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Parents Rolling

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I would pay anything to see my parents on E. I think it would be so funny. Just slip an e-pill on a asprin bottle or something and just sit back and watch. It would be so funny. I would never actually do that to them but just a though.

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hahaha....I got a story about this....One of my friends was totally broke and he asked his dad for some loot but his dad wouldnt give him any and called him a lazy bum and to go find a job . So my friend got all pissed off and remembered that he had a pill left over. He had bought it at a club but decided not to eat it. He though it'd be a beat pill so he was like fuck it I'm gonna put it in my dads drink. Well he puts it in his dads drink. Well a 45 minutes hour later I get a call from him telling me to pick him up. Well when I come to pick him up, he tells me the whole story. When he came down stairs he sees his dad twitching in his recliner and mumbling to himself. Then hes dad get up, goes into the kitchen and start spanking his moms ass. That’s when he was like oh fuck I gotta get outta here and calls me. I literally had to stop the car I was laughing so hard. His dad for the next few weeks would give him these looks like he knew he did sumthing..he just couldn’t prove it.

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My dad and I smoke up and later we use to do lines together..

No joke..

He was a hippie when I was a child and we lived in a trailer in South Carolina..

I use to wake up in the middle of the night to The Beatles and catch my perants smoking out of a bong (My mom had me at 15) I use to go up and ask if I could "smell" the smoke..

and then I'd get all into the music..

My mom divorced my dad and lives in Italy now and is a big ol yuppie but my Dad's still a big stoner.

On his last visit to NY I took him to Centro Fly and he asked me about rolling..

However I don't think he'd be prepared for it and I'd have to baby sit him and explain to him about drinking water and all that stuff..

Who knows what that shit could do to an older man his age..

I think "groovy" perants should stick to the drugs of their era and leave the crazy pills to us club hoppers!:rolleyes:

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My dad (like Mugz's dad) was a *huge* stoner. We never smoked together, but the first time I *recognized* the smell of pot I was sitting in a h.s. bathroom, and I went..."<sniff> Holy shit! That smells like my dad's apartment!" I think he'd really dig rolling - he's really laid back and really chill (like any good stoner) and he's also emotionally stable enough to go for it. My mom and my stepmom, though, are both a little too uptight...I don't think they'd like it at all. They'd be too worried about doing it wrong (?!) or getting too hot or not drinking enough or drinking too much or not getting enough out of it...<sighs> you get the idea. It wouldn't be pretty. :)

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Originally posted by mugwump

My dad and I smoke up and later we use to do lines together..

No joke..

He was a hippie when I was a child and we lived in a trailer in South Carolina..

I use to wake up in the middle of the night to The Beatles and catch my perants smoking out of a bong (My mom had me at 15) I use to go up and ask if I could "smell" the smoke..

and then I'd get all into the music..

My mom divorced my dad and lives in Italy now and is a big ol yuppie but my Dad's still a big stoner.

On his last visit to NY I took him to Centro Fly and he asked me about rolling..

However I don't think he'd be prepared for it and I'd have to baby sit him and explain to him about drinking water and all that stuff..

Who knows what that shit could do to an older man his age..

I think "groovy" perants should stick to the drugs of their era and leave the crazy pills to us club hoppers!:rolleyes:

mugz... i think we are related. that sounds to much like my folks!!!!:rolleyes:
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