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Welcome to the board Oscar...you are the man:)

I think Space's pros outweigh the cons. I usually have a good time there and I'm in there pretty often.I definitely understand people's frustration though if some of the shit I've read on here happens in there.

BTW: You were off the hook on Saturday


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I am the one who started the "fuck space" post...and ill say this..when anyone is humiliated in being made to "dance" to get into a club...that person is going to be pissed as hell....and you know what?...this message board is for expressing our ideas, thoughts and questions regarding the miami scene....in my opinion this embarrasing treatment of clubbers is a important issue to bring to the board...if you disagree..hey...thats cool but i have the freedom to express myself....and if i were edgar or oscar i would be very concerned because....when incidents like this occur...the focus of is drawn off thier skills and drawn onto the bad vibes perpetrated by someone else....and if i were edgar and oscar i would be (at least a little) concerned about how the public was being treated in the place that i played.i certainly dont know if id take the attidude of....AFTER ALL, ISNT IT THE PUBLIC THAT BUYS THE CD'S, BUYS THE DRINKS, AND PAYS THE 20 BUCKS TO GET IN....im not going to mention any names, but, ive seen big name DJ's step in and reprimand bouncers on how they were treating some people......i actually am very disappointed when i hear the response.."just go somewhere else"....the only sentiment that expresses is complete disregard......yea...it should be all about the music..but, can anyone tell me what disrespect, embarasment and humiliation have to do with the music??

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and to go further....this is a message board...it would be great if the only pertinent issues in miami were all positive feel good issues...and all the comments on Space were all complimentary...THAT IS NOT THE REAL WORLD....if anyone who reads this board is against bringing up unpleasant, possible difficult issues..then maybe you should go live in one of the more "restrictive" countries.....where all media is controlled so its "all good"....what happened at Space was a real issue...and i and who it happened to have every f'n right to be pissed...and i f'n bet that if ANYONE out the were made to f'n dance in front of 50 people to get into a club they would say "fuck space" too....

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and to go even further......to simply take the response that "well, i never have a problem when i go there"......is like saying ...."nazi germany never gave me any problems"...these issues effect all of the clubbing community and if you think it doesnt....you are wrong!!

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I just wanted to say that i have yet to see te problems that are

brought up on this board with my own eyes. But yet im sure they

do happen, But we also have to see the manner and the reason

they happen are the bouncers always wrong. No do some of us

tend to mouth off yes do some of us get to space so fucked up

the we think we did nothing wrong yes , do we recall no. Also do

the bouncers tend to think they are god yes. i know them all and

they all are good people it just that some of them never had a

job that requried them to act like human beings . thus they act

like assholes. Trust me i know i have spoted at space a few times

to know what they do. but do we go to space to get harrased by

the staff or to have a good time. I saw a bunch of the CP crew @

space and it seem like they where having a blast and thats

what it about......FUN and like someone said there is always next


OSCAR and EDGAR THANXS for the music and for the way you guys make me feel

when im there....u guys make it feel like home....

BY the way STACY DIGITAL7 & phrank you guys are AWESOME

hope to chill with you guys again.....



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Originally posted by Nolimit

u guys crack me up! thanks for the good laugh. i havent been getting many of those lately. go figure...

No fucking shit. I thought we were through with this crap last fucking year when everyone was tearing apart Space and praising the opening of F-U-E-L. I said it then and I'll say it again; people are going to bitch. People come here /to/ bitch. It's like therapy. When left /without/ crap to do, they bitch about what's closest.

Take it as a compliment that Space is mentioned so often. Like they said in the Howard Stern movie... the average fan listens for 2 hours, the average detractor listens for 4.


Unlike the masses, I manage to /continue/ to have fun when I go out to Space -- even when and if I have trouble at the door, etc. Unlike the masses, I don't let the "crap" weigh down on me all damn fucking week to the point that I feel the need to lead one-man protests outside the place on Wednesday nights. I get inside, hear the music, and forget about the rest.

I am, and will remain, about the music.


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Originally posted by edgarv


SPACE...Is Simply the BEST!!

best music, best sound, best lights, best air-conditioning, best staff (some of you may disagree), and most important the BEST DJ's.

My personal favorite place at Space........The Patio!

peace and love


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If you guys don't like Space, I wish you just wouldn't go there, they would get the message real quick. This is what I do, I just don't go to the stupid place! I have not had a problem at the door there only because the 3-4 times I've been there, I've had either Loraine or my mom (yes, that's right, my mom) with me. I am positive that if I tried to go alone, I wouldn't get in, and I'd end up getting all pissed at the a**holes at the door. Anyway. *the* reason why I can't stand Space is the crowd that's in there. Aggressive a**holes and Miami hoochies, it's like f'ing 609 in there for crying out loud!

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Originally posted by rene_martinez

Unlike the masses, I manage to /continue/ to have fun when I go out to Space -- even when and if I have trouble at the door, etc. Unlike the masses, I don't let the "crap" weigh down on me all damn fucking week to the point that I feel the need to lead one-man protests outside the place on Wednesday nights. I get inside, hear the music, and forget about the rest.

rene, i couldnt agree with you more. now obviously

like oscar g. and alot of you have said, there are

numerous problems at space. but i for one just go there to hear the best music in miami and to see some of the worlds best dj's. and yes, i too have had my share of problems at space and the staff is

rather rude at times, but like rene said, i WONT let it ruin my night....

edgar and oscar, you guys both are great, and im glad space is trying to work out some its problems


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Originally posted by rene_martinez

I said it then and I'll say it again; people are going to bitch. People come here /to/ bitch. It's like therapy. When left /without/ crap to do, they bitch about what's closest.

call it what you will, my friend. people expressed their views, and that in the end is all that matters. ultimately, nothing may change. sometimes it’s safer for people, to march with the band; then to march alone… definitely ,not my style..


P.S. Thank You Gregg !!

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New to the board and read all of your messages to see what's going on, etc. From Cincinnati and come down to Miami usually once a month. Everyone seems like they are loving Miami. I'd move there but economy blows and I would stupid to leave the job I have right now.

My point...

I can see how when one gets use to living in an area, one might bitch about the clubs, etc. Let me tell you that all of you are very lucky to have what you have, the local talent, the clubs, beaches, etc. Not many places have the pull of international DJ's and can sit on the beach year round. To me, that's paradise.

Edgar V...

Looking forward to seeing your tear it up in Cincinnati this Saturday at Rumba (waterfront).

(I am a resident there)


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All I can say is that everytime I go to Space, usually once a month or when a big DJ is gonna spin there, I have a blast, especially out in the patio after 6am with Ivano.

What i dont like about Space?, sometimes the people in there, some are absolute ass*&^% BUT I've never had problems with the staff inside or at the door trying to get in paying my 20 bucks or through the guestlist. Also another bad thing is the expensive drinks and water, though the nice bartenders hook me up with glasses with water too.

My suggestion is go to Crobar first, have a blast over there and then go to Space for afterhours around 5am. to continue having a good time.


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