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WHERE were you when it happend?


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I don't know I tend to feel a little better about these things when I talk it though, although I can understand if you don't feel ilike reading it any further. Hey it's been a tough time for everyone so whatver works for you. I just kinda wanted to hear what evryone's experience of the disaaster was.

Mine was particularly uniques in a lot of ways, it was more strange because i really missed everything. I was working the midnight shift at my job a little below canal street. It was so strange I was really tired so I decided I was going to leave a little early that night. I left at like 8:35-*40 time frame and I can clearly rmemebr looking downtown toward the toiwers. It's like a real surreal momnet sticking out in my mind now, although to tell you the truth what I remember the most is how normal evryhting seemed.

As I was leaving I saw my boss out front just coming in, he was waiting online to get a coffee and a bagel. I almost stopped to talk to him for a few minutes., but then I thought no I'm leaving early I should probably just avoid him. So then I walked iover to the C line and took it back to brooklyn. As soon as I got home around 9 I was actually thinking about turning on the tv , but then I though it's so early nothing is going to be on, I think I'll just go to sleep.

I didn't end up waking up unitl 2pm and I staye din bed anopther hour half sleeping. Their was this conference in midtown I got invited to so I was just about to throw on a suit and head over when I turned on the news and I heard about it all. I was just shcoked. When I saw one tower topple after another at first I really just couldn;t belive it. I was just in pure shock. It's wierd I'm like back in work a few blocks away and in some ways it still doesn't feel real. It still seems wied that if I'dleft my normal time I probably would have gotten stuck on the island and seen the towers go down in front of my eyes. Man I tell ya. So then fo the next 4 or 5 hours I just called everyone I knew int he city to see if they were ok. I got calls from family friends oout of town, I've even gotten emails from people I haven't talked to in years. I t's weird. I know my story isn't particularly unique, but I still think it's worth telling.

What's suprised me the most is how many people I kew that were connected to the towers. One of my best friends was only a block away. He was a trader and they actually took the time to close at all the trades they could and shut down the office. they eneded up running for thier lives as the first tower came down as soon as they got outside. My friend alex didn't work in the towers, but had a meeting thier that morning, but overslept and was late. He ended up having to identify his bosses hand. Another friend of the fmaily was actualy in an elevator that got stuck when the tower got hit. Amazingly he and his fellow passengers managed to pry the door open adn break a hole through the wall. He was really skinny so they pushed him out first to get help. He found some people to help them, but then had to leave the building. It came down behind him when he was like a block away, he doesn't know if any of the people who saved his life made it out alive. I think what amazed me the most about it all was howmnay people i kew who right there or had friends or family in when it went down.

My heart goes out to everyone who lost someone.

Peace all.

Hold your friends close and your family closer.

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I was in Rome, Italy when it happened. (I'm still here in Italy but in Florence) I was walking around the Campo de Fiori where there happen to be lots of American and British pubs. I heard somebody scream that New York City was being bombed. I ran into a pub where they had the TV on and the whole crowd was silent. I'm glad that there were lots of other Americans there so that we could show solidarity together. After that I went out and bought some phone cards so that I could call just about everybody I knew.

I've been pleasantly surprised on how much sympathy the Europeans have for us Americans. When I went by the embassy it was covered in flowers and notes. This whole experience certainly put a damper on my trip but it made me realize on how much I love my country and how much respect the Europeans have for us. As for those fucking terrorists I hope they cut their balls off and feed it to them. People like that don't deserve to walk around while so many died for their wacked out causes.

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In class. I was about 3 minutes late (because I can do that) and I walked in the business school and the first 10 people I see were girls crying and on the phone trying to contact people. I go to class and about a half hour later the dean of the school says that class is still on and that we have no point in going back to our dorms and apts. They really didn't know how stupid they sounded at the time.

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I was driving to work at the time over in Edison, NJ... a short 10 minute drive. Walked into work and conducted business as usual. My boss comes over a little later after 10 and tells me that a plane crashed into the WTC. I had thought that a small passenger plane had crashed, possibly a private Cessna or something. I didn't think too much of it at first but during my lunch break I got on the internet and watched some live footage. After that I just wasn't in the mood to stick around so I left and went home to be with others.

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i was asleep because i was off on tuesday...and my father came in my room to tell me what happened....i guess it was early in the morning because he didn't go too into detail and i was also half asleep. but i really didn't think much of it!i told him to get out of my room((he always bothers me with shit i don't care about)) then when i got up and saw what really happened..and realized my father had to go there~~all i remember is pops saying to me..."Now you care?!"

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I was at work, 42and & madison, interviewing someone for a job--I'm a recruiter. My boss came in and, after the first plane hit the WTC, said, "I don't know if you've heard, but the World Trade Center tower has just been hit." Then she turned on the radio and everyone in the office sat in silence, including the person I was interviewing, for a good hour.

Then we closed the office & I walked from midtown to central park. Since then I've been evacuated once from my home in the city and once from work, with the bomb threat in Grand Central. I decided to spend the weekend at my parents in NJ...

