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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

To Peeps that's been on this Message..

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Board for at least a year.

What changes in activity or outlook have you noticed within the last year that is directly or indirectly affected by this message board?

Let me go first. I'll try not to be too maudlin! Because of this mesage board I have had alot of good times. Memorable meet-ups. I have met alot of cool people.




Oh shit....I'm having alot of mental blocks..





...there's more but you get my drift...

Just want to pay my respects to this message board and all the things I've enjoyed about it and from it.

So thanks to all those who have been so quick to answer my stupid questions like where is this and this club at...or who is spinnning where,...what is the dress code like...

So true true true...Peace out.

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I've met really cool people from the board and even became friends with some.

And also because of some people ive even tried out places or clubs that i would not normally go to lol

but hey its been really cool:D

really lookin forward to the next meetup:)

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i wanna thank scottyscribs for introducing me to this board, i've met a lot of awesome people, you know who you are...

ive been away at school now, and havent been to many clubs lately, but i can always find out whats going on just by logging on, i hope to see all of you over winter break, and catch up on the life, ever since twilo closed its been tough, but that is the way it works,

see y'all under the ball



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Well, if it weren't for this board, I wouldn't have met almost all of the people I know, or my best friend.

I wouldn't have had nearly as much fun and I doubt I would have found such great people to lean on in September.

Thanks guys, look forward to seein' you all soon. And I wont list any names since there's just too many, but Gambit is def one of 'em.


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actually I was just thinking why do I bother reading this board anymore, I hardly ever see anynames I reconize anymore, the topics repeat over and with all the same responces but by different people, and worst of all nobody replys to threads I post, and those who do are peeps who know me, Not that I dont like that, but it seems people then only look for people they know to respond too.

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Originally posted by inyourdreams

bc of this board i didnt get any of my school work done forcing me to get put on probation:laugh:

yeah i know what u mean, i'd have something important to do for school, and instead id just come here and post or read stuff.

like right now i should be doin stuff for my resume but nooooooooooooooo im on clubplanet haha

this board is seriously addicting im so serious

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hey mike, gimmie a call, or a pm, we should chillim getting back on the 14th and i'd love to party with ya, im so club depreived down in delaware, all we have is philly clubs, and those suck, you have my numbers on PM and if you dont, PM me and i'll give it to you, hope you r planning for a good new year, im coming mike, and i want to party, gimmie a call or PM, later on, Long Live TWILO, i'll see ya Later,


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shit - has it been a year?!? :eek:

wow, my first meetup was a dinner at apple and i remember being scared out of my mind about going - going to a bar and joining a group of people that probably already all knew each other... but i had a great night and met two of my very dearest friends.

i really do miss you since i moved out to l.a. it really was amazing how often i started to run into cpers. but i do visit nyc and i'll run into your crazy asses again; and you won't get rid of me in print (on this or the l.a. board) anytime soon ;) .

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Well eventhough I don't frequent this board as often as I used to, I do still check in here and there.

Honestly though, almost all of my closest friendships were started here with clubplanet.

And best of all, I met my best friend here. (and he makes sweet love to me all the time)

Art, it's always a pleasure to see you on the boards but even moreso in person.

Maybe if I make it out to Vinyl on Sat., I'll see you again. (and this time I wont get thrown out)

Love to all,


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damn its been a year for me as well...

wow...well im grateful for a lot...meeting a ton of cool people...now having the ability to walk into any club by myself and by the end of the night saying whats up to about 10 people cuz they're from the board..having a broader appreciation for people of different scenes...and also to be one of the few that have seen nightclub messageboards evolve to the point it is today...

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Hey Art!

well.. if it wasn't for this board I wouldn't have met some really great people! I love you guys!

and as for B2B He chimes in every now and again.. don't know if he's still in Chi-town or what ...haven't seen him in ages!

I love and miss you Casey ! Thank you for making this possible!

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Hey....I remember all those times you would *pop* up at a club somewhere outta the blue. That was the best :D I've come to have known a lot of great people here that I never thought would existed in the *virtual* world...haha, looking back though tons of great times with friends :laugh:

-Jamms "seeyouonadancefloorsomewheresoon" :cool:

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Originally posted by apotheosis

actually I was just thinking why do I bother reading this board anymore, I hardly ever see anynames I reconize anymore, the topics repeat over and with all the same responces but by different people, and worst of all nobody replys to threads I post, and those who do are peeps who know me, Not that I dont like that, but it seems people then only look for people they know to respond too.

well thats what was happening before with the other ppl that left, who ever knew each other always responded to each post. So its alwyas gonna be like that unless the post is good, some good party info or something, not saying some posts r useless..but am saying if someone posted hi....they won't get too many responses ...compared to someone posting about a great party going on...

also I like the new faces, n ppl we have on the board. Yeah there's lots of them, but thats whats cool about it. I also dont' think posts these days are that bad. I love clubplanet compared to other messageboards where I feel like some are just useless posts all the time, just ppl knowing each other, nothing interesting.

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I met lots of cool ppl on cp. I met some of my good friends here, also club partners. If it wasn't for clubplanet I'd be home every weekend cause my friends dont really go clubbing. I love clubplanet, its over a year and am still hooked everyday to it. Also Ive met my sweetheart, Tunnelbandit ;) awwwwwww :tongue:

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20

well thats what was happening before with the other ppl that left, who ever knew each other always responded to each post. So its alwyas gonna be like that unless the post is good, some good party info or something, not saying some posts r useless..but am saying if someone posted hi....they won't get too many responses ...compared to someone posting about a great party going on...

also I like the new faces, n ppl we have on the board. Yeah there's lots of them, but thats whats cool about it. I also dont' think posts these days are that bad. I love clubplanet compared to other messageboards where I feel like some are just useless posts all the time, just ppl knowing each other, nothing interesting.

Yeah that's what I like about clubplanet. Other message boards no one replys to your post if they don't know you.

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