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The Only Good Thing About Roxy...

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Originally posted by roninmess

I know I'm not seeing people say there is crappy music... complain about the crowd venue vibe whatever, but not the music. VIcious is fierce.

yes u are

i'm not feeling the tracks he's been playing

maybe in total about 3 from this past fri

and he didnt do much with them either

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Originally posted by xtacyroxy

Well guys, if you don't like the Roxy, then please name one place where there's no T&A, no ugly ass guys grabbing girls' behinds or any Juice-Heads walking around. I mean EXIT? Factory? It's everywhere, but in my opinion roxy has the least of all of them.


significantly lower juicehead/hoochie to other ratios exist at:




filter 14



even centro

and a whole bunch of other places I cant think of at the moment.

and BTW- I NEVER go to Exit and I VERY RARELY go to SF. so I guess it makes sesne that I feel this way.

and furthermore, I liked Roxy much better before they had the promoters they have now.

I'm really not trying to start shit kidz. you're welcome to have your scene. I just dont care for it.

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

i soooooooooo disagree. i mean, the venue aint great....but from my point of view...T&A is fuckin cool!!! there were mad hot girl there..but im not even there for that. roxy is def my favorite place now....and its because of one man....JOHNNY FUCKIN VICIOUS!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

. . You do have to keep in mind that there are 2 distinct CP crews talking here . . . one that digs the glam . . the other not . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . You do have to keep in mind that there are 2 distinct CP crews talking here . . . one that digs the glam . . the other not . .

i beg to differ

i can only speak for myself

but its not a matter of not digging glam

cause i like both types of venues

from vinyl to sf, float etc

i guess i am not feeling roxy for many reasons

but primarily cause of the music and crowd

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the CP crew is what gets me there if not, the only way I'd be out on friday is for DT or well that's private ;) I feel the disappointment in the rest of the crowd though if it wasn't for the barrier around me of CP peeps , then I would be highly offended by all the people there for the scene or to "hookup" instead of for the music I mean seriously those dressed up chicks with tiny tops and heels not made for dancing and bulky over-cologned guidos just take up my dance space! :)

And if you're on the dancefloor or in the basement at Fuctory you don't encounter that crowd as much that's how I can spend 12 hours there

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BITCHING BITCHING BITCHING, Did you forget to mention that the freaking place has been free.... The system is nice , Vicious is intense, the crowd is nice. No people bumping into you and bugging, lot less drugs, nicer staff, and the Dj The Music and my ass will be there every weekend.

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Originally posted by rdancer

BITCHING BITCHING BITCHING, Did you forget to mention that the freaking place has been free.... The system is nice , Vicious is intense, the crowd is nice. No people bumping into you and bugging, lot less drugs, nicer staff, and the Dj The Music and my ass will be there every weekend.

Not really bitching, just expressing opinion.

- It was only free because CP hooked it up and for the record if you got there too late it was 35, 2 weeks ago and 30 last week.

-the system is definitely good. wish I could hear something interesting on it.

- Viscious bores me (sorry)

- the crowd makes me rather nauscious.(excluding CP of course)

- I got bumped into repeatedly and had my ass grabbed 2 times last friday (and I wasnt even hooched up)

- lot less drugs. very true. we'll see how it is in 2 months.

- staff is pretty cool. we'll see how it is in 2 months.

- regardless of my personal opinions, I'm always happy to hear that people had a good time. so, if you've found a venue that caters to you, GREAT!. have an awesome time.

I'll be at vinyl if anyone needs me!


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I absolutely loved Roxy on Friday!! I didn't think it was a T&A show at all, I actually thought it was a lot more classy than the usual Exit *take your shirts off now* crowd.. I definitely got a wonderful vibe from the place, everyone was there on one dance floor for the same reason: to hear Johnny Vicious tear it up!! I had a lot of fun Friday and really enjoyed myself, and I am definitely coming back next week!! :D:D :D

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obviously everyone has a different taste in music. i myslef like ALOT of different types. just in the electronic music i LOVE, absolutely love hard trance, like what vicious plays. but i also love the fact that he can slow it down and play somethin trancey just when u need it, like PPK-Resurrection for example. but i also love listenin to vocal house, deep house, tech house, and disco house.

