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Do you let your b/f or g/f go to a club without you?

Do you let your b/f or g/f go to club without you?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you let your b/f or g/f go to club without you?

    • yes
    • no

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Im stuck in this position where I trust my g/f but i dont trust guys especially if she gets messed up in the club so what should i do let her go or not let her go? and leave your reply with what u do with your situations although i think its tougher for guys to let girls go to club without them than it is for girls to let guys go without them

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HELLLLLLLZZZZZ NO!!! If I had a gf I wouldn't let her go clubbing without me. First, I don't want 100 guys rubbing up against her. And plus like you said, you could trust your girl... but what about the guys? A lot of guys out there don't give a shit. They'll do whatever....


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Originally posted by slyonspromos

Im stuck in this position where I trust my g/f but i dont trust guys especially if she gets messed up in the club so what should i do let her go or not let her go? and leave your reply with what u do with your situations although i think its tougher for guys to let girls go to club without them than it is for girls to let guys go without them

let her???? umm... not to be rude at all... but is this ur girlfriend or ur dog u are talking about????

honestly whats the point of trusting her if u are gonna monitor where she is goin?

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Originally posted by slyonspromos

Im stuck in this position where I trust my g/f but i dont trust guys especially if she gets messed up in the club so what should i do let her go or not let her go? and leave your reply with what u do with your situations although i think its tougher for guys to let girls go to club without them than it is for girls to let guys go without them

LET HER...like allow her????? R U kiddiNG ME????? SHe doesnt need Your PERMISSION...I cant believe you even have the thought of being able to control her like that??? She Should do whatever she wants....without asking for YOUR permission....I think thats totally ridiculous when in relationship you have to be "ALLOWED" to do certain things....ARghhhhh....ThaT is not a HeaLthy relationship....SHe has her OWN brain to make her OWN decisions...so LET HER!!! Thats just my 2 cents....

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Originally posted by northnjguy21

if she want's to go let her live ofcourse i wouldn't trust her and probley would go to a club my self to make her jealous but lol it works both ways u know:) :blown:

That's a good idea also... I did that once... my ex-gf went to Exit with her girls.....I went to SF with my boys.....

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If she wants to go, give her your blessing, along with a warning about all the guys there. If you trust her and warn her about the guys (and to always keep her drink in hand), you'll be ok. Plus, like the other guy said, you get to go out with your boys that night.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

easy on him glow, he just doesn't want other guys attacking his girl...:)

....I know I FrEAked out When I rEAD this thread, Bcuz, I have been in a RelatioNship where it was exactLy like that...I wasn't "ALLOWED" to Go Out...I was very YouNG STUpid and Naive, I acTUaLLY listened to him for 4 YEARS!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: He WAS so PATHETiC and I was even more pathetic for listening!!!

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Im torn between letting her go knowing that I trust her, and not letting her go, trusting other people. I wouldnt exactly be jumping for joy. If she went with a group of girlfriends it would be better, and if she wasnt participating in anything illegal I seriously wouldn't mind. But lets face it we all know how people can get on Drugs. So that would play an important factor on me. Otherwise if everything was in order I would give her my blessing, make luv to her before she went this way there wouldnt be an sexual frustration, run over the Blockbuster rent a dvd, smoke a joint ( If I did this), and pass out.

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This is retarded!!!

If u trust u'r girl, then it shouldn't be a problem.

If u don't trust her, u shouldn't be with her.

If u trust her but don't trust guys - let her go! So long as she's with a friend or two who cares if u trust the guys or not? So, someone rubs against her? She knows that's gonna happen. Are u saying that some guy is gonna overpower her and force her to kiss him or give him a hand job? Come on now - if u trust her nothing else matters. I mean, did she go out without u before u met? Don't u think she can take care of herself?

Being worried about someone being safe is natural. Smothering someone and taking away their freedom shows that u don't trust them. If i was the girl i'd run and never come back.

My girl is a hottie and only 5 foot 90lbs or so. I'd never think of limiting her cause i believe she'd never disrespect me.

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I also agree with glowgirlnyc......

This bothers me a lot. Especially when I hear people say things like, "Oh no....I can't go b/c "so and so" won't let me. WhAT??!!

Please. You're not a god damn dog or something and only allowed out when you are told to. If your bf of gf is so worried about you in the first place then you shouldn't be with them anyway. Relationships are all about trust. If you dont have that then you have nothing as far as I see it.

Lighten up.......oh yeah and also WEAR whatever the hell u want. No one should be able to regulate what you wear when either. Thats another thing that pisses me off.

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Originally posted by lolly

I also agree with glowgirlnyc......

Lighten up.......oh yeah and also WEAR whatever the hell u want. No one should be able to regulate what you wear when either. Thats another thing that pisses me off.

I am so with YOU on that!!! I have been Told what to wear and what not to wear by my ex...Now I know why parents say you shouldn't be in a relationship if you're really young....

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I def agree with glowgrlnyc you cant tell ppl where to go, not to go...what to do...etc. I hate that..I used to be in a relationship like that too for about 4 years too. I hated when he told me dont go out clubbing, but guess what? I still did even though that was the end of our relationship cuz he never trusted me b4 due to his insecurities and trusted me less after I went clubbing. A woman should never take that kinda crap from anyone. We have our own minds. Also whats with guys telling girls what to wear? its like u met me like this and now since am with u , u want me to change? NO WAY!!!

If ur in a relationship there should be trust , cause guess what if she/he wants to cheat they will find a way. In my relationship now I can go out anywhere and so can he cuz we trust each other thats the way it should be.

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as much as i do agree that a person in a relationship should be able to do as they please as long as the other person trusts them, the issue of going clubbing is a sticky issue. it's been a tough one b/t my boyfriend and i of 3 years.

i don't think we need to jump down slyonpromos throat, as a lot of people in relationships feel the same as he does.

my boyfriend trusts me and i trust him as well, and we both have the option to go clubbing without the other person. however, my boyfriend does share the same feelings as sly; if guys are willing to hit on me even when he is there, it makes him feel uncomfortable to know that will increase tenfold when he is not there. this does bother me, but i understand i won't be able to change his feelings even though he does trust me.

so my advice: compromise. if she wants to go to a club without you, perhaps she will understand you feel uncomfortable with her being fucked up. then ask her if she would mind not dropping or taking drugs. if she wants to go to a club that bad, it shouldn't matter if she is fucked up or not.

when you are in a relationship, it's more than just trust.. it's a matter of compromising and making 2 people happy. not just yourself.

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my xbf...i trusted, so i always let him go to clubs w/o me.

but then he met a girl and left me for her :(

so, nowwwww i dunno what i would do. im just single and enjoying that.

rule of thumb:

group of girls go to clubs to chill with firends.

group of guys go to clubs to check out girls

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If I HAD a boyfriend.. I would let him come out to the club with me.. I'm not trying to hide anything or whatever.. it's not like I go to clubs to hook up.. :D

If he wanted to go somewhere else, that's fine too.. I would hope I would trust him enough to be a good boy..

But then again, what I don't know can't hurt me.. ;)

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