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Heres the Scenario...

If you had to choose between:

Having Money, meaning all the riches you could possible have Jewels, cars, houses, clothes, anything money could buy...

but never experience love. (like not even your own dog would love you...youd have friends and shit but you wouldnt like them and they only hang out with you for your money)


Be In love, meaning you found your soulmate, things are perfect you are in FULL LOVE all the way and it would NEVER end... but you didnt really have money... you're always struggling and just barely making ends meet...

which would you choose?

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I would choose the money also. I would be able to keep myself busy with money travel and do things I would never be able to do without riches. Love is good and everything, but, Love comes with pain. It's a package deal. You take the good you take the bad.

I dont need the stress.

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you're talking about perfect, endless love...but that doesn't exist, nor do we even believe in the fantasy of love. we'd rather choose the fantasy of endless riches (which is just as much of a fantasy).

are we saying love gets boring and material things are more exciting? what does that say about us?

the point of two people falling in love, ultimately, is for reproduction. once that mission is accomplished, most couples don't stay in love. sad but true.

why even bother? is the pain really worth it?

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Originally posted by dgmodel


Be In love, meaning you found your soulmate, things are perfect you are in FULL LOVE all the way and it would NEVER end... but you didnt really have money... you're always struggling and just barely making ends meet...

Hmmm.....that is the exact situation I am in right now!!!

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Definantly love. No matter how much pain has come with it, I would never choose money over the love my boyfriend and I have together. We are both going to be a couple broke asses for a while. He is only in his second year of med school and I have 7 years of grad school coming up. But there is no way I would give what we have up, I'd be so miserable without him.:(

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I am of the belief that, while relationships do suck, are a major pain in the ass, blah, blah, blah- no one can be complete unto themselves. So I would pick love over money.

Especially if having money would mean not even my kitty would really love me! :(

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Im a strong believer in the possiblity of LEASING LOVE...

Sounds rediculous but follow me here...

Lets say you have tons of money, and you meet all these people, and you start to have sexual relations with some and blah blah blah so forth... Then after a while this person starts to like you, sees beyond the money, maybe even falls in love with and starts to be with you more regardless of money... Bam the person then finds out your (whatever adjectives you wanna put in) seriously falls in love with you. you get married... and BOOM you just Leased LOVE... (option to buy kicked in and you took it) and the flip side it doesnt turn out that way either you get sick of the person or they just werent a good match for you... 1,2,3, years (whatever the amount of lease time) kick in and you trade in for a new one...


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You can't survive in the world today without money. You can't even use a public bathroom in a restaraunt without buying food. Even if you were in love, it cost money to be together, like, check it....if u got no money to buy food or a place to live...you get sick...and you got no money to buy medicine...you die. You beez in love, but your still unhappy cause you gotta watch your spouse fading away in your arms. So.......

Money.....all.......the.......way. Gimme a phat check and I'll be your best friend...not because of the money....but because you beez helpin' me survive in a harsh cruel world. hehe!

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Originally posted by romy20

I'd pick love. Money and all that means a lot to me and I'd love to be rich and have everything, but I'd rather have love in my life and struggle than have everything and no one to love and care for u.


financing love for 60 months, very low apr,with almost nothign down.

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i'd have to say $money$.....sad but true!i agree that most people these days don't even believe in that kind of love! i surely don't....it is so much more realistic to fantasize about being filthy rich than it is to find a flawless relationship!:( .....but i would love to have that kind of love....no problems etc......BUT~with all that money i'm sure u can still have lots of meaningless~going nowhere~relationships!!!everyone has to get it somehwere!

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