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Satoshi/Pappas at Vinyl last night...

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Just wanted to say I had a great time with all you CP peeps at Vinyl last night Satoshi and Pappas were on!

lavendermenace: yay! a new neighbor! you're maaaaaad cool: :D

barvybe: yay! another neighbor! rekanize 11222! :D

xpander: you dancing maniac, your pits did *not* smell! :laugh:

romy20: fun as always...it's about time we actually *found* each other this time..

joeG: congrats, bro! you sure had a good time last night :D

saigray: do you *ever* take a rest???

mysterynyc: nice seeing you and your friends again...sorry we didn't get to chill longer! Catch you at pseudo...

Did I miss anyone? Sorry about that...it was a long night...

LOL...you guys remember that one dude who was talking to us at the 5am meetup (his name sounded like "Rollin'"!) how F'ed up was that guy?? And remember what he taught us, kids..."you can hide your drugs in your shoes...and they won't find them!!" :laugh:

see you for Deep Dish next Sat...

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Yeah, last night was great. :D

Shannon & Romina: Your the best!

Pete: Always cool. How was SF after? I joked with romina that I could hit that up for another 5 hours or so.. lol

Saigray: Nice meeting you, hope to see you again

Nathan: haha, I thought you were cracked out when I met you, and then Shannon's like "no... hes sober..." and i'm like "hahaha, wow, then that guy's cool"

Mike: I had a Great time, thanks for the help. I still have your cds, I forgot to give one to Romina, i'll give it to her next time I see her... Can't wait to hear em...

Jennifer: where were you all night? lol... Nice meeting you.

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Originally posted by joeg

Yeah, last night was great. :D

Shannon & Romina: Your the best!

Pete: Always cool. How was SF after? I joked with romina that I could hit that up for another 5 hours or so.. lol

Saigray: Nice meeting you, hope to see you again

Nathan: haha, I thought you were cracked out when I met you, and then Shannon's like "no... hes sober..." and i'm like "hahaha, wow, then that guy's cool"

Mike: I had a Great time, thanks for the help. I still have your cds, I forgot to give one to Romina, i'll give it to her next time I see her... Can't wait to hear em...

Jennifer: where were you all night? lol... Nice meeting you.

lol... I was there! I made it!! Better late then never!! (Damn the darkness and those flashing lights, makes it impossible to spot anyone)

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I had a fuckin awesome time last night, and I actually remeber ALL of it. what a novelty.

SATOSHI fuckin rocked it. I love him so much. It was so cool to see him somewhere other than filter.

Pappa, on the other hand, kinda bored me. It was good for like the first 2 hours and after that there wasnt really anything very interesting. too dark and progressive and too much downtime, too much standing around. I kept waiting for it to get good....

oh well, I still had a fuckin great time and danced my ass off. I was beat when I went home and then it occured to me that BARVYBE was on his way to factory....crazy mofo...

JOEG- my little bro.... you made me smile so much last night. BIG hugz

BROOKLYNKID- you're maaad cool too! we gotta chill in the hood sometime!

MR. X- go get your work done, slacker. and btw how come hacker gets a phone call and I dont. :tongue:

ROMINA- girl, the chicks were defintiely reprezentin last night. sorry you had such an extended tour of lower manhattan.

SAI- where the hell were you all night?

HEY QUOTH- you suck.

BIG thank yous to glowsticks and NYC420.

much love kidz...


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I had such a fun night last night lol

and to think that i was originally gonna stay home, but decided to go out lol

oh but wait i forgot, we did get lost for like what 3 hours trying to find fucking hubert street omg wtf

3 hoursssssssss thats insane

or as i called it last nite , an atrocity lol

but yeah to all of u guys that were there i had so much fun with all yous!!! well i always do so u know lol

omg hahaahhaah i remember that guy that all of a sudden came up to everyone and was like "are you ready to partyyyyy"

and he seriously went up to everyone and asked em that. haha wow some peeople need help lol

i know i met a few people last night but im sorry the only one i rememner is nyc420 , sorry bad memory and last nite i wasnt doing to well with that iether lol

but it was nice meeting u


ok well cant wait till nextt time:D


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All in all, pretty good.....so tired....so i'll like....greet and beat...or something.......

lavendermenace: no words needed :) *MUAH*

BrooklynKid: still gotta listen to your CD WHERE's MAH CANDY?!?!?!?!

barvybe: how's de factory? ;) YOU MUST STAY......

romy20: tight tops and irritated nipples and compulsive rubbing of arm? hmmmm...........oh wait, that's not all you.......DIESEL CRACKER! Where's my tight top huh????

joeG: Yo bro, where's de IM? nexttime, how about coming with your man? :tongue:

saigray: *wink* i saw you in action :D

mysterynyc: Bro, you and Tasha, WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?!!? Baruch trippin...lol

JennEfer: AHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I'll forgive you....

Quoth: ASS! But well.......looks like you weren't the only one who bailed...


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damn.....all you people were there and i didn't know!!! only person i bumped into was p00h and i was positive i caught a glimpse of barvybe. (tried to catch up to you to say hello but u disappeared into the crowd). i was the skiiiny girl in the black shorts w/ dark blonde hair (not to be confused w/ the girl that was w/ me) if ne1 passed by. good night!!. i stayed untill 6 or so.

but it def did not top the factory afterhours this morning!!!

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

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Originally posted by bkissa

damn.....all you people were there and i didn't know!!! only person i bumped into was p00h and i was positive i caught a glimpse of barvybe. (tried to catch up to you to say hello but u disappeared into the crowd). i was the skiiiny girl in the black shorts w/ dark blonde hair (not to be confused w/ the girl that was w/ me) if ne1 passed by. good night!!. i stayed untill 6 or so.

but it def did not top the factory afterhours this morning!!!

