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What Whould You Do If You Have Ten Million Dollar$?

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I would put 7 million in a safety deposit box, invest one million in something decent (most likely real estate). I would probably buy a nice apartment building or businness and run it. Buy myself a nice cadillac, and take the rest of it and place it into savings in various banks. Maybe even open a delicatessen.

Taxes would also rip me a new asshole, so I would be careful.

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First and foremost, I certainly would never work again.. at least not for someone else. I would gather a group of close friends for a weekend getaway in Vegas to party and fire at the tables, buy a BMW or a Benz, nice home tucked away in the suberbs, invest some of it. The remaining would be used to build the largest possible bomb filled with VX poison gas to be dropped on Bin Ladin and the Taliban.

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i would buy a club and make it the sickest fucking place that New York has ever seen. Best dj'sin the world,craziest lightshows and best looking place ever. All the people from ClubPlanet would get comped and get VIP treatment too. I would also have the best house dealer and he would give 2 for one deals to the Clubplanet people so the fun wouldnt stop for everyone. Afterhours until the next night. Showers and lots of baby lotion. The hottest speaker dancers and the best glowstickers in the east. I cant think of a name for it tho somebody help me out.

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Originally posted by pablodiablox

I would Open Twilo2.

Hellz Yeah!!

I'll throw my 10 mill into that club if you were lookin for a partner...if not

Can we say Porsche GT3? Can we say phatty apartment near my family in BK? Can we say diamond ring for my girl? 10 mill as a 20 year old would do rather nicely, and with what is left, look towards the future.

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10 million dollars...

I would take care of my family first.

Then I would open up a club where the whole atmosphere was centered around the music, the positive vibe, and the intense energy. No drugs, no alcohol, no velvet ropes. Just you, the people, and the music. No bullshit. I'd get a DJ who cares more about the crowd than about himself. Take everyone on a real trip...a natural high. That's my dream...experiencing electronic music in it's purest form.

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Originally posted by momadance

i would buy 1/5th of a NYC election

anf by the way, 1 million is not nearly enough to start inversting in Real Estate with (unless its a small outer borough property), and 10 million is not enough to start a fourtune 500 business

Well,it wouldn't be a Fortune 500 company right away...lol...but in a while, it would...I guess I have weird goals.

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Originally posted by momadance

i would buy 1/5th of a NYC election

anf by the way, 1 million is not nearly enough to start inversting in Real Estate with (unless its a small outer borough property), and 10 million is not enough to start a fourtune 500 business

a mil is plenty to invest in real estate if its a fund...

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