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Parks & Wilson reviews


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I thought it was a great show. The vibe and lighting were fantastic. The muzik was on top form. Parks & Wilson? what can I say? Awesome! and John warmed it up nice & sweet for the duo. Micheal Wilson is one of the downest dj's! .. the CP crew was in full effect, good to see everyone there. Met some new faces!, the junkie's, littled both super kewl ... overall the party was an A+

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Strangely enough, I recovered quite easily from last night, today. I'm either becoming more accustomed to staying out until 6AM, or the fact that I just wasn't dancing all that much helped sustain my energy more than usual. It was probably the latter. I just wasn't impressed, I found myself compelled to take long breaks standing off to the side bobbing my head. I wasn't fully integrated with the set at all. JC's set kinda bored me, and though I found a little more to like about P&W, I wasn't all that into it. I could count the number of tracks I was *truly* feeling on one hand, and have a finger or two left over.....and those tracks all came within the last hour/hour and a half. Generally, speaking of most of the night - I just.......can't get into that sheer percussive style, never have; it's not enough of a headtrip for me, I think. Sure it might make me move a little........but the problem is that my mind is really not into it. Almost like going through the motions at the gym......you can lift weights as much as you want, but if your mind is not really driving the effort, if your mind is drifting off elsewhere, it's not really going to be beneficial to you. Aside from 3-4 tracks, this is how it was last night for me. It was good to finally meet some more of you, though - I am sorry that I was not at my most animated/fun. Remember, I am the epitome of the moody, introverted Scorpio - i'm just not *up* all the time.....hehe


"we're the horniest boys with the corniest ploys, who take the easiest girls to our sleaziest worlds" Depeche Mode - "The Dead Of Night"

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Originally posted by joeygk

........Mimi you suck!:D I always miss the killer sets at Crobar. Everytime i show up its the usual housy snooze-fest!

Maybe next time!

**PS- how was Soul-stice at Radius? Any good?

Joe, you missed an absolute great night overall. :D Like you said" Maybe next time." ;) As for soulstice, ahhhhh, was'nt really my thing. :tongue:

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Originally posted by sobeton

I thought the set started a little slow. it did pick up, as did the crowds energy level. nice chilling with the cp crew; including the elusive Patrick. :)

Elusive? LOL - nah, not if you know where to look. If you want to find me, places where they have books & coffee are good places to start looking. hehe I hit Starbucks and Barnes & Noble the way some of you hit the clubs. I'm a little caffeine freak. I think my ideal club would be a coffee bar serving strong espresso drinks to 180bpm happy hardcore. Oh yeah!! :bounce:

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umm...i thought the set on the 4th was better. still had a good time though. it had just been a long weekend with not much sleep. so i was a bit out of it.

said it once and i'll say it again...super cool cats those guys are!

i'm just looking forward to burridge. burridge. burridge. burridge.

did i say burridge?

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hey guys,

thanks too all that made it out on saturday night.. I thought everything from start to finish was absolutely amazing!! Big props to you guys, the crowd, as you made the vibe tops...nice to meet the various cp members as well that came to the booth to say hello....before I go, quick message to patrick, were you in the same venue?? this was truely the first time I've heard P&W play a full set and I was tremendously impressed...I'd even go as far as to say it was deffinitely the best set I've heard all year. In the past two weeks while I was playing in europe I got the chance to hear sasha, John and dave seaman and let me tell you.....not one of them held a candle to the way Parks and Wilson destroyed Crobar on saturday.....Your opinion is your opinion but I think in this situation your deffinitely the minority...Oh yeah, as for my set being boring?? the crowd sure didn't seem to react that way.....the amount of props I was given for a boring set were pretty amazing as well...LOL...anyways thanks again to all the bliss supporters.....your continuous support is what keeps us going!!~


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Well i'm still a baby when it comes to clubbing and Djs, but to me was a great weekend. This weekend for me was the Parks and Wilson Weekend because on friday night they where the guest of Digweeds KissFM and again the played an amazing set. Then Saturday night Parks and Wilson again which was even better. What sucks is that i keep loosing my energy very quickly and have to sit out for periods of times. Anyone got any ideas. Well JC i think you had a very good set, i didn't have the B@lls to go up to you since i'm not an outspoken person but everyone at the Booth seemed down to earth. To Finish this off for my first bliss Event this was so AWESOME!!!!

