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I hate people who whine about money all the time

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well the people who have it have it for a reason...they tend to save their money...i don't have a lot of $$$ but thats my opinion

Where's the fun in saving money?

Just go out and "blow" it.

I'll worry about saving money when I am 30 or when I actually start thinking about kids.

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It's all about living according to your means. When you're young and you make $$$ you're still not saving any of it. You're pimping out your car and buying PS2 games and having a *really* good time at clubs.

It's when you meet some cutie at a club and decide to settle down with her...and she doesn't like you pimping your car and playing video games...that's when you'll start saving money :laugh:

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Not like I have that much, but at least I don't constantly complain about not making in the six digits.

yeah, you complain about them

Especially can't stand people that have the $$$ but are too greedy to go out and have fun and spend it.

how does not spending money make someone greedy? do you mean they're greedy when they don't spend money on you?

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yeah, you complain about them

By "them" do you mean the money hungry, grumbling, greedy, wannabe, not having, worried about their retirement while in their mid-twenties people of our time?

how does not spending money make someone greedy? do you mean they're greedy when they don't spend money on you?

I'm talking about the type that save, save, save and never have any fun with the money that they are working for.

BTW, do you have any money you want to spend on me?;)

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

It's when you meet some cutie at a club and decide to settle down with her...and she doesn't like you pimping your car and playing video games...that's when you'll start saving money :laugh:

or how about if you dont buy ps2 games to begin with, and dont pimp out your car either but you meet a cutie at a club and she refuses to get a job, leaving you to finance basically the entire summer!

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

By "them" do you mean the money hungry, grumbling, greedy, wannabe, not having, worried about their retirement while in their mid-twenties people of our time?

Perhaps she meant the people who, even at our age, realize at some point they will have to become responsible and therefore plan for that day. Or the people whose idea of 'fun' is different from yours or mine - perhaps, for them, fun at 25 is being able to join the club and go golfing on weekends, or have a boat, or a nicer apartment and nicer clothes... the people who you see as money-hungry grumbling and greedy, when to them, you are rash, callow, irresponsible, wasteful... It's all about perspective.

or maybe deanna11's just playing devil's advocate bizz. :tongue:


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Honestly, what I earn is my own business; you will not be seeing my 1040. My compensation affords me the ability to be as stupid as I please and put money away at the same time. While I did hit a mild tight spot for a month this year (of my own doing) I could easily get back into my 6-nights-a-week going out habit (spending over 2k a week), and STILL put money away.

If that's not for you, don't hang. If you can keep up, and want to, then by all means, do. Lately, though, the NASD and their licensing exams have been keeping me indoors.


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Originally posted by ichi_gami

Perhaps she meant the people who, even at our age, realize at some point they will have to become responsible and therefore plan for that day. Or the people whose idea of 'fun' is different from yours or mine - perhaps, for them, fun at 25 is being able to join the club and go golfing on weekends, or have a boat, or a nicer apartment and nicer clothes... the people who you see as money-hungry grumbling and greedy, when to them, you are rash, callow, irresponsible, wasteful... It's all about perspective.

or maybe deanna11's just playing devil's advocate bizz. :tongue:


you people are so suspicious

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it sounds trite, but there is NO direct relationship b/t money and happiness. ive been rich before...had a trust fund that i could spend however i wanted and i did...and ive been poor--scrounging around the house for pennies and then walking to duane reade b/c i know they have the cheapest cigarettes.

i remember the day i found out my money had run out--i was so scared, but something inside told me that this was going to be a VERY good thing for my life, and it has been!! ive had a much more fierce life since ive been poor, for certain. people dont try to take advantage of me now...dont try to date me or be my friend cuz they know im generous. when youre poor you get really resourceful, which feels REALLY good, at least to me. sure, i cant buy an awesome new outfit all the time, and i often go to blu instead of vinyl or party sober, but its all good, and im MUCH happier these days. money? whatevah...its all about attitude and LOVING your life, and what you make of it, essential to which are the people around you.

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Originally posted by junyahsboy

it sounds trite, but there is NO direct relationship b/t money and happiness. ive been rich before...had a trust fund that i could spend however i wanted and i did...and ive been poor--scrounging around the house for pennies and then walking to duane reade b/c i know they have the cheapest cigarettes.

i remember the day i found out my money had run out--i was so scared, but something inside told me that this was going to be a VERY good thing for my life, and it has been!! ive had a much more fierce life since ive been poor, for certain. people dont try to take advantage of me now...dont try to date me or be my friend cuz they know im generous. when youre poor you get really resourceful, which feels REALLY good, at least to me. sure, i cant buy an awesome new outfit all the time, and i often go to blu instead of vinyl or party sober, but its all good, and im MUCH happier these days. money? whatevah...its all about attitude and LOVING your life, and what you make of it, essential to which are the people around you.

well said! :D

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Originally posted by junyahsboy

it sounds trite, but there is NO direct relationship b/t money and happiness. ive been rich before...had a trust fund that i could spend however i wanted and i did...and ive been poor--scrounging around the house for pennies and then walking to duane reade b/c i know they have the cheapest cigarettes.

i remember the day i found out my money had run out--i was so scared, but something inside told me that this was going to be a VERY good thing for my life, and it has been!! ive had a much more fierce life since ive been poor, for certain. people dont try to take advantage of me now...dont try to date me or be my friend cuz they know im generous. when youre poor you get really resourceful, which feels REALLY good, at least to me. sure, i cant buy an awesome new outfit all the time, and i often go to blu instead of vinyl or party sober, but its all good, and im MUCH happier these days. money? whatevah...its all about attitude and LOVING your life, and what you make of it, essential to which are the people around you.

junyahsboy, oddly enough, I can relate - long story, but been there, done that. and if you go to blu, i am sure you have seen me... not sure if i know you, offhand...


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