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

were you and your friend wearing *really* short shorts and dancing near the entrance to the lounge at around 6am? cause if so, we were right there near the edge of the dancefloor...

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Hi everyone! I had a great time as well

OK, no complete roll call of all of u from me, but was great hanging wtih all u all.

Sai, it has been forever. no more of that, k?

Romy and Joe: awesome chilling with u. sorry it took so long for u to find us

nathan and lav - my running mates - what is there to say?

bkissa: ok, two clubs in the same night and both times we miss each other...lol...i think this happens to us every week!

mike: good to have a new neighbor! i like it out here

so, yes, i ran off to Fucktory at some point. JP was still warming up i think. Ran into all the folks i was looking for (cept Kissa). Joe and Romy, if u guys were up, u shoulda come....not too crowded and lots of energy.

ok, so why am i so wide awake now?


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Originally posted by brooklynkid

were you and your friend wearing *really* short shorts and dancing near the entrance to the lounge at around 6am? cause if so, we were right there near the edge of the dancefloor...

yeah was that u , cause i saw those 2 girls also, wiat mike lol we were prolly sitting toghether haaha

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WOW guys, I love you all too! And I love Satoshi not only for his music and his cute little face peaking out from behind the tables, but also for bringing together such beautiful gatherings..Satoshi nights are always full of my favorite people.

Last night was an absolute delight, and so funny because I went with a group of people who were 1 underaged German intern from my company who had never been out in NY because she thought everything was 21+ and 2 guys from the midwest who were gonna go to Exit for their big night out, but I convinced to take a chance on a littler dirtier place called Vinyl. So I waltz in there with them and run into Nathan first, then non cp Dave and non cp friend Al, then walking find Pete and Shannon, get spotted by Brooklynkid, later on my ex's roommate and his girlfriend come running up to say hi, Wizard of Trance and Jilly McBunny give me hugs....not to toot my own horn but I felt like such a fuckin scenester...these kids just kept looking at me in infinite amusement, everytime I introduced them to someone else, and laughing about how I could know everyone in random club. Anyway they all had a great time, I feel good for sharing the love, and I got to see so many of you lovelies...

Romy, Jennefer, MysteryNyc and exit2heaven, I missed u guys/don't know u, next time perhaps?

And Brooklynkid, I think you've seen me out enough now to answer that question..."Hardly ever!" (And Nathan, you can stop winking! Stop it!) Till next time....

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Originally posted by mysterynyc

whats up. it was a pleasant surprise to see my Pseudo crew on Saturday.i hope to spin with/for you people again. Maybe this Wednesday, but DEFINATELY on the 20th.peace!

Hey, were u at pseudo this thursday, cause then I probably did meet u, or at least catch a glimpse of u. Which room did u spin in/when?

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satoshi was definitely great on sat. and i recognized some faces that i see at filter 14 when he spins there but i don't know if any of them post on cp.....anyway it was a great night even though i got there rather late and like someone mentioned before it was great to see satoshi at vinyl and i hope to see some cp heads when he spins again this month at filter 14.

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Originally posted by saigray

Hey, were u at pseudo this thursday, cause then I probably did meet u, or at least catch a glimpse of u. Which room did u spin in/when?

Yeah, I spun from 11-1145...right after BrooklynKid's set. I was the guy in the light blue shirt.My names Greg. I dont know if you remember, I started off with some deep house, no one was dancing, then i dropped this Starecase track, the whole place was jumping :).

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

were you and your friend wearing *really* short shorts and dancing near the entrance to the lounge at around 6am? cause if so, we were right there near the edge of the dancefloor...

yea that was right before i left. the girl w/ the really blonde hair was my friend. i have darker hair. wish i met u guys there. :(

did i miss out on a lot after i left?

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Originally posted by bkissa

yea that was right before i left. the girl w/ the really blonde hair was my friend. i have darker hair. wish i met u guys there. :(

did i miss out on a lot after i left?

yeah we were sitting rite on that couch thingy, u and ur friend were dancing there or soemthing and then had ur jackets and stuff.

how come u didnt go to the meetup or u didnt know about it

oh well next time

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i didn't know you guys had a meetup. i wasn't even going to go. let me tell you, jersey heads are WEAK!...i went out for a b-day before that. i thought we were going to be out for a while but at 1 they all got "tired" and went home. i just had them drop me of at vinyl. the night didn't end for me until 8pm the next day. i really wish i knew one person as crazy as i am to party with.

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Originally posted by exit2heaven

Damn....i didnt get to meet any new clubplanet peeps.....i prolly saw u guys.....i was with 2 black kids...both ravers....and i was the asian of the group with a red cut off shirt and red visor....WHAT UP YAH!!!

Whassup Tino...I saw you for a brief second...

We gotta meet these new kids some day!

Yeah yeah, y'all are new kids. It's all good...

Who's coming to Deep Dish? Where/when the meetup?

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Originally posted by bkissa

i didn't know you guys had a meetup. i wasn't even going to go. let me tell you, jersey heads are WEAK!...i went out for a b-day before that. i thought we were going to be out for a while but at 1 they all got "tired" and went home. i just had them drop me of at vinyl. the night didn't end for me until 8pm the next day. i really wish i knew one person as crazy as i am to party with.

Dayam girl...how did you go to work on Monday?

btw, doesn't kisa mean kat in Russian?

Deep Dish is gonna rock it this Sat...

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