

I need badger milk !!!!!


Fawk that........short, petite girls are the shit.......wa wa wa wa wa!!!!!!

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Did I mention ...I always get into fights @ parties and clubs with taller + bigger girls than me.

I mean in a situation like that- it would help me to be big.

When in clubs I see BIG beefy juice heads showing off their phsique - I feellike I gotta step up and represent and show off my muscles ... - I feel like I have to compete w/ men for size

WErid huh ? When I see big beefy bouncers - I feel like I gotta step up to them and look big ....

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Originally posted by dolcemimi

Did I mention ...I always get into fights @ parties and clubs with taller + bigger girls than me.

I mean in a situation like that- it would help me to be big.

When in clubs I see BIG beefy juice heads showing off their phsique - I feellike I gotta step up and represent and show off my muscles ... - I feel like I have to compete w/ men for size

WErid huh ? When I see big beefy bouncers - I feel like I gotta step up to them and look big ....

Umm, yeah- you definitely got some issues, hon.

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