obviously not everyone is gonna like what johnny spins. but no one can deny that the guy has mad talent!! not just as a dj, but as a producer/remixer also. and u also cant deny that he is one of the classiest people in the industry. who else would take the time to come and meet us all, and chill with us, and take pictures with us, and let ME in the dj booth (hehehehe) :tongue:

i loved every second of the music on friday. it was great track after great track. Adrenaline, Moonshine, Get Down, Rapture, Trippin, Resurrection, First Strike, Journey to Uranus, Children, Needle Destruction, Fearsome Bass, etc. etc. etc.

but i agree that the crowd is not good. there are wayyyyyy too many exit heads there. and even though im a youngin too, they're are too many young kids there. im only 20, but for the past 2 years since i turned 18, ive been all about goin to nyc and dancin my ass off at as many different venues as possible. and they're are still alot i havent been to yet. but i understand this scene, and i love it, and i go to hear amazing beats...even though i may get fucked up sometimes, i still go to enjoy the music. but at roxy it seems as though half these people dont even know who johnny vicious is, and have never seen him live b4.

when i saw johnny at SF, it seemed as though everyone was into him, and into his music. i miss the people who would be pointing at him in the booth, screaming out his name, and screaming when they heard almost every song come on cuz they loved it. i was doin that stuff on friday, along with my other "true" johnny fans, like MSoprano, GGfella, Trancerxn, Roninmess, Rdancer, etc etc. so at least i was surrounded by a group of people that were into it. but that place def lacked vibe and energy.

but i think the crowd will get better as the weeks go on. the people who werent feelin it will just stop comin back, and the "diehard" johnny fans will stick around and start to make their presence known, like they did at SF. i still think SF was the best venue for him. but roxy can be good for him too...if his crowd makes it that way. all the johnny fans NEED to be there as much as they can, and they NEED to scream and holler his name, and dance their asses off, and jump up and down, and just be into it as much as i was this past friday. then this party will be good, and it will last. i think this has a legitimate shot to be one of the biggest, longest-lasting parties in the city....if the people make it that way. if all these juiceheads, exitheads, and young kids keep comin, bein all fucked up, and passin out all over the place, and goin to fuck in corners, then this party will suck and will not last. but if us true johnny vicious fans make a strong presence week after week, it will cause the rest of the people to get into it more...and make this party what it is meant to be.

whewwww....was that enough??? hahahahaha!!! :laugh:

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OK, i haven't been there

but i've heard JV before

and i get into him for one night

the problem, IMO, with him is illustrated by your post: he isn't interesting!! He drops past and current standards that everyone knows. I can hear those anywhere. I wanna hear some cool stuff, some stuff i don't know, interestingly mixed. Then drop a standard on me for a break and get me all crazy.

Roxy has an amazing space (don't know what the sound is like at the moment). Couple years ago i used to go every friday. They could hold a lot of peeps there.

As for comparing it to Exit in terms of how many shirtless people there are, u might as well be talking about the beach!!! Problem is that the place is so big that JV's party ain't gonna last there unless he can attract more than his diehard fans. Personally, i think 30 bucks is a little steep, especially since they have a bar and don't stay open that late.

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

i soooooooooo disagree. i mean, the venue aint great....but from my point of view...T&A is fuckin cool!!! there were mad hot girl there..but im not even there for that. roxy is def my favorite place now....and its because of one man....JOHNNY FUCKIN VICIOUS!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

id have to agree with the man...he knows what he is talkin about, exit blows roxy,s leftovers...:D

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

I'm sorry but infinite T & A = shirtless juiceheads scamming hoochies = crappy ass music = unnessesary groping and not nearly enough dancing, but thats just my opinion and NOT my scene. you're welcome to have it, but I dont need to see it.

Besides how the fuck do chicks dance in those ridiculous shoes anyway?



(and BTW- I'm damn cute without pushing up my tits, sticking out my ass, giving myself 6 inches with heels and plastering makeup all over my face. I find it unnecessary, but hey- to each her own.)

:bounce: <---- cant do that in heels!


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Originally posted by codica3

I absolutely loved Roxy on Friday!! I didn't think it was a T&A show at all, I actually thought it was a lot more classy than the usual Exit *take your shirts off now* crowd.. I definitely got a wonderful vibe from the place, everyone was there on one dance floor for the same reason: to hear Johnny Vicious tear it up!! I had a lot of fun Friday and really enjoyed myself, and I am definitely coming back next week!! :D:D :D

~~~totally agreee!!:D

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