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Why are blowjobs so pleasurable?


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My girlfriend and I were talking about blowjobs the other day and somehow we got into the different reasons why guys love blowjobs so much.

Now my question for the men is why do you love blowjobs? Is it physical, mental or a bit of both?

Do you JUST enjoy how it feels? (Plain and simple...no wood is burning while you're getting that blowjob.)

Is it a power trip? Do you get off on the fact you can get a girl to suck your cock?

Do you feel like you're dominating her when she sucks your cock?

Do you get off simply knowing she wants your cock badly?

What about the girls...

Do you enjoy giving blowjobs?

Do you feel that it can be degrading?

Do you think it gives men a power trip?

Do you feel power over a man when you’re sucking his cock?

Do you think facials are degrading?

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Well, I think for a girl, it could be a any one of those, depending on the person, mood, etc. I really dont like giving them. I do feel it can be degrading and most of the time is it not the nicest feeling to have a penis in your mouth. At the same time though, it is also nice to hear when a man, especially one the you really like or want to please, is enjoying it. That in a way could be a power trip for a woman although I think most of time it is a power trip for the guy!

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Originally posted by misticminister

you know.. there a few questions in this world that do not need to be asked... this falls into that catagory


well, on a serious note,

-- yeah it looks good

-- yeah it feels great

but, i actually can't get off easily that way unless the girl's really into it - much more exciting to be making her feel good too. i don't get off on the power trip thing.

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Originally posted by lollib

Well, I think for a girl, it could be a any one of those, depending on the person, mood, etc. I really dont like giving them. I do feel it can be degrading and most of the time is it not the nicest feeling to have a penis in your mouth. At the same time though, it is also nice to hear when a man, especially one the you really like or want to please, is enjoying it. That in a way could be a power trip for a woman although I think most of time it is a power trip for the guy!

how can you not like giving blow jobs.....I can't believe they still make you....
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A little tip for the ladies....

girls.. you are never in so much control as when you are giving a blowjob. We would sign over our lives to make sure you didn't stop. You may be on your knees, but you are the boss to be sure!

And as for why they are so nice.. besides the obvious, it is one of the few times that it is totally OK to be just into it, you don't have to worry about how the girl feels etc.. and can just enjoy.

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I like to give head. Suck cock. WHatever. It's fun for me, he he h e he. I just hate it when guys taste gross, and I hate being ungraceful when I do it. Seriously, I can't imagine a head bobbing up and down at eighty miles an hour is very pretty, nor hands jerking as fast as they can. I wish guys could get off from slow and sensuous movements.

I think I sound stupid. But I have taken a vow if honesty.

Whatever. I like blow jobs.


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Well, for me, they are a power trip and I get alot of pleasure out of it.

Its just like when a guy is fucking his girl he gets off on her screaming, moaning and calling out his name. Because it shows how strong she is feeling what he is giving her.

For me when a guy grabs my hair and then starts pulling harder and wraps his hands tighter around my hair i know he is feeling it stronger and then when i feel it start to jump in my mouth I really know whats up. It makes me feel like YEAH BABY!

Thats me making him feel like that. Thats my tounge making him pull my hair. And then when he comes(which they always do) I get a sense that my job is done. And I get more pleasure out of that then a guy going down on me.

That is why I dont go down on every guy I am with. You have to be my man or very very special to get that from me.

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Originally posted by shroomy

A little tip for the ladies....

girls.. you are never in so much control as when you are giving a blowjob. We would sign over our lives to make sure you didn't stop. You may be on your knees, but you are the boss to be sure!

And as for why they are so nice.. besides the obvious, it is one of the few times that it is totally OK to be just into it, you don't have to worry about how the girl feels etc.. and can just enjoy.

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Originally posted by evolution08

Oh honey, no guy likes that. He's just saying that so you don't stop giving him the blowjob

Not true, I've had that request before...

Most of the time I'm not crazy about giving head- Because I have a small mouth, so unless the guy has a pencil-dick it HURTS after a little while. The only time I find it degrading, and think it's a power trip for the guy is when I've been doing it for a while, and it's starting to hurt, some guys seem to enjoy it more when it looks like I'm in pain... that I do not like...

But when I do enjoy it... :drunk: WATCH OUT! Creativity kicks in and suddenly my tongue and hands are capable of unimaginable feats, lol! Just hearing those moans of appreciation... And that's the key guys, you need to MAKE NOISE and show us how much you love it! We will enjoy ourselves much more that way. I love knowing how good I'm making someone feel; I don't think of it as a power trip, though, I'm not really into that.

As for facials- yeah I think they're degrading. I've never had one and I'd be really pissed if someone did it to me without asking first. I might let someone do it, but only if I really trusted him and felt comfortable with him.

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i personally get off on givin them as well.... but only when its with someone i actually care about pleasing... ex. my bf! hehehehe... i love doin it to him. since we're not havin sex cuz im sure most of u have read that i am a virgin :), its MY one time to be completely in control. i absolutely love the fact that i can make him so hot... to know that just my touch and the feel of my tongue can make him squirm in his seat and moan... aaah its probably the greatest turn on for me....

its the one time when the woman can get really creative and use all the tips and shit that she picks up from watchin so much porn *cough cough* LOL... :laugh:

i agree with tastyt though.... facials are not cool and if a guy gets off on u bein in pain from suckin his cock too long and too hard.. it makes me nauscious.. although ive never had either experience.. dont think i want to either... but despite all that... blowjobs are great! its a power trip for us girls!!! cuz its the one time when our men are completely vulnerable to our touch hehehehehe.... :D

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Originally posted by tastyt

The only time I find it degrading, and think it's a power trip for the guy is when I've been doing it for a while, and it's starting to hurt, some guys seem to enjoy it more when it looks like I'm in pain... that I do not like...

What the fuck ???? thats like fucking porn.........

I would not enjoy it if my girlfriend was in pain or was not enjoying what she was doing that would be a complete turn off. :mad:

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