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I was in my second period class when some kid came in late and the teacher was like "why are u late" and he said a plane crashed into the WTC i was watchin it, he said it so non chelauntly so no one belived him. We were heading off to 3rd and on the 4th floor stair case u can see the WTC and I went up to actually see, and there it was a hole of smoke on the side of tower 1, i waas standing there lookin at it and all of a sudden I saw the second plane come flying into it. I didnt know what do to. I went to my thrid period and before I could say anything the princaple came on the loud speaker and told us we were under attack and that we had to go into the gym. It was so scary people were freaking out, crying, screaming everything u can imagine. I get the news on my pager so I was keeping a lot of people informed with the breaking news. While all this was happening from our gym u can see the WTC and someone pointed out and started screaming that it was fallin, we all watched in amazment as it crumbled to the ground. I didnt know what to think or feel but I broke down in tears. They finally let us go home after that, I could not belive when I got home that my terrace was filled with black ash. My mom had told me that ALL my friends called me to see if I was ok and my boyfriend kept calling to make sure that my mom was ok. It was such a hectic day I could not belive it. This is something that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

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Guest tilly

I was out of town and had to wake up at 8AM to take my friend to her car. My friend and I had gotten wasted the night before so she crashed at my other friends house that I was staying with.

When I got back, I hopped on the internet to tell my "how I got kicked out of a gay club for being drunk" story and someone (can't remember who) posted "did you see that the world trade center got hit?" I got off the internet and my friend that I took back to her car called and told me to turn on the news. We saw everything from the second plane on. I just sat there in AMAZEMENT.

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Guest jaxl

I went into work early and about 8:45 folks starting coming in talking about it, I said to myself it's probably a little puddle-jumper plane or a helicopter that had engine trouble or something. Then the story started getting larger and I'm still thinking...see how rumors get started, next they'll have the towers collapsing. Then our area director comes in a repeats the story and I ran out of my cube because I know he's usually got his facts straight. Then I called my friend who works at the WTC and thank God he was late that morning and still on the light-rail from Bayonne. Then my brother called me from his car, he was on the Pulaski Skyway driving into the city watching the entire thing. We all starting running around our office trying to find a TV and goddamn it we didn't have one hooked up. Then someone remembered that there was a small one in the exercise room over in the other building, so we all walked over there. The property manager's pulled out the big screen TV and hooked it up in one of the conference rooms. All morning we were back and forth between the 2 buildings trying to stay on top of things.

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I was just getting to work right after the first one hit. I work in Newport, Jersey City. Have an unbelievable view of the city. I was walking down the stairs of the parking garage when some other guy I work with says thank god we don't work in the WTC anymore, we just moved offices a few months ago. He told me why and I didn't think much of it, like it was a little plane or something. Then I saw the tower engulfed in smoke, then all of a sudden another plane going fast as hell just ripped through the wtc. I couldn't believe I just saw that. Didn't think it was real at first. I spent most of the day on the hudson river watching in disbelief. The ferry's were taking people from downtown to JC where I was and I just was listening to all these incredible war stories and people walking by covered in white powder. It was sick.

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I was just about to get on an express bus to go into the city to go to my 11am class, the bus driver told me two planes crashed into the WTC.

I swear, i thought he was being a wise ass, bc sometimes they'll just say shit to you to get you to smile. I got on the bus, then the dispatcher said no more buses into the city. At that moment, my heart dropped, I thought of everyone in the city and I ran home. I watched the whole thing on tv, and when the towers came down, my sister and i went hysterical, a cousin of ours worked in tower 1, she's ok, she just needs serious psychiatric treatment. it's only when i go back to work on tuesday that'll i'll know how many of our clients perished, i'm not looking forward to that.

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I was on the PATH train on the way to the WTC. I usually switch from the PATH train to the NYC Subway around 8:45-9:15 am in WTC. I happened to be running a little late that day! The PATH had stopped at Grove St. for 10 min. with everyone confused. We ended up getting re-routed to 33rd St. I heard someone on the train mentioning that a plane hit the WTC. I thought this was nonsence at first. When I got into work finally by 9:45, I ran up to my colleagues and they told me the whole story. I next ran down to the company cafeteria to watch the events unfold on the news.

This is possibly the worst thing that I've ever seen in my life!! The thing that sucks now is that I live in a Penthouse apartment in Jersey City which used to have a straight on view of the WTC from the living room and the private roofdeck. Now, I've got a pefect view of the smoke rising from what used to be the WTC!! Unfortanately, I'm constantly reminded of this horrific event every morning I wake up and look out the window! It makes me wanna move somewhere else where I don't have a view of this thing.

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Saw reports about the crashes at home, while getting ready to go to work.

Went to the office, which was walking distance away

Already lots of cops and ambulances around when I came out onto the street

When I came in to the office, near the entrance, many people were at the window watching the smoking towers

Heard about the Pentagon being hit soon after

At the office, went back and forth between posting on the board, trying to check news web sites, and watching

Saw both of the towers collapse

Has anyone heard from exodust lately? She works in the same building as me (which is thankfully 2.5 miles from WTC). I hope she's ok.

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I was 2 blocks away grabbing my breakfast right by the Chase Manhattan Plaza building on William St., when I see papers flying in the air... I thought we were having a ticker tape parade.. =(

Anyway, I went to work, and I left after the 3rd plane hit the Pentagon. I left throught the emergency door in my building and took cover at a restaurant for about 15 mins, when then I went outside to the dust and debris. I then walked from Wall St. to 42nd st and 12ave to the piers and took the ferry home to jersey.

I'm glad to be alive.

God bless all the volunteers, NYPD, FDNY, etc

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