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How much coke is too much?


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The purity of the product makes a difference. In this country most peeps are doing coke that is literally...and I mean literally 40-50% coke...the rest is cut (lidocaine, insitol, baby laxative etc...)

But sceintifically the LD 50 for a 150lb male human is suposed to be 2 grams (pure coke). Now keep in mind that number is taken from rat studies.

To cut to the chase...you've had enough when the comedown outweighs the euphoria of getting high. Your own body will tell you when it's time. Listen to it

Did I ramble long enough????


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Originally posted by rybomaster

How much coke is too much? How much is dangerous?

when you've done so much coke that your nose is in such pain that you can't breath thru it, and you just want to rip ur damn nose off cause ur in so much pain!!!!!

Well actually I'd say stop before you get to this point cause u ain't gonna like it one bit trust me.

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Originally posted by djscotphreak

The purity of the product makes a difference. In this country most peeps are doing coke that is literally...and I mean literally 40-50% coke...the rest is cut (lidocaine, insitol, baby laxative etc...)

But sceintifically the LD 50 for a 150lb male human is suposed to be 2 grams (pure coke). Now keep in mind that number is taken from rat studies.

To cut to the chase...you've had enough when the comedown outweighs the euphoria of getting high. Your own body will tell you when it's time. Listen to it

Did I ramble long enough????


how would one go about getting 100% pure shit? is it possible even if you pay up??

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Too much is never enough! That's the whole problem!

no seriously, I stop when I experience the following conditions:

1. Nosebleed

2. Sinus headache and pressure

3. When my senses become severly distorted... music blurs as well as my vision.... that's fucking High!

I completely agree with djscotphreak, you have to listen to your body, and maintain a resonable mindset.

have fun!

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don't believe a word anyone says when they say.."I got pure coke"

I hear this shit all the time...as soon as it hits land it gets stepped on like you wouldn't believe...and imagine how many times it gets cut by the time it gets to the buy who buying 1 measley little gram.

1 kilo = 2.2lbs

2.2lbs = 925 grams

By the time those 925 G's get to each one of us little guys (who buys 1 single gram) who knows what the hell is in it.

The 80's was the time for coke and purity...now it's the Heroin that is breaking records for street level purity...almost 95% in some places!

I am a babblin' fool today:blown:

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you guys just live in the wrong state.

In Miami a 8 ball is about $75 if you know the right people and about 90% pure.

I recently had a guy offering me 8 balls for $50, that he was chipping off a half of a kilo rock with a file.

But I don't do coke, I have enough problems allready :)

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You're that much closer to the boats...by the time it reaches tri-sate area its crap...

Seriously though...you're right...it's how high in the chain you are...(read who you know)

Whenever I am in Miami...never once have I gottten beat with Coke. Prices are so much better too.

You can get rock her and it's all crap

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Originally posted by shroomy

damn hroark,

who is John Gault for a sig... I didn't think anyone on this board read a book besides "The Essential Calvin & Hobbes"

please tell me it wasn't for a book report or something :)

whi is john galt for a cig? what does that mean? no book report here - i'm a big ayn rand fan - look at my screen name. get that allusion?


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Ok i dont about you guys but the shit i get that is for a special occasion comes in a small brown squishy ball. it goes for a hundred a gram. when you try to cut it you cant. it is too wet. when you try to compress it liquid comes out of it. PUT ONE DROP OF LIQUID ON YOUR TONGUE AND YOUR ENTIRE FUCKING FACE IS NUMB. I do the prep work by myslef meaning blow drying and drying the shit out becasue you cant do it until it is dry. The shit comes from colombia and i have seen it come in kilos. i guess i am privileged the way you guys are talking about coke you are making it seem like it is baby powder. get in touch wiht me and we will be out of our minds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Hmmm...I would basically say too much is when u get a nose bleed, or feel a heart attack coming on...but per the words of Johnny Depp in Blow..."the average human body can take 1.5 grams." Of course that's without a buildup of tolerance or constant use.

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Originally posted by klohe

Hmmm...I would basically say too much is when u get a nose bleed, or feel a heart attack coming on...but per the words of Johnny Depp in Blow..."the average human body can take 1.5 grams." Of course that's without a buildup of tolerance or constant use.

great flick, by the way.....

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Originally posted by hroark

whi is john galt for a cig? what does that mean? no book report here - i'm a big ayn rand fan - look at my screen name. get that allusion?



HAHA- shit, I always loved your sig but for some reason your screename didn't pop out at me as well!

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there is no such thing as "pure Coke" in powder form. even the extract from the coca leaf itself is not pure..The process by which the extract is refined has been improved over the years..but keep

in mind that the extract goes through 3 different processes before it becomes cocaine hydrochloride or "powder" (about 85% cocaine, 15% chemical by products and hydrochloride salts). having said that i can assure you that a 1 kilo brick can become 2 kilos and the average dealer would never

know...let alone the average user.. what you buy on the street depends on the weight your dealer buys... if he's buying multiple ounces youre gonna get decent quality...if he's small time he has to cut it so he can make a good profit.. keep in mind

that a kilo right off the boat will run at least 17k so if a local guy is selling for less than 22k hes cutting it.... and for all you people who think you're getting good stuff cause its all one peice... think again.. i can show lotsa different

ways to rerock coke...I can even make that shiny oily fish scale that everyone raves about... this is all illegal so i would never do it... nor am i implying that i ever have

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it amazes me the shit people talk about and implicate themselves in on these boards..just an fyi your IP address is logged and that can easily be traced back to your ISP and back to you...

beware what you type for you know not who reads it.

reason i mention this is because i specialize in network security and these things are trival if not cake to trace....

:blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank:

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