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Originally posted by jcbliss

hey guys,

thanks too all that made it out on saturday night.. I thought everything from start to finish was absolutely amazing!! Big props to you guys, the crowd, as you made the vibe tops...nice to meet the various cp members as well that came to the booth to say hello....before I go, quick message to patrick, were you in the same venue?? this was truely the first time I've heard P&W play a full set and I was tremendously impressed...I'd even go as far as to say it was deffinitely the best set I've heard all year. In the past two weeks while I was playing in europe I got the chance to hear sasha, John and dave seaman and let me tell you.....not one of them held a candle to the way Parks and Wilson destroyed Crobar on saturday.....Your opinion is your opinion but I think in this situation your deffinitely the minority...Oh yeah, as for my set being boring?? the crowd sure didn't seem to react that way.....the amount of props I was given for a boring set were pretty amazing as well...LOL...anyways thanks again to all the bliss supporters.....your continuous support is what keeps us going!!~


Great job! Keep up the great work..... :D;)

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Originally posted by jcbliss

hey guys,

before I go, quick message to patrick, were you in the same venue?? this was truely the first time I've heard P&W play a full set and I was tremendously impressed...I'd even go as far as to say it was deffinitely the best set I've heard all year. In the past two weeks while I was playing in europe I got the chance to hear sasha, John and dave seaman and let me tell you.....not one of them held a candle to the way Parks and Wilson destroyed Crobar on saturday.....Your opinion is your opinion but I think in this situation your deffinitely the minority...Oh yeah, as for my set being boring?? the crowd sure didn't seem to react that way.....the amount of props I was given for a boring set were pretty amazing as well...LOLJ

Hey, JC - no offense. I've seen you a few times in the past, and I've always been quick to post accolades about your sets here and on the GU board. Not that anyone over there pays attention to what I write, but anyway.........it just wasn't my style Saturday night. Nothing personal against you......aside from a couple of tracks P&W just continued on with more of the same, I thought. I'll take Dave Seaman's style over that style any day of the week. I also thought Dave Ralph had a better, more varied set a couple weeks ago. It kept me in there dancing more! I know my view is the minority view, I *was* there and paying attention, and I saw the reaction of the crowd. It just wasn't me. I like it varied, not the "dark drums" sound all night long.

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hey mate: no worries and no offence taken.....opinions are meant to be ones own...thats why they are our own opinions...anyways, thanks for the support...Hope to see you all at our next event halloween night wed october 31st with Steve Lawler at stereo in ft lauderdale.....thanks again..


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Originally posted by cooljunkie

Finall we get to put faces to names :)

Great to see you all (pod, digital7, mimid, littled, mr. acasta - hope we didn't forget anyone!)

Great night again from Bliss. Jon's set was great and P&W lifted the roof. See you at the next one...

the .junkies.


Likewise CJ.... :D

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crobar... I... uh... well, I know I was there, at least. The hard part's remembering what /happened/ from 2:00-5:00. Damn.

Funny part is that I had a bunch of friends follow me over from Tantra. They never found me. Just learned yesterday that they were there until 4:00am looking for me.

Music kicked (toward the end, at least). Perhaps I even danced.


(I was there, right?)

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Originally posted by rene_martinez


crobar... I... uh... well, I know I was there, at least. The hard part's remembering what /happened/ from 2:00-5:00. Damn.

Funny part is that I had a bunch of friends follow me over from Tantra. They never found me. Just learned yesterday that they were there until 4:00am looking for me.

Music kicked (toward the end, at least). Perhaps I even danced.


(I was there, right?)

Damn........at least someone around here knows how to party! *LOL :D

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must agree w/ frank

i thought parks & wilson july 4th set was on fire...imo a bit hard to top

a lil slow at points but picked up nicely at the end

props to wilson for taking the time out to meet all my ny friends...greatly appreciated since they traveled quite a bit

jon> plz tell stacey i say hello...couldn't find her

rene> you were partially there-lol BUT thats what i luv about ya ;)

cp crew> another great time. you guys always make my evenings or should i say mornings?

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Had a wonderful time with everyone!!!! I'm really glad we came out.

Jon> Nice work! Would have said hello but I got hung up apologizing to Stacey for not sending the photos of the 4th of July Bliss party. I think she wants to kill me because she had told Rama she was getting them soon. That was two months ago. Oops. :laugh:

As far as the P&W set goes it was WAY FUN but the set on the 4th was much better so I'll have to agree with Frank and Stacey on that one.

Everyone> GREAT hangin' with you guys again! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!

Nice to meet you Patrick and nightstar01, hope to chill with you both again at Burridge (you guys are going, right Lee?)

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Originally posted by bbflux

Nice to meet you Patrick and nightstar01, hope to chill with you both again at Burridge (you guys are going, right Lee?)

Barbie, nice meeting you too....I had heard so much cool stuff about you and you lived up to it :D

Me and Lee will most definitely be at Lee Burridge.....we won't give up the chance to hang with the CP CREW!:D :D :D